"Weed doesn't hurt anyone" Ohio family executed due to weed operations

And if weed was legal, this shit wouldn't have happened
Logic FAIL
In Ohio possession is a misdemeanor ticket offense. You think all these people were killed over an offense like Jay walking?

It is all presumption at this point but they were probably killed over black market money- just as criminals used to kill each other over the money made from illegal alcohol in our other Prohibition.
Blaming weed for an execution...nice.

Next the OP is going to tell us that Money should be illegal because people are executed for that all the time
I don't think anyone is blaming weed itself for the deaths; moving in on the territory already claimed by an organized drug cartel in the area for selling that weed? There's your danger.
And they move back and forth across the border at will..and hold jobs here. Thanks Obama.

In exactly the same manner as they did under President Bush.

Thanks George.
Legalizing pot is a great first step to see if legalizing other drugs would work. It's the least harmful of the bunch, and the one with the least social stigma attached to users.

You're thinking isn't bad. But it will ultimately fail. Here's the problem: You believe in a negative correlation between the lethality of a drug and the social value in its legality. When the truth is the reverse. The more deadly a drug, the more important it is to legalize it, and even to use public funding to dispense it.

Sometimes the best way to prevent a forest fire is to let the bushes burn themselves out.

What I believe is that the current system isn't working, and that something else has to be done. Hell, right now smoking cigarettes holds more of a stigma in some circles than pot does. A sizable number of people view laws against pot as something of a joke, considering the # of people who routinely ignore those laws.

For harder drugs, I would wait to see the results from pot legalization before deciding on any others.

And your solution of letting people just off themselves with said harder drugs is a no go for obvious moral reasons.

Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
Legalizing pot is a great first step to see if legalizing other drugs would work. It's the least harmful of the bunch, and the one with the least social stigma attached to users.

You're thinking isn't bad. But it will ultimately fail. Here's the problem: You believe in a negative correlation between the lethality of a drug and the social value in its legality. When the truth is the reverse. The more deadly a drug, the more important it is to legalize it, and even to use public funding to dispense it.

Sometimes the best way to prevent a forest fire is to let the bushes burn themselves out.

What I believe is that the current system isn't working, and that something else has to be done. Hell, right now smoking cigarettes holds more of a stigma in some circles than pot does. A sizable number of people view laws against pot as something of a joke, considering the # of people who routinely ignore those laws.

For harder drugs, I would wait to see the results from pot legalization before deciding on any others.

And your solution of letting people just off themselves with said harder drugs is a no go for obvious moral reasons.

Portugal serves as a good example of what can be done
14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Drug use declined slightly- but drug deaths and HIV infections dropped dramatically.

Decriminalizing didn't stop drug addiction- but it reduced the negative effects from drug addiction.
Decriminalize it immediately. This is a prime dark example of why it should have never been criminalized in the first place. Weed doesn't kill. It actually saves far more lives, than it takes. Decriminalize it, and then release all prisoners who are trapped in cages on Marijuana prosecutions.
Legalizing pot is a great first step to see if legalizing other drugs would work. It's the least harmful of the bunch, and the one with the least social stigma attached to users.

You're thinking isn't bad. But it will ultimately fail. Here's the problem: You believe in a negative correlation between the lethality of a drug and the social value in its legality. When the truth is the reverse. The more deadly a drug, the more important it is to legalize it, and even to use public funding to dispense it.

Sometimes the best way to prevent a forest fire is to let the bushes burn themselves out.

What I believe is that the current system isn't working, and that something else has to be done. Hell, right now smoking cigarettes holds more of a stigma in some circles than pot does. A sizable number of people view laws against pot as something of a joke, considering the # of people who routinely ignore those laws.

For harder drugs, I would wait to see the results from pot legalization before deciding on any others.

And your solution of letting people just off themselves with said harder drugs is a no go for obvious moral reasons.

Portugal serves as a good example of what can be done
14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Drug use declined slightly- but drug deaths and HIV infections dropped dramatically.

Decriminalizing didn't stop drug addiction- but it reduced the negative effects from drug addiction.

I am not sure the example would cross over "the pond" in this form, as to me the demand in the US is different than the demand in Portugal.

Portugal, like the rest of Western Europe is in the midst of stagnation, but stagnation across the board. That isn't so in the US, and most of our addicts are people who can't deal with the day to day pressures of life in a more dynamic social condition.

Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
You don't grow booze in the woods. It's a profession. Any pothead can grow pot so it's a lower class turf war. The distillers use marketing and pricing.

Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
You don't grow booze in the woods. It's a profession. Any pothead can grow pot so it's a lower class turf war. The distillers use marketing and pricing.

LOL- you are pointing out the difference between legal producers and illegal producers.

