"Wearing masks won't prevent people from catching COVID-19."

You won't wear a mask to limit the spread of a deadly disease
you have no evidence that is true. but thanks for playing.
I could counter that with, there is no evidence that shooting somebody in the head will kill them. There has never been a scientific study to prove it.

You're a fucking idiot, because the effects of gunshot wounds on the head, and all the various results it can produce, have been studied extensively. My God, do you just spout the first thing that drifts through your empty skull and tell yourself it MUST be pithy and brilliant?
Get real. These are medical expert opinions and their predictions have come true as to what happens when people don't wear masks and don't social distance, so cut the crap and get with the program. Other countries, like Canada,
have gotten the virus under control by following expert advice. Your grifter is ill-equipped to lead us during this dire crisis. Stop acting like a high school kid with no life experience and lacking in basic reasoning skills.
name one prediction that came true!!! come on Einieee
Fauci and other medical experts predicted that the explosion of the virus would occur if we opened the country too soon and did not wear masks and social distance. And guess what? European countries are getting it under control
and are opening, except to us and a few others.
Everyone in Walmart is wearing a mask, and then we all touch the self checkout kiosks with our bare hands as we're leaving.

AND all the stuff on the shelves.

My boys and I were in WalMart the other day, and as we went down the rug aisle, my 11-year-old reached out to run his hands along the fluffy rugs. His older brother was like, "Well, now you've got The Rona." Little one went, "Oh nooo!! Not The Rona!!!" They're laughing like hyenas, everyone around them is looking askance at them . . . I love hanging out with my boys.
Everyone in Walmart is wearing a mask, and then we all touch the self checkout kiosks with our bare hands as we're leaving.

AND all the stuff on the shelves.

My boys and I were in WalMart the other day, and as we went down the rug aisle, my 11-year-old reached out to run his hands along the fluffy rugs. His older brother was like, "Well, now you've got The Rona." Little one went, "Oh nooo!! Not The Rona!!!" They're laughing like hyenas, everyone around them is looking askance at them . . . I love hanging out with my boys.
Half those idiots panicking out there will be the first guinea pigs to jump in line for the vaccine too, watch.
In contrast to anything I've seen posted on these boards, I am influenced by our visits to various doctors, a medical lab, and a blood donation center where workers are wearing masks when they didn't before. If I didn't trust my doctor more than myself on medical matters then I'd find a new doctor.
In contrast to anything I've seen posted on these boards, I am influenced by our visits to various doctors, a medical lab, and a blood donation center where workers are wearing masks when they didn't before. If I didn't trust my doctor more than myself on medical matters then I'd find a new doctor.
Be your own doctor and don't trust any medical professional without a second or third opinion , unless he/she's your surgeon.

Most of them get half their wealth from big pharma stocks for one thing. But if you want to "Ask your doctor..." if xyzmopfran is right for you, go for it.
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Be your own doctor and don't trust any medical professional without a second or third opinion , unless he/she's your surgeon.

My finger's not going there and hell no about a 2nd or 3rd opinion on that. :omg:
Be your own doctor and don't trust any medical professional without a second or third opinion , unless he/she's your surgeon.

My finger's not going there and hell no about a 2nd or 3rd opinion on that. :omg:
Eat right, don't drink alcohol, take drugs or smoke tobacco, and chances are that
procedure won't be necessary. I'm 58 and the last time I saw a doctor was 2009
for a minor hernia repair surgery .
Fauci actually addressed that saying that masks also prevent people from touching their faces. So masks also guard against contact transmission.
glad we agree. when your nose itches because of the mask do you scratch it or not? LOL
Do you take off your underwear to scratch your ass?

Have you not ever seen someone - WalMart's a good place for this - sliding his hand down the back of his pants to scratch his ass?

Be that as it may, this is yet another of those analogies of yours that try to draw parallels between two things which aren't the same (you do that a lot, has anyone ever told you?) One's ass is not one's face, and most people will simply move the mask out of the way and scratch their noses directly.
I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's what he said.

(Very short clip )

So I got sick, really badly sick, for a full two weeks.

At the time, I was unemployed, and I had been using masks the entire time.

And ever since then, I've had an 'I don't care' mentality about the masks.

Because honestly, I was as isolated, and as "safe" and "locked down" as one could possibly get. There was no way for me to be less connected to society... and I still got horribly sick, with the 'social distancing' and with the 'mask wearing' and everything else.

It made zero difference.

So I've been like 'screw that' since then.

Of course you got tested and found it was actually the corona virus, right ?

It actually makes no difference whether it was coronavirus or not. If being locked down and wearing masks and social distancing worked as well as the political hypochondriacs in this country insist that it does, it would have worked on every OTHER respiratory disease as well. Duuuhhh.
Everyone in Walmart is wearing a mask, and then we all touch the self checkout kiosks with our bare hands as we're leaving.

AND all the stuff on the shelves.

My boys and I were in WalMart the other day, and as we went down the rug aisle, my 11-year-old reached out to run his hands along the fluffy rugs. His older brother was like, "Well, now you've got The Rona." Little one went, "Oh nooo!! Not The Rona!!!" They're laughing like hyenas, everyone around them is looking askance at them . . . I love hanging out with my boys.
Half those idiots panicking out there will be the first guinea pigs to jump in line for the vaccine too, watch.

I have no major objections to vaccines, as a rule. I've had all the childhood vaccinations that were standard 40-some years ago. On the other hand, I don't usually get flu vaccines when they come out every year, unless I'm expecting to be around a lot of respiratory-comprised people. I really don't care one way or the other about getting the flu, and I equally don't care one way or the other about getting Covid-19.

I'm almighty tired of these Chicken Littles playing like this is the second coming of the Black Death, though.
I have no major objections to vaccines, as a rule. I've had all the childhood vaccinations that were standard 40-some years ago. On the other hand, I don't usually get flu vaccines
I've never had one and haven't had a cold or flu of any kind in over 11 years since I quit smoking.

Of course, like Rickie Bobby says...
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