
The account was not Anthony Weiner private citizen as most of us have Twitter accounts. His was REP Anthony Weiner and he clearly identified himself as a member of Congress and was being followed by thousands because he was a member of Congress.

You can spin this any way you want, but it was a Congressman's account that was hacked.

And you were so charitable and understanding and forgiving too when it was Sarah Palin's Twitter account that was the center of controversy, right?

Yes, it was a Congressman's account that was hacked.

That is quite a different thing from "it was a congressional account that was hacked".

For example: the Congressman's twitter account is not a place where he would be posting confidential national security information.

He says it was hacked. He also claims to not know if the picture is of himself. He's full of shit.

I find that part about not knowing whether or not it was a picture of himself to be absolutely unbelievable. Duh! Have you ever posed for a picture in your underwear like that? Give me a break!

But then, who knows what admitting to posing as such might do to a politician's career?

I had sex with a girl in a restaurant bathroom once, but in my defense, I was drunk as shit.

I bet you didn't post pics of it on the internets.

Or if somebody did, Soggy would be embarrassed and perhaps some relationships would be compromised, but it would be unlikely to affect national legislation or policy or it wouldn't be somebody trying to knock somebody out of competition for an elective seat in Congress.
Yes, it was a Congressman's account that was hacked.

That is quite a different thing from "it was a congressional account that was hacked".

For example: the Congressman's twitter account is not a place where he would be posting confidential national security information.

He says it was hacked. He also claims to not know if the picture is of himself. He's full of shit.

I find that part about not knowing whether or not it was a picture of himself to be absolutely unbelievable. Duh! Have you ever posed for a picture in your underwear like that? Give me a break!

But then, who knows what admitting to posing as such might do to a politician's career?


It kinda begs the question.. how many pictures of this guy in his drawers are floating around that's he's totally lost count?

Immie. Come on. You aren't a rabid leftist who draws conclusions like that. I have not faulted Weiner at all or anybody else using Twitter to communicate with constituents. Practically everybody famous or in politics does.

The point I was making that it was a CONGRESSMAN'S account that was hacked, if it was indeed hacked, in this case and that IS more serious than hacking a private citizen's account. And it should be dealt with by federal authorities lest more be encouraged to tap into private communications and information of elected officials.

That is why I am asking that question of you. What I was understanding from your post just didn't make sense.

But, this post makes me want to know why a Congressman's account is more important than my own.


It might or not be more important in the grand scheme of things. But the fact that it is a U.S. Congressman posting as a U.S. Congresman that makes that account property of the people of the United States. If your account is hacked and an embarrassing photo is posted you and perhaps those closest to you will be angry and embarrassed. But no harm is done outside of your social and perhaps professional circles.

When a U.S. Congressman's account is compromised it can be far more serious as it can affect pending legislation, foreign relations, or upcoming elections. Nobody should be able to be attacked, embarrassed, and/or destroyed with impunity; but most especially a high level official should not be attacked as it could be specifically to influence political outcomes.

Don't take this wrong but poppycock!

His account is no more important than mine. He's no more important than me.

Then again, convincing him of that might be a little difficult, but that just makes him arrogant.

If this guy was anything other than a far left, screaming Liberal Democrat. He would already be gone. The Notorious Liberal Media Double Standard is in full effect. He's Liberal, and a Democrat, so We will ignore that he is a perverted freak and a liar!
If this guy was anything other than a far left, screaming Liberal Democrat. He would already be gone. The Notorious Liberal Media Double Standard is in full effect. He's Liberal, and a Democrat, so will ignore that he is a perverted freak and a liar!

Chris Lee was gone in a few hours.

Weiner has dug in and engaged in one of the worst Media Messaging Campaigns of recent memory.
To give a good example:

In David Vitter's case, there really wasn't that much of a story on the hypocrisy, as Vitter was not a champion of anti-prostitution.

Of course, soliciting prostitution is a semi-serious crime, so there was that...

But Vitter's case didn't get nearly the coverage of Craig.

Sort of like Jimmy Swaggart's scandal. If he had not been a hell fire and brimstone TV Evangelist no one would have known about his escapades.

That is why I am asking that question of you. What I was understanding from your post just didn't make sense.

But, this post makes me want to know why a Congressman's account is more important than my own.


