
Am I following the logic here accurately?

Anybody can do ANYTHING as long as they aren't a hypocrite about it?

If I am for adultery or racism or sexism or lying under oath, then I am okay if I do those things?

But if I am on the record that I oppose those things, I am scum if I do them?

Is that the argument here?

NO! You are not following what I am saying. I am not saying they can do it. I am saying that the left will let them get away with it as long as the following criteria is involved: 1) the accused is one of their own and 2) the accused has not offended one of the protected classes.

Liberal Media outlets like CNN,NBC,and the NY Times will cover for Weiner but that doesn't mean he'll get away with it. They covered for Edwards too but the truth eventually came out. Weiner will still probably be busted in the end. His "Hacker" story is complete Bullshit. Anyone with common sense knows this. He'll get busted eventually. Bet on it.

At the end of the day, while wierd and bizarre.... who cares.

This will go on, and I have a feeling that Weiner will be dragged into the cloakroom by the hierchy of the Statist Democrat leadership and be asked to step down...this issue will kill them...and he will be told just that. (NY 26 will be cited to him)...
I like to hear more weiner jokes... as comic relief on this thread...just sayin...
Am I following the logic here accurately?

Anybody can do ANYTHING as long as they aren't a hypocrite about it?

If I am for adultery or racism or sexism or lying under oath, then I am okay if I do those things?

But if I am on the record that I oppose those things, I am scum if I do them?

Is that the argument here?

Regrettably, by a few here, yes.

Hence the New New Ethics: As Democrats have decided not to have any, they get a pass on all kinds of egregious behavior; and the GO..scratch that, Anyone Who Opposes the Progressive Agenda is held to a ridiculously unachievable standard of perfection.


I'm thinking Pelosi will add Weiner's .. weiner to her vast collection of Democrat penii..

She kinda has him by the ..ah.. you knows...

Not that he had an independent vote but he's now totally under her control..
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Am I following the logic here accurately?

Anybody can do ANYTHING as long as they aren't a hypocrite about it?

If I am for adultery or racism or sexism or lying under oath, then I am okay if I do those things?

But if I am on the record that I oppose those things, I am scum if I do them?

Is that the argument here?

NO! You are not following what I am saying. I am not saying they can do it. I am saying that the left will let them get away with it as long as the following criteria is involved: 1) the accused is one of their own and 2) the accused has not offended one of the protected classes.


That wasn't directed at you in particular though Immie. I took exception to your opinion that it doesn't matter that a U.S. Congressman is hacked any more than anybody else. I gave my counter argument on why I think it does matter more when a Congressman's account is hacked.

My comments you are responding to here were in response to several who suggest that if you take a position on some issue, you better not be guilty of violating your principles or you are scum. Those who don't take any position on moral issues can apparently do whatever they want and will be less criticized for it.

Similar to the debate between O'Donnel (MSNBC) and Noel Sheppard (Newsbusters) here:

Lawrence O'Donnell:

Republicans have a much tougher time surviving so-called sex scandals because they spend so much time preaching against the kind of behavior they then get caught doing themselves. So Republican careers die this way because the politician stands convicted of hypocrisy, and because the politician’s career has been largely supported by people who actually believe that family values is something you can vote for. The constituents of liberal Democrats are under no such delusion. Anthony Weiner can easily be re-elected in his district no matter what he tweets, and nothing has developed in this story so far that would prevent him from being elected mayor of New York, a job for which he is more than qualified and well-suited.

Noel Sheppard's rebuttal

So this is what a socialist thinks about sex and politics:

•Promiscuity and infidelity are nothing to be concerned with when judging the character of a person being bestowed a position of tremendous power
•Family values isn't something you can actually vote for
•A 46-year-old man married for less than a year sending lewd pictures to a 21-year-old college student (assuming that's what Weiner did) is by no means an indication of his character or how he might use his position of power as an elected official.

If this is where America is going, our society is in far more trouble than the imminent financial crisis associated with Social Security, Medicare, and exploding budget deficits.

Read more: Lawrence O'Donnell on Weiner: 'Voters Need to Realize Sex Doesn't Matter' | NewsBusters.org
This thread won't be complete without King Missile.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4]YouTube - ‪King Missile - Detachable Penis‬‏[/ame]
UPDATE: (Actual NY Post Story Title Below- not looking good Weiner)

Weiner hung out to dry
Fellow Dems keeping hands off Anthony's expanding scandal
Party backers in New York and Washington publicly criticized the randy rep's attempts at damage control and his inability to shake the scandal.

At every turn, his "allies" were ready to distance themselves -- and even made snarky remarks at his expense.
Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Queens) had a big smile on his face when he greeted a Post reporter yesterday by saying he was doing "better than Anthony."

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Well, one can't blame them for Not Wanting To Touch It.

Weiner is done. He's marginalized. He may get reelected by his Noo Yawk constituents, but he won't be a player for a bigger job.
Well, one can't blame them for Not Wanting To Touch It.

Weiner is done. He's marginalized. He may get reelected by his Noo Yawk constituents, but he won't be a player for a bigger job.

You mean he won't get to be Speaker Weiner should the Dems capture the house in the near future?

"Ladies and Gentlemen without further ado please welcome Speaker Weiner".

You're almost correct. In #WeinerTalk that would be #WeinerSpeaker.

And there ain'ta gonna be no #WeinerSpeaker
Well, one can't blame them for Not Wanting To Touch It.

Weiner is done. He's marginalized. He may get reelected by his Noo Yawk constituents, but he won't be a player for a bigger job.

Boedicca... perhaps you could start another thread.. I recommend .. Weewee Gate...or maybe... Pee We Gate.... in this case...:lol:

and thank you for this thread.. Reps for You...

(Dang.. I'm outta rep.. this sucks...)
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Weiner is one guy, that may or may not have done something incredibly stupid and arrogant.

But "conservatives" are all the same, and frankly much more disgusting.

(3) Mediaite documented an effort by two conservatives to find incriminating evidence against Weiner. The two men evidently badgered two teenage girls asking them to provide some bad information on Weiner, who was following both of them. The girls did not have the info, and both girls ended up deleting their accounts after being harassed by the two men. Buried in the story is letter from one of the girl’s parents in which she completely exonerates Weiner and details how he had no improper contact with the girls.

Media may have finally gone too far with 'Weinergate' story - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

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