

:clap2:How about that "Summer Of Recovery"? Anyone? Bueller? Frye? Seems we are in for a real treat...part TWO...
And your "referering" is bogus. The decline is largely due to the fact that the LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE has declined. People have given up looking for work because the economy is not creating real jobs.

Half of last months paltry jobs creation was by one company: McDonalds.

Well then I guess you better tell your corporate buddies to stop using all their massive profits and subsidies to hire people in India.

There's only so much the government can do, after all.

And let me ask you this: If the conservative social plan succeeds, and women go back to take care of their families, what does that do to labor force participation?

Tell me, what would Republicans do to lower the unemployment rate? And don't give me the whole "lower taxes" BS, because taxes are lower than they've EVER been on the highest earners and it just isn't having an effect.
And your "referering" is bogus. The decline is largely due to the fact that the LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE has declined. People have given up looking for work because the economy is not creating real jobs.

Half of last months paltry jobs creation was by one company: McDonalds.

Well then I guess you better tell your corporate buddies to stop using all their massive profits and subsidies to hire people in India.

There's only so much the government can do, after all.

And let me ask you this: If the conservative social plan succeeds, and women go back to take care of their families, what does that do to labor force participation?

Tell me, what would Republicans do to lower the unemployment rate? And don't give me the whole "lower taxes" BS, because taxes are lower than they've EVER been on the highest earners and it just isn't having an effect.

Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

And your question about women in the workforce is nonsense. It is not conservative agenda item to drive women out of the Labor Force.

The tried and true policies to encourage economic growth which results in job creation are:

- Low, fair, and predictable taxes
- Non-oppressive levels of regulation (the lighter the better as regulatory bodies end up being captured by the largest companies they regulate in order to destroy competition)
- Fair application of the law
- Rational foreign/trade policy which supports free trade with lawful nations and doesn't throw our allies under the bus
- Get out of the way of the private sector
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Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.
Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.
A survey released this week by SBE Council found that small businesses are overwhelmingly disappointed with federal government policies. The financial outlook for their firms also remains tenuous over the next six months. In addition, the "Entrepreneurs and the Economy" survey found that high gas prices are undermining their ability to add jobs and compete. In fact, just over a quarter of small businesses (26 percent) have already cut back jobs or employee hours because of higher gas prices. Meanwhile, 47 percent report that higher gas costs are affecting their plans to hire.
Meanwhile, a staggering 38 percent of small business owners believe if gas prices remain high or increase further their business will not survive. In testimony before Congress last week, Kerrigan expressed her deep concerns that high gas prices were undermining the economic recovery and had the potential to do much more harm.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council
Lewd-pic recipient worn out by Weiner scandal
"I'm just collateral damage," Gennette Cordova, 21, lamented in explaining how her world was turned upside-down when she wound up on the receiving end of a lewd, underwear-clad crotch shot sent from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account.

"I just want this to be over," she told The Post yesterday during an exclusive photo shoot and interview near her Bellingham, Wash., college campus.
The randy representative hasn't reached out to Cordova, and she said she doesn't expect an apology.

"I just want to get on with my life," said Cordova, who plans to work as a restaurant hostess or law firm assistant this summer.

"This has been really hard on me."

It is so sad how the Left and most of the MSM is forgetting about this poor girl. The true victim. For what? To keep a radical white male leftist in power by throwing a poor minority kid trying to work herself through college, under the bus.

"Man UP" people on the Left. It is not like you can not get another Leftist in the seat.
The rightwingloon that released her name is the one responsible for her getting all this heat.

And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.

Uhh, even if the picture is of him, he didn't send it. Why. On earth. Would anyone do something that stupid?

I've only been paying attention to this thread for the comical value, do some of you actually think he sent the picture?:confused:

Or do you find it particularly relevant if the picture is, or isn't of him? Myself? No.
Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.

He continues to push Cap & Trade. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to push Obamacare. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to refuse to not only make the Bush tax cuts permanent to continues to push raising taxes on those earning $250k or more. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He froze offshore drilling that helped create the current energy crisis and also idled a lot of rigs that would have furnished good jobs to a lot of people. He continues to push 'green energy' instead of turning folks loose to generate energy. Businesses are relucant to turn loose of assets and take risks with an uncertain energy supply hanging over their heads.

He continues to push reckless spending that creates new bubbles that will burst and keeps the country on shaky economic foundation while creating unsustainable debt.

