
Speaking of oil...

Is tar and feathering the President considered illegal or just poor form?

Well, if one uses him to clean up Tar Balls from an oil spill, one could claim one was helping the environment, which would make it Good Form. One can justify almost any otherwise appalling behavior by claiming its For The Environment.
Mark Steyn's commentary on Weinergate is quite a hoot.

After the tumult of the First World War, noted Winston Churchill, only the intractability of the Irish Question had emerged unscathed:

"Great Empires have been overturned. The whole map of Europe has been changed," he told the House of Commons. "But as the deluge subsides and the waters fall short, we see the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone emerging once again.

And so it goes after another tumultuous week in American politics. Nearly a third of homeowners are "underwater" – that's to say, they owe more on their mortgages than the property is worth. Private-sector job growth has all but vanished. The House of Representatives voted not to raise the debt ceiling.

But as the debt ceiling subsides – or, at any rate, stays put – we see the dreary steeple of Anthony Weiner emerging from his Twitpic crotch shot....

Mark Steyn: Weiner helping junk the country | weiner, american, people - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Now I negged myself for punishment and bravely dragged this thread back on course and here you guys go veering off again. Tsk. Tsk.

Anthony Weiner's bulging controversy a classic example of abysmal damage control
BY Thomas M. Defrank

Saturday, June 4th 2011, 4:00 AM

WASHINGTON - Weinergate ain't Watergate, not even close.

But they're both classic examples of abysmal damage control.

For such a savvy practitioner of the political game, Anthony Weiner has violated the cardinal rule of Washington crisis management: If you don't have anything to hide, don't behave like you do.

His less-than-forthcoming answers to the frenzy over a lewd photo have made matters worse for the congressman who aspires to be New York City's next mayor, raising fresh questions and fueling even more media scrutiny.

When a reporter asks if you've ever taken photos of your nether regions like the one purportedly hacked from Weiner's Twitter account, there's only one acceptable answer.

But Weiner didn't just say no - he just ducked.

He also couldn't say "with certitude" the offending photo wasn't him, an unfortunate non-denial denial.

It conjures up memories of the feisty White House reporter who needled President Gerald Ford after an unusually evasive press conference answer by firing back: "I didn't hear a no."

Anthony Weiner's bulging controversy a classic example of abysmal damage control

The photo accompanying the story:


Rep. Anthony Weiner leaves the parking garage of the building where he and his wife live in Washington, D.C., Friday

Is he in an unusually somber mood or does he always look that miserable off camera?

The photo accompanying the story:


Rep. Anthony Weiner leaves the parking garage of the building where he and his wife live in Washington, D.C., Friday

Is he in an unusually somber mood or does he always look that miserable off camera?

That's the face of a man enduring his own personal level of Hell.
Mark Steyn's commentary on Weinergate is quite a hoot.

After the tumult of the First World War, noted Winston Churchill, only the intractability of the Irish Question had emerged unscathed:

"Great Empires have been overturned. The whole map of Europe has been changed," he told the House of Commons. "But as the deluge subsides and the waters fall short, we see the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone emerging once again.

And so it goes after another tumultuous week in American politics. Nearly a third of homeowners are "underwater" – that's to say, they owe more on their mortgages than the property is worth. Private-sector job growth has all but vanished. The House of Representatives voted not to raise the debt ceiling.

But as the debt ceiling subsides – or, at any rate, stays put – we see the dreary steeple of Anthony Weiner emerging from his Twitpic crotch shot....

Mark Steyn: Weiner helping junk the country | weiner, american, people - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Hmmm. This does put a new twist on it does it not?

Did Congressman Weiner offer himself as the sacrificial lamb to divert attention from the miserable economic news this week? Unemployment up. Employment down. Housing market founders again. The debt ceiling remains unresolved. The stock market has erased five months of gains. Etc.?

And they were unable to find a Republican scandal to distract the media?

Enquiring minds want to know.
I don't think so. Obama (and Blagojevich for that matter) just got lucky that Weiner provided a useful distraction.
I don't think so. Obama (and Blagojevich for that matter) just got lucky that Weiner provided a useful distraction.

You're probably right, but it sure seems to happen a lot that a useful distraction shows up every time our fearless leaders need one. It's enough to make one suspect it isn't always unplanned yanno?
I don't think so. Obama (and Blagojevich for that matter) just got lucky that Weiner provided a useful distraction.

You're probably right, but it sure seems to happen a lot that a useful distraction shows up every time our fearless leaders need one. It's enough to make one suspect it isn't always unplanned yanno?

It's enough to make one suspect that the MSM is so desperate to Not Report on Obama's awful record in office, that they'll even report negative stories about other Dems.
I don't think so. Obama (and Blagojevich for that matter) just got lucky that Weiner provided a useful distraction.

You're probably right, but it sure seems to happen a lot that a useful distraction shows up every time our fearless leaders need one. It's enough to make one suspect it isn't always unplanned yanno?

It's enough to make one suspect that the MSM is so desperate to Not Report on Obama's awful record in office, that they'll even report negative stories about other Dems.

So is it possible that Hillary twittered Obamas Weiner?
I don't think so. Obama (and Blagojevich for that matter) just got lucky that Weiner provided a useful distraction.

You're probably right, but it sure seems to happen a lot that a useful distraction shows up every time our fearless leaders need one. It's enough to make one suspect it isn't always unplanned yanno?

It's enough to make one suspect that the MSM is so desperate to Not Report on Obama's awful record in office, that they'll even report negative stories about other Dems.

I have discovered that the MSM is following the Gallup Poll comparison between Obama's and Clinton's popularity:

Presidential Job Approval Center

They are almost identical, YTD.

Based on this observation, the MSM will be happy with Obama's 50% approval rating until November, when they'll begin to give him a boost.
Years ago the scandal would just go away. The liberal media would either ignore the story and let it die or defend the liberal politician until the story died. Look at the history of the Kennedys. Democrats are pretty slick in a lot of ways but they can't seem to come to grips with the fact that the NY Times is operating in the red and Walter Cronkite is dead and his successor, Dan Rather is a disgraced former anchor-man. Fair and balanced FOX is the most watched news source and radical lefties can't stand it. Democrats still don't resign and they enjoy the political perks of their party being the party of no family or moral values but they better enjoy it while they can.

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