
I told them yesterday, I have extra straws....

It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?
I told them yesterday, I have extra straws....

It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

What growth is that? We have 2.5 million less employed people now than when Obama took office, and that is after adding $5T to the debt.

If that's growth, no thank you.
It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

What growth is that? We have 2.5 million less employed people now than when Obama took office, and that is after adding $5T to the debt.

If that's growth, no thank you.

Maybe growth of the National Debt?

Title of article should have been

Weiner Pulls Out

No, that is reserved for when he announces he is not running for re-election after all.


Or drops out of the NYC Mayor's race.

Oh that is right, I guess I did hear he was running for Mayor. Although, you know, he might be able to win the election for Mayor in Washington, DC. After all they elected Barry after he was convicted in his drug trial.

What growth is that? We have 2.5 million less employed people now than when Obama took office, and that is after adding $5T to the debt.

If that's growth, no thank you.

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Lewd-pic recipient worn out by Weiner scandal
"I'm just collateral damage," Gennette Cordova, 21, lamented in explaining how her world was turned upside-down when she wound up on the receiving end of a lewd, underwear-clad crotch shot sent from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account.

"I just want this to be over," she told The Post yesterday during an exclusive photo shoot and interview near her Bellingham, Wash., college campus.
The randy representative hasn't reached out to Cordova, and she said she doesn't expect an apology.

"I just want to get on with my life," said Cordova, who plans to work as a restaurant hostess or law firm assistant this summer.

"This has been really hard on me."

It is so sad how the Left and most of the MSM is forgetting about this poor girl. The true victim. For what? To keep a radical white male leftist in power by throwing a poor minority kid trying to work herself through college, under the bus.

"Man UP" people on the Left. It is not like you can not get another Leftist in the seat.
The rightwingloon that released her name is the one responsible for her getting all this heat.

And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.


What a wonderful fantasy.

The economy would have to generate at least 250K net new jobs per month to get to fulfill this Hopey Changey Dream. At GDP growth of 1.8%, that's not going to happen.

You're also avoiding the obvious flaw in the decline: it's due to people dropping out of the labor force, not due to a meaningful increase in employment.
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What a wonderful fantasy.

The economy would have to generate at least 250K net new jobs per month to get to fulfill this Hopey Changey Dream. At GDP growth of 1.8%, that's not going to happen.

You're also avoiding the obvious flaw in the decline: it's due to people dropping out of the labor force, not due to a meaningful increase in employment.

I was not referring to the forecast. It is in fact a bit on the optimistic side.

I was referring to the data from previous months, backing up my previous statement concerning basing trend data on one bad month.

The chart I chose happened to also have some overly optimistic forecast data in it.
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Reminds me a lot of this graph, which was in Obama's stimulus plan, toward the back of the bill.



What a wonderful fantasy.

The economy would have to generate at least 250K net new jobs per month to get to fulfill this Hopey Changey Dream. At GDP growth of 1.8%, that's not going to happen.

You're also avoiding the obvious flaw in the decline: it's due to people dropping out of the labor force, not due to a meaningful increase in employment.

I was not referring to the forecast. It is in fact a bit on the optimistic side.

I was referring to the data from previous months, backing up my previous statement concerning basing trend data on one bad month.

And your "referering" is bogus. The decline is largely due to the fact that the LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE has declined. People have given up looking for work because the economy is not creating real jobs.

Half of last months paltry jobs creation was by one company: McDonalds.

Wow! And just think how much higher unemployment could have been driven if the size of the Stimulus had been doubled! I bet Obama could have gotten U3 unemployment up above 13%!

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