It might or not be more important in the grand scheme of things. But the fact that it is a U.S. Congressman posting as a U.S. Congresman that makes that account property of the people of the United States. If your account is hacked and an embarrassing photo is posted you and perhaps those closest to you will be angry and embarrassed. But no harm is done outside of your social and perhaps professional circles.

When a U.S. Congressman's account is compromised it can be far more serious as it can affect pending legislation, foreign relations, or upcoming elections. Nobody should be able to be attacked, embarrassed, and/or destroyed with impunity; but most especially a high level official should not be attacked as it could be specifically to influence political outcomes.

Don't take this wrong but poppycock!

His account is no more important than mine. He's no more important than me.

Then again, convincing him of that might be a little difficult, but that just makes him arrogant.


You can call it poppycock if you wish.

Homeland Security takes it a whole lot more seriously than you do.

And I think if it was somebody you admired who was sabotaged for the purpose of ruining his election chances or to derail some important initiative, you wouldn't be so cavalier about it either.
If this guy was anything other than a far left, screaming Liberal Democrat. He would already be gone. The Notorious Liberal Media Double Standard is in full effect. He's Liberal, and a Democrat, so will ignore that he is a perverted freak and a liar!

Chris Lee was gone in a few hours.

Weiner has dug in and engaged in one of the worst Media Messaging Campaigns of recent memory.

it's going to eventually bite him in the boxers...maybe...
Maybe, just maybe, that is a picture of one of his pages.

If that were the case, he wouldn't have exposed himself with the truly epically stupid comment that he "couldn't say with certitude" that it wasn't his crotch shot.
I am sooo behind the curve on this one. Been out of town for a while. How do you twitter a dick picture?
To give a good example:

In David Vitter's case, there really wasn't that much of a story on the hypocrisy, as Vitter was not a champion of anti-prostitution.

Of course, soliciting prostitution is a semi-serious crime, so there was that...

But Vitter's case didn't get nearly the coverage of Craig.

Sort of like Jimmy Swaggart's scandal. If he had not been a hell fire and brimstone TV Evangelist no one would have known about his escapades.


Nice theory if it was really true.

Just look at Edwards, Kennedy, Studd, Frank, to see the Left and MSM holds themselves to lower standards.

What since Frank is for gay marriage, someone can run a prostitution ring out of his house and it is OK?

How about the Rev Jackson and his "love child"? Then again, Jackson may be a Rev of a religion where they preach adultery ....


As for Weiner, he pushed for bills to "fight" sexual harassment on college campuses...sort of hypocritical and ironic

How about being faithful to one's marriage vows? Such behaviour makes one a hypocrite.
If a politician's own spouse can't trust them- why should we?

The left's excuse on why they hold themselves to lower standards tends to be disingenuous and poor cover for an excuse.

The hypocrisy is more universal in nature and applies to ALL politicians.
They all try to pass laws to make us behave in their moral sense of the world.
Therefore, when they act immorally, they should be held to higher standard
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I am sooo behind the curve on this one. Been out of town for a while. How do you twitter a dick picture?

Apparently it's accomplished via a bizarre ritual involving watching hockey, a microwave, facebook, and a hacker...errrr...prankster.
Maybe, just maybe, that is a picture of one of his pages.

If that were the case, he wouldn't have exposed himself with the truly epically stupid comment that he "couldn't say with certitude" that it wasn't his crotch shot.

Exactly. And that is what makes it less and less plausible that his 'account was hacked'. But his name DOES lend plausibility to it being a prank.

Nevertheless, if his account was hacked for the purpose of embarrassing or compromising him, he should be bringing his full congressional authority to investigate it into play here.

The fact that he has not brings us back to the Occam's Razor most likely conclusion that he tweeted his crotch to the young lady and inadvertently posted it publically instead of sending it privately.
I am sooo behind the curve on this one. Been out of town for a while. How do you twitter a dick picture?

It all starts with the idea that this is going to get me laid or be really funny. Probably drinking involved just shortly before that.
It still begs the question, if by chance, you get the bizarre idea of taking a picture of yourself, sporting wood in your underwear, and sending it to some girl... doesn't simultaneously, another thought pop in that says... "hey, psycho, YOU'RE A FUCKING CONGRESSMAN!"???

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