"Weed doesn't hurt anyone" Ohio family executed due to weed operations

Blaming weed for an execution...nice.

Next the OP is going to tell us that Money should be illegal because people are executed for that all the time
If this is true then it is probably caused by people who are doing it illegally somewhere. I'm still convinced that de-criminalizing drugs might get rid of some of the violence around drugs because people who are already on that side of the law probably attract the worse kind of people that are already there.
Blaming weed for an execution...nice.

Next the OP is going to tell us that Money should be illegal because people are executed for that all the time

Can't bitch about weed...can't bitch about my favorite habbit...can't bitch about weed.

Go smoke up and get killed somewhere.
My prediction is that they will never find the hit man. He was long gone before the first body was discovered.
Most likely they were offed for interfering with columbian marijuana trafficking.
Blaming weed for an execution...nice.

Next the OP is going to tell us that Money should be illegal because people are executed for that all the time
I don't think anyone is blaming weed itself for the deaths; moving in on the territory already claimed by an organized drug cartel in the area for selling that weed? There's your danger.
And if weed was legal, this shit wouldn't have happened
Logic FAIL
In Ohio possession is a misdemeanor ticket offense. You think all these people were killed over an offense like Jay walking?
Do you understand there is a difference between having a couple of blunts on you and growing it and the black market competition?
Do you think that will go away with legalization?
Substantially, yes. Depending on tax rate, too. If its still cheaper to buy it from your friends, nothing will change.
Look at what happened with alcohol related arrests, crimes and accidents when they made alcohol legal..
People rebel..
And the people made un-taxed "shine".
And still do!
Blaming weed for an execution...nice.

Next the OP is going to tell us that Money should be illegal because people are executed for that all the time
I don't think anyone is blaming weed itself for the deaths; moving in on the territory already claimed by an organized drug cartel in the area for selling that weed? There's your danger.
And they move back and forth across the border at will..and hold jobs here. Thanks Obama.
Someone didn't want the competition. I'll bet they do figure out who it was. Probably gang related.
Someone didn't want the competition. I'll bet they do figure out who it was. Probably gang related.

In my experience, most street gangs aren't organized enough to pull something like that off simultaneously. I'm guessing organized crime of some sort. This area is on the KY border, there is a lot of organized drug trafficking in that area of the Appalachians. Probably they were encroaching on someone else's market, or it was a big scale drug theft.
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Someone didn't want the competition. I'll bet they do figure out who it was. Probably gang related.

In my experience, most street gangs aren't organized enough to pull something like that off simultaneously. I'm guessing organized crime of some sort. This area is on the KY border, there is a lot of organized drug trafficking in that area of the Appalachians. Probably they were encroaching on someone else's market, or it was a big scale drug theft.
I think I saw the whole thing unfold on Justified.
In my experience, most street gangs aren't organized enough to pull something like that off simultaneously. I'm guessing organized crime of some sort. This area is on the KY border, there is a lot of organized drug trafficking in that area of the Appalachians. Probably they were encroaching on someone else's market, or it was a big scale drug theft.

Almost makes TV shows like Fargo and Justified seem not all that far fetched.
Legalizing pot is a great first step to see if legalizing other drugs would work. It's the least harmful of the bunch, and the one with the least social stigma attached to users.

You're thinking isn't bad. But it will ultimately fail. Here's the problem: You believe in a negative correlation between the lethality of a drug and the social value in its legality. When the truth is the reverse. The more deadly a drug, the more important it is to legalize it, and even to use public funding to dispense it.

Sometimes the best way to prevent a forest fire is to let the bushes burn themselves out.

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