
Are you sayin' you'd like to tap weiner?


This guy is going along the same path as Spitzer. Guv potion number nine type stuff.

MSNBC is his next job.

If he does enter television, I would expect a name change first and I say that with certitude.


No, he loves his name.

Look at the way he said he was "#Weinerswamped" etc.

His show would have to have some wordplay title involving Weiner.
I really liked Weiner but I am very disappointed with the way he's responded to this minor silliness. There is absolutely nothing illegal or immoral about that stupid photograph and Weiner should have reacted in accordance with the kind of righteously angry aggression he's become known for, told them all to go to hell and carried on without breaking his stride.

Instead, his instinctive response was to equivocate -- showing him to be just another duplicitous faker. It will be impossible to take him seriously anymore and I consider that a loss.
Don't suppose we could use the Patriot Act to tap Weiner's cell phone accounts?

Are you sayin' you'd like to tap weiner?


This guy is going along the same path as Spitzer. [...]
Not really, Percy. Spitzer stood his ground firmly, didn't offer a bit of the usual doubletalk denial and he resigned. In doing so he showed what he's made of and he retained 100% of his dignity and integrity. That's why he has a tv program. He deserves to have it.

There is absolutely no reason for Weiner to behave defensively, which is what he's done. And in doing so he's condemned himself. He was one of my favorites but I'm now ashamed of him.
I really liked Weiner but I am very disappointed with the way he's responded to this minor silliness. There is absolutely nothing illegal or immoral about that stupid photograph and Weiner should have reacted in accordance with the kind of righteously angry aggression he's become known for, told them all to go to hell and carried on without breaking his stride.

Instead, his instinctive response was to equivocate -- showing him to be just another duplicitous faker. It will be impossible to take him seriously anymore and I consider that a loss.


There must be a lot of LIEberrhoids feeling your pain.

It must be really tough to try to find ANY excuse at all to exonerate the turd you, and your LIEberrhoids, worshipped as a Political Deity. And, have your suffering reach such a level of excruciating pain to even go so far as to chide the Weiner-turd for caring if the World considered him a Piece of Shit ........ as you put it: The Weiner shoulda " told them all to go to hell" and carry on (being a turd) without breaking his stride......in true LIEberrhoid fashion I might add.

Ah yes......your LIEberrhoid character and "morality" greatly illuminates the LIEberrhoid Agenda as far as its credibility and honourable intentions are concerned.

Thank you very much for exposing in a crystal clear way what some of us non-LIEberrhoids guessed, and others like me knew: LIEberrhoids are the worst slime imaginable ...... and they manage to go to the lowest level of everything contemptible when they harangue their own slime for not being the most extreme slime.

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I really liked Weiner but I am very disappointed with the way he's responded to this minor silliness. There is absolutely nothing illegal or immoral about that stupid photograph and Weiner should have reacted in accordance with the kind of righteously angry aggression he's become known for, told them all to go to hell and carried on without breaking his stride.

Instead, his instinctive response was to equivocate -- showing him to be just another duplicitous faker. It will be impossible to take him seriously anymore and I consider that a loss.

You don't find it immoral for a married man to send a pic such as the one in question to a woman who is no this wife?
You don't find it immoral for a married man to send a pic such as the one in question to a woman who is no this wife?
I don't make assumptions about the nature of marriages I am not closely familiar with -- especially the marriages of public figures. That is why nothing surprises me about the nature of John Ensign's affair with Cynthia Hampton, for one example, whose husband knew what was going on but was content to politically capitalize on it while both couples occupied the same home.

Nor am I surprised at statistics which hold that 50% of all marriages fail and of the remaining 50% over half are unhappy and regretful with one or both partners being actively adulterous.

As women have become more independent and the circumstances of modern life in developed cultures have radically changed the reasons for marriage have diminished proportionally.
I think most of us question your numbers and don't take such a gloomy view of it Mike. But let's don't derail the thread again by debating that. I accept that as your perspective and your excuse that a U.S. Congressman sending a risque photo to a young co-ed is no big deal.

But the internet is a strange place and you get 'witnesses' from unexpected places on this stuff.

According to this, the Congressman's story continues to unravel:

By Daniel Libit Sunday, June 5, 2011

As the world has attempted to make sense of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s claim that his Twitter account was hacked, a key clue has been missing: exactly how the notorious groin pic was posted online.

But according to data provided exclusively to The Daily from TweetCongress.org, a nonprofit website that captures each member of Congress’s Twitter feeds in real time, the shot seen round the world was transmitted using TweetDeck — a popular Adobe desktop application that links up with social networking sites. A review of Weiner’s Twitter stream from May 27, the day of the crotch pic, shows that Weiner had been posting only from TweetDeck — one of many ways to post messages to Twitter — that entire night.

Chet Wisniewski, a senior security adviser at security software company SophosLabs, said the TweetDeck stamp “does make it more plausible that it did come from him.”

Weiner used TweetDeck frequently, but he often also posted from the Web directly or from his BlackBerry. A widely circulated explanation for how Weiner’s Twitter account could have been hacked by email would also seem to be incompatible with the fact that the message in question originated on TweetDeck. If email had been used, the message probably would have originated via the photosharing site Yfrog, where the infamous picture was posted.

However, this information doesn’t rule out the possibility that the congressman’s Twitter account was infiltrated — as Weiner has publicly suggested. But experts say it adds another hurdle for an alibi that has come under increasing fire.

You don't find it immoral for a married man to send a pic such as the one in question to a woman who is no this wife?
I don't make assumptions about the nature of marriages I am not closely familiar with -- especially the marriages of public figures. That is why nothing surprises me about the nature of John Ensign's affair with Cynthia Hampton, for one example, whose husband knew what was going on but was content to politically capitalize on it while both couples occupied the same home.