When energy, tax policy, mandates, and regulation are uncertain, businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks and when they don't turn loose of assets and take risks they aren't creating or restoring jobs to hire people.
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SBE Council chief economist Raymond J. Keating remarked, "The high level of dissatisfaction regarding federal economic policies among small business owners should be no surprise. For the most part, entrepreneurs want federal policymakers to impose a light tax and regulatory touch, keep spending under control, maintain low inflation, and otherwise get out of way so entrepreneurship and investment can thrive. Unfortunately, particularly from late 2008 through 2010, regulations mounted and federal spending careened out of control, raising additional questions and threats on taxes. And for several months now, inflation has accelerated. Gas prices are high and small business owners remain on edge about the new health care law and future costs. Until federal policymaking moves in a clear pro-entrepreneur, pro-growth direction, most small business owners face great uncertainty."

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council
And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.
The only difference one might note is the GOP sets itself up for ridicule when embroiled in some sort of ‘sex scandal’ because they present themselves as the party of ‘morality’ and ‘family values.’

Otherwise I’ve located no evidence that Weiner committed any criminal offense, or that an investigation is pending. Nor is there any evidence of House ethics rules being violated.

The right of course is entitled to whine about a double standard and attack Weiner for being guilty of being a democrat, but if there are no pending criminal or ethics charges, there is nothing to ‘defend.’
Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.

He continues to push Cap & Trade. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to push Obamacare. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to refuse to not only make the Bush tax cuts permanent to continues to push raising taxes on those earning $250k or more. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He froze offshore drilling that helped create the current energy crisis and also idled a lot of rigs that would have furnished good jobs to a lot of people. He continues to push 'green energy' instead of turning folks loose to generate energy. Businesses are relucant to turn loose of assets and take risks with an uncertain energy supply hanging over their heads.

When energy, tax policy, mandates, and regulation are uncertain, businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks and when they don't turn loose of assets and take risks they aren't creating or restoring jobs to hire people.

Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.

He continues to push Cap & Trade. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to push Obamacare. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to refuse to not only make the Bush tax cuts permanent to continues to push raising taxes on those earning $250k or more. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He froze offshore drilling that helped create the current energy crisis and also idled a lot of rigs that would have furnished good jobs to a lot of people. He continues to push 'green energy' instead of turning folks loose to generate energy. Businesses are relucant to turn loose of assets and take risks with an uncertain energy supply hanging over their heads.

When energy, tax policy, mandates, and regulation are uncertain, businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks and when they don't turn loose of assets and take risks they aren't creating or restoring jobs to hire people.
Not only not permanent, but promised in February that he would NEVER extend them again.
And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.
The only difference one might note is the GOP sets itself up for ridicule when embroiled in some sort of ‘sex scandal’ because they present themselves as the party of ‘morality’ and ‘family values.’

Otherwise I’ve located no evidence that Weiner committed any criminal offense, or that an investigation is pending. Nor is there any evidence of House ethics rules being violated.

The right of course is entitled to whine about a double standard and attack Weiner for being guilty of being a democrat, but if there are no pending criminal or ethics charges, there is nothing to ‘defend.’

I love it when liberals more or less admit that they are the party of immorality.
Companies are not going to hire more employees unless they have confidence that the economy is growing.

Obama is doing everything possible to prevent growth.

Like what?

What, specifically, has Obama done to "Prevent Growth"?

Please feel free to give specific ways in which his policies have effected growth for the worse.

He increased government spending from the historical levels of 20% of GDP to 25%.

He threatens businesses and individuals with tax increases.


He has increased the unelected regulatory bureaucracy that is bypassing Congress and making law on its own...eg., Cap & Trade.

He has seriously damaged our domestic energy industries via moratoriums and lack of approval to engage in production.

He has diverted taxpayer funds to the benefit of cronies such as the GM bail out and the use of stimulus funds to prop up Public Employee jobs.

His foreign policy of throwing allies under the bus and kowtowing to our enemies fosters uncertainty and instability.

Just a few things.
Now, back to WEINERGATE:

The Battle of the Bulge: Is the Weiner War Worth It?


1. The comic value alone is priceless. When else can you use a title like the one for this post? When Jon Stewart suggested the picture might be Weiner’s, because it shows that he “leans hard to the left,” I could not stifle a laugh. Nor, for that matter, did I try. Being a believer does not mean one cannot have a sense of humor. But this is not a compelling reason why Christians ought to care about, much less argue about, whether Rep Weiner is sending such pictures to adoring female fans.