Lots of moonshiners made booze in the woods- and in cities- and elsewhere. Hell any drinker can make alcohol- alcohol is actually easier to make than growing pot- I can have a batch of beer ready to drink in 3 weeks- pot requires a growing season.

How many people are being killed for growing legal pot in Colorado? Or in Washington? About as many as are being killed for making legal alcohol.
There are no Marijuana overdose deaths ever recorded. You won't die from smoking Marijuana. However, you can die from alcohol poisoning. In fact, it happens every day in America. It's time to let the use of Marijuana become an adult decision. No one should die or be imprisoned over it.
Portugal is a failed state. It is hardly a role model for a successful country.

You didn't even bother to read the story did you?

Not surprising really. The whole 'war on drugs' is really faith based- faith that making drugs illegal is what we have to do- that not making drugs illegal will violate our puritan ethics and be really, really bad.

So we continue on for decades doing the same thing- and as you point out- ignore what happens when someone tries something different.

Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
You don't grow booze in the woods. It's a profession. Any pothead can grow pot so it's a lower class turf war. The distillers use marketing and pricing.

LOL- you are pointing out the difference between legal producers and illegal producers.

Lots of moonshiners made booze in the woods- and in cities- and elsewhere. Hell any drinker can make alcohol- alcohol is actually easier to make than growing pot- I can have a batch of beer ready to drink in 3 weeks- pot requires a growing season.

How many people are being killed for growing legal pot in Colorado? Or in Washington? About as many as are being killed for making legal alcohol.

Great points. And the Federal Government and wealthy American Business interests were behind criminalizing 'Moonshining' anyway. It was all about the money. It was a hostile takeover of a very lucrative business. The poor little guy had to be eliminated.

This awful incident is actually a stark exmple of why Marijuana nees to be decriminalized. No one should die or be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time for us to evolve.
Portugal is a failed state. It is hardly a role model for a successful country.

You didn't even bother to read the story did you?

Not surprising really. The whole 'war on drugs' is really faith based- faith that making drugs illegal is what we have to do- that not making drugs illegal will violate our puritan ethics and be really, really bad.

So we continue on for decades doing the same thing- and as you point out- ignore what happens when someone tries something different.

Yes, the religious nutters who had it criminalized, are actually some of the most heinous criminals among us. For instance, religious nutters make up a large portion of child abusers in the world.

They're often the most horrific of criminals. We don't need to bow to them anymore. Many of their laws are stupid and archaic. Criminalizing Marijuana was one of those laws.

Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
You don't grow booze in the woods. It's a profession. Any pothead can grow pot so it's a lower class turf war. The distillers use marketing and pricing.

LOL- you are pointing out the difference between legal producers and illegal producers.

Lots of moonshiners made booze in the woods- and in cities- and elsewhere. Hell any drinker can make alcohol- alcohol is actually easier to make than growing pot- I can have a batch of beer ready to drink in 3 weeks- pot requires a growing season.

How many people are being killed for growing legal pot in Colorado? Or in Washington? About as many as are being killed for making legal alcohol.
No Retardo. YOU brought up booze production, not me. You cannot mass manufacture beer without a huge layout. Any dope head can grow weed, even if it is legal. Legalizing it won't stop it.

People will buy it to avoid taxes and pay less since there isn't the overhead. So your theory that this kind of story won't happen if legalized doesn't hold water. It's especially funny since you don't even know the motives.
Another family harmed by our war on drugs.

If pot wasn't illegal, criminals wouldn't be killing people over it.
People are going to stop growing it if it's legal?

People aren't going to be killing for legal pot any more than people are killing for legal booze.

One of the new trends out there are boutique (legal) distilleries where they make high end vodka's or whiskey's.

No one is killing competitors for having a legal distillery.
You don't grow booze in the woods. It's a profession. Any pothead can grow pot so it's a lower class turf war. The distillers use marketing and pricing.

LOL- you are pointing out the difference between legal producers and illegal producers.

Lots of moonshiners made booze in the woods- and in cities- and elsewhere. Hell any drinker can make alcohol- alcohol is actually easier to make than growing pot- I can have a batch of beer ready to drink in 3 weeks- pot requires a growing season.

How many people are being killed for growing legal pot in Colorado? Or in Washington? About as many as are being killed for making legal alcohol.

Great points. And the Federal Government and wealthy American Business interests were behind criminalizing 'Moonshining' anyway. It was all about the money. It was a hostile takeover of a very lucrative business. The poor little guy had to be eliminated.

This awful incident is actually a stark exmple of why Marijuana nees to be decriminalized. No one should die or be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time for us to evolve.
We have too many dopeheads now. Legalizing it will make it worse. Colorado is suffering more auto deaths as a result. Here I smell it often in the stores so the boneheads are driving loaded.

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