Nor am I surprised at statistics which hold that 50% of all marriages fail and of the remaining 50% over half are unhappy and regretful with one or both partners being actively adulterous.

As women have become more independent and the circumstances of modern life in developed cultures have radically changed the reasons for marriage have diminished proportionally.

At some point being Open Minded means one is Empty Headed.

I do have a problem with the morality and ethics of public figures who cheat on their spouses. Dishonesty in private life often indicates dishonesty in public life.

I'd rather not vote for or have such people in positions of influence over my life.
Are you sayin' you'd like to tap weiner?


This guy is going along the same path as Spitzer. [...]
Not really, Percy. Spitzer stood his ground firmly, didn't offer a bit of the usual doubletalk denial and he resigned. In doing so he showed what he's made of and he retained 100% of his dignity and integrity. That's why he has a tv program. He deserves to have it.

There is absolutely no reason for Weiner to behave defensively, which is what he's done. And in doing so he's condemned himself. He was one of my favorites but I'm now ashamed of him.

Spitzer has zero dignity and integrity, so even if he retained 100% of same, he still has zero.
You don't find it immoral for a married man to send a pic such as the one in question to a woman who is no this wife?
I don't make assumptions about the nature of marriages I am not closely familiar with -- especially the marriages of public figures. That is why nothing surprises me about the nature of John Ensign's affair with Cynthia Hampton, for one example, whose husband knew what was going on but was content to politically capitalize on it while both couples occupied the same home.

Nor am I surprised at statistics which hold that 50% of all marriages fail and of the remaining 50% over half are unhappy and regretful with one or both partners being actively adulterous.

As women have become more independent and the circumstances of modern life in developed cultures have radically changed the reasons for marriage have diminished proportionally.

At some point being Open Minded means one is Empty Headed.

I do have a problem with the morality and ethics of public figures who cheat on their spouses. Dishonesty in private life often indicates dishonesty in public life.

I'd rather not vote for or have such people in positions of influence over my life.

Bingo. Why do some have a problem with this. Whom do you trust>?
Character Matters...and Weiner has amply demonstrated that his is seriously flawed.
You don't find it immoral for a married man to send a pic such as the one in question to a woman who is no this wife?
I don't make assumptions about the nature of marriages I am not closely familiar with -- especially the marriages of public figures. That is why nothing surprises me about the nature of John Ensign's affair with Cynthia Hampton, for one example, whose husband knew what was going on but was content to politically capitalize on it while both couples occupied the same home.

Nor am I surprised at statistics which hold that 50% of all marriages fail and of the remaining 50% over half are unhappy and regretful with one or both partners being actively adulterous.

As women have become more independent and the circumstances of modern life in developed cultures have radically changed the reasons for marriage have diminished proportionally.

I figure your numbers are screwy but as liberal views take hold this type of result should be expected...
The TweetDeck Theory increases the likelihood that Weiner did post the pic:

As the world has attempted to make sense of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s claim that his Twitter account was hacked, a key clue has been missing: exactly how the notorious groin pic was posted online.

But according to data provided exclusively to The Daily from TweetCongress.org, a nonprofit website that captures each member of Congress’s Twitter feeds in real time, the shot seen round the world was transmitted using TweetDeck — a popular Adobe desktop application that links up with social networking sites. A review of Weiner’s Twitter stream from May 27, the day of the crotch pic, shows that Weiner had been posting only from TweetDeck — one of many ways to post messages to Twitter — that entire night.

Chet Wisniewski, a senior security adviser at security software company SophosLabs, said the TweetDeck stamp “does make it more plausible that it did come from him.”

Weiner used TweetDeck frequently, but he often also posted from the Web directly or from his BlackBerry. A widely circulated explanation for how Weiner’s Twitter account could have been hacked by email would also seem to be incompatible with the fact that the message in question originated on TweetDeck. If email had been used, the message probably would have originated via the photosharing site Yfrog, where the infamous picture was posted.

However, this information doesn’t rule out the possibility that the congressman’s Twitter account was infiltrated — as Weiner has publicly suggested. But experts say it adds another hurdle for an alibi that has come under increasing fire.

“The complexity goes up,” said Chris McCroskey, the Texas software developer who founded TweetCongress.org. The site, which has advocated the increased participation from congressmen on Twitter, aggregates and archives all the feeds of the 112th Congress from Twitter’s application programming interface. It is the only known database to do this other than the Library of Congress, which does not publicly share its data.

Robert Stribley, a senior information architect at Razorfish, a social media strategy agency, reasoned that if Weiner used the TweetDeck app, “it would probably make it less likely his account was hacked.”...

UPDATE: Weiner's Tale is shrinking into nothing

Yfrog confirms that e-mail upload feature “has not been compromised in any way

After confirming that our email upload feature has not been compromised in any way – it is now active again (from 5 pm PST today). We appreciate your patience as we work to assure user safety and security. Please always maintain secure passwords and do not share email secret PINs with anyone. Please contact us at is-support@imageshack.us with any questions, if you want your PINs changed or disabled.

Poor poor radical left, they invested so much time into this false theory


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Character Matters...and Weiner has amply demonstrated that his is seriously flawed.

who's character matters? Public servants'? The general Populous' Who's?

What I see in this whole thing is that a Public servant has gotten too enamored with his position.... at the very worst. IF... it comes to pass that the "rumors" are true, then he should be thrown out of Public service. IF... it comes to pass that it's Bull shit coming from the likes of Breitbart or someone else... then it should be investigated to the full extent of the law and they should be punished severely and publicly to show that this kind of thing will not be tolerated.
IOW, Steelplate advocates a witch hunt among those who reported the incident instead of holding Weiner accountable.

Thanks for the clarification.

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