2. Character matters. Representative Weiner already does make important decisions on our behalf, as a member of the House of Representatives, and (if tales of his ambitions are true) he aspires to make even more of them in the future. We need to know whether he is upstanding, honest and trustworthy. If he is fool enough to send lewd photos via Twitter to a young woman he had only recently met, can we really trust him with the enormous responsibilities that come to one as the mayor of a major city, the governor of a state, or the President of the United States? If he is duplicitous enough to remove the incriminating evidence, repeatedly lie about the situation, and then berate and even call the cops on any reporter intrepid enough to press for an answer, then can we trust him to tell us the truth about our economy, our health care system, our foreign affairs, when it does not serve his political interests? If he is faithless enough to betray his recent marriage…well, you get the picture. Americans would like to trust their politicians, and we trust those who demonstrate character and honesty. If Weiner is demonstrating neither of those right now, then the American electorate needs to know about it....

The Battle of the Bulge: Is the Weiner War Worth It? | Philosophical Fragments
AP: Weiner's Media Strategy Falls Short

"Weiner Exposed." ''Weiner's Pickle." ''Battle of the Bulge."

Those were some of the tabloid headlines lampooning Rep. Anthony Weiner as he struggled to explain how a photo of a man's crotch had been posted to his Twitter account. The normally media-savvy New York Democrat squandered his chance to make it right with a cringe-inducing TV blitz that raised more questions than it answered.​
He's become suck a laughingstock, that his career aspirations are null and void.
And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.
The only difference one might note is the GOP sets itself up for ridicule when embroiled in some sort of ‘sex scandal’ because they present themselves as the party of ‘morality’ and ‘family values.’

Otherwise I’ve located no evidence that Weiner committed any criminal offense, or that an investigation is pending. Nor is there any evidence of House ethics rules being violated.

The right of course is entitled to whine about a double standard and attack Weiner for being guilty of being a democrat, but if there are no pending criminal or ethics charges, there is nothing to ‘defend.’

I'm sure you'll take that position when ANY politician or public figure is being criticized or condemned for some faux pas or gaffe or mistake or outright lie that doesn't break any laws but is generally socially unacceptable, right? You defend all those being currently creamed on USMB for saying something wrong or stupid yes?

You went to bat for Don Imus and his 'nappy headed ho' quip, for Trent Lott praising Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday, for President Obama visiting his 57th state and all of it?

If so, kudos.

If not, weeeeeeelll . . . . . .
A survey released this week by SBE Council found that small businesses are overwhelmingly disappointed with federal government policies. The financial outlook for their firms also remains tenuous over the next six months. In addition, the "Entrepreneurs and the Economy" survey found that high gas prices are undermining their ability to add jobs and compete. In fact, just over a quarter of small businesses (26 percent) have already cut back jobs or employee hours because of higher gas prices. Meanwhile, 47 percent report that higher gas costs are affecting their plans to hire.
Meanwhile, a staggering 38 percent of small business owners believe if gas prices remain high or increase further their business will not survive. In testimony before Congress last week, Kerrigan expressed her deep concerns that high gas prices were undermining the economic recovery and had the potential to do much more harm.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Wait, so Obama raised the price of Gas?

That's.... Interesting.
Lewd-pic recipient worn out by Weiner scandal
"I'm just collateral damage," Gennette Cordova, 21, lamented in explaining how her world was turned upside-down when she wound up on the receiving end of a lewd, underwear-clad crotch shot sent from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account.

"I just want this to be over," she told The Post yesterday during an exclusive photo shoot and interview near her Bellingham, Wash., college campus.
The randy representative hasn't reached out to Cordova, and she said she doesn't expect an apology.

"I just want to get on with my life," said Cordova, who plans to work as a restaurant hostess or law firm assistant this summer.

"This has been really hard on me."

It is so sad how the Left and most of the MSM is forgetting about this poor girl. The true victim. For what? To keep a radical white male leftist in power by throwing a poor minority kid trying to work herself through college, under the bus.

"Man UP" people on the Left. It is not like you can not get another Leftist in the seat.
The rightwingloon that released her name is the one responsible for her getting all this heat.

And Weiner had nothing to do with it, even if he cannot deny that the picture is of him.

The weird thing is that I can only find a few diehard moonbats on this thread who are defending Weiner. Everyone has jumped ship and are completely embarrassed by him, but a few people here are still trying to blame the right wing for everything that has happened. What is really sad is that if a Republican had been in the exact same situation, and reacted by calling in the police and demanding an investigation, you would be right here condemning him for sending the picture in the first place and trying to cover it up by blaming someone else.
Wrong. I think Weiner is an idiot. That doesn't excuse violating his privacy and it certainly doesn't excuse the toads that named the woman that was supposedly the recipient.

And it totally doesn't excuse the assholes in the link I posted a few pages back that harassed teens simply because they subscribed to his twitter feed.

But I know how you rightwingers operate. You only care about someone's privacy if they are rightwingloons.


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