
Now, back to WEINERGATE:

The Battle of the Bulge: Is the Weiner War Worth It?


1. The comic value alone is priceless. When else can you use a title like the one for this post? When Jon Stewart suggested the picture might be Weiner’s, because it shows that he “leans hard to the left,” I could not stifle a laugh. Nor, for that matter, did I try. Being a believer does not mean one cannot have a sense of humor. But this is not a compelling reason why Christians ought to care about, much less argue about, whether Rep Weiner is sending such pictures to adoring female fans.

The Battle of the Bulge: Is the Weiner War Worth It? | Philosophical Fragments

Man...Some of these headlines are the wurst!
A survey released this week by SBE Council found that small businesses are overwhelmingly disappointed with federal government policies. The financial outlook for their firms also remains tenuous over the next six months. In addition, the "Entrepreneurs and the Economy" survey found that high gas prices are undermining their ability to add jobs and compete. In fact, just over a quarter of small businesses (26 percent) have already cut back jobs or employee hours because of higher gas prices. Meanwhile, 47 percent report that higher gas costs are affecting their plans to hire.
Meanwhile, a staggering 38 percent of small business owners believe if gas prices remain high or increase further their business will not survive. In testimony before Congress last week, Kerrigan expressed her deep concerns that high gas prices were undermining the economic recovery and had the potential to do much more harm.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Wait, so Obama raised the price of Gas?

That's.... Interesting.

Yes. Just as we were finally recovered from the ravages of Katrina he freezes offshore drilling idling special rigs that are now deployed elsewhere and won't be back for a long time, if ever. Cutting supplies will raise the cost of a barrel of oil every single time.

He continues to push energy policies and regulation that make refining and production more costly instead of relaxing all but the most essential regulation and providing incentives for private industry to step up production.

I could go on and on, but that's pretty much the drift. . . .
Negging myself for getting off topic.

And back to Weinergate.

You really can't fault the Congressman for going into hiding. In every interview it does come up - (cough) - and gives him ever more opportunity to put his foot in his mouth.

He continues to push Cap & Trade. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

He continues to push Obamacare. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

Businesses are investing plenty, and making record profits.

Your assertion that either of these have negatively effected unemployment is pure speculation. How about some figures on exactly how many jobs have been lost due to "Obama pushing cap and trade"? I'd love to see those.

Businesses are taking their record profits and investing them in jobs in India and Singapore, where they can pay workers 10 cents an hour.

Perhaps you think Obama should lower the minimum wage to 10 cents an hour so we can compete?

He continues to refuse to not only make the Bush tax cuts permanent to continues to push raising taxes on those earning $250k or more. Businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks with uncertain consequences of that hanging over their heads.

WHAT? Are you serious? How exactly would future tax rates effect current profits? Do you think that Obama will somehow grandfather in the increase on $250K earnings?

He froze offshore drilling that helped create the current energy crisis and also idled a lot of rigs that would have furnished good jobs to a lot of people. He continues to push 'green energy' instead of turning folks loose to generate energy. Businesses are relucant to turn loose of assets and take risks with an uncertain energy supply hanging over their heads.

The moratorium on offshore drilling ended in October of last year, and was only on new rigs.

The price of oil didn't rise significantly until March, and even then it didn't rise anywhere near high enough to explain the ridiculous increase in gas prices that happened at the same time. There was some obvious corporate bullshit in the energy industry aimed at scalping the American people once again, but hey, what's new?

There is just no way that there was a cause and effect there.

He continues to push reckless spending that creates new bubbles that will burst and keeps the country on shaky economic foundation while creating unsustainable debt.

Reckless spending created the Housing bubble? The Tech bubble?

The two things have nothing to do with one another.

When energy, tax policy, mandates, and regulation are uncertain, businesses are reluctant to turn loose of assets and take risks and when they don't turn loose of assets and take risks they aren't creating or restoring jobs to hire people.

All baseless speculation, with no basis in actual corporate investment or corporate profit data.

Corporations have the Republican party wrapped around their little finger, and pretty much most of the Democratic party too.

Anytime corporations stop hiring American workers, in favor of overseas slave labor, they always try to blame government, or the "lazy, overpaid American people".
Yes. Just as we were finally recovered from the ravages of Katrina he freezes offshore drilling idling special rigs that are now deployed elsewhere and won't be back for a long time, if ever. Cutting supplies will raise the cost of a barrel of oil every single time.

He continues to push energy policies and regulation that make refining and production more costly instead of relaxing all but the most essential regulation and providing incentives for private industry to step up production.

I could go on and on, but that's pretty much the drift. . . .

In your own post, you said that the oil rigs went elsewhere, and continued to drill...

So, how would this raise the worldwide price of oil?
Negging myself for getting off topic.

And back to Weinergate.

You really can't fault the Congressman for going into hiding. In every interview it does come up - (cough) - and gives him ever more opportunity to put his foot in his mouth.

Actually, you're right, I'm not really sure how I got on this topic in the first place.

My bad. Back to "Weinergate".
Actually, you're right, I'm not really sure how I got on this topic in the first place.

My bad. Back to "Weinergate".

The AP can turn on a politician quickly:

The Associated Press: Ambitious Weiner sees media strategy backfire

"NEW YORK (AP) — "Weiner Exposed." ''Weiner's Pickle." ''Battle of the Bulge." Those were some of the tabloid headlines lampooning Rep. Anthony Weiner ..."

"...he's being cast by political opponents and the media as both a thin-skinned brawler ..."

"...more he talks about it, the more problems he raises.."

"...Weiner was a high-energy but not particularly visible House member..."

"...Abedin was at work all week at the State Department. Friends say she has handled the situation with confidence and is supporting Weiner through it..."

How cruel...:lol:
Going back to a thought I had on this thread if his name was "Smith."
After seeing him on 20/20 last night he would have or been pressured to resign already if his name was Smith. His name being "Weiner" is giving credence to his "prank" lame ass excuse.
It is amazing however that he survived 7th grade.
Personal favorite


SEXY PIC???? Who the hell's pic were they lookin at?? I didn't realize a cork sized penis draped in gray drab fruit of looms was the new definition of sexy?? What's he gonna wear for an encore, a freakin speedo??!! <Gag>

What a piece of crap that rag is! How dare they print this? Yanks sweep A's 4-2.

May their basement flood and destroy all the copies of that edition! :D

I never knew exactly what the Patrick Swayze (Johnny Castle) line in "Dirty Dancing":

"You just put your pickle on everybody's plate, College Boy, and leave the hard stuff to me."​

meant until now. :)
A survey released this week by SBE Council found that small businesses are overwhelmingly disappointed with federal government policies. The financial outlook for their firms also remains tenuous over the next six months. In addition, the "Entrepreneurs and the Economy" survey found that high gas prices are undermining their ability to add jobs and compete. In fact, just over a quarter of small businesses (26 percent) have already cut back jobs or employee hours because of higher gas prices. Meanwhile, 47 percent report that higher gas costs are affecting their plans to hire.
Meanwhile, a staggering 38 percent of small business owners believe if gas prices remain high or increase further their business will not survive. In testimony before Congress last week, Kerrigan expressed her deep concerns that high gas prices were undermining the economic recovery and had the potential to do much more harm.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Wait, so Obama raised the price of Gas?

That's.... Interesting.

It happened on his watch. I blamed Bush when gas prices got out of hand on his watch. That is the way it works.
A survey released this week by SBE Council found that small businesses are overwhelmingly disappointed with federal government policies. The financial outlook for their firms also remains tenuous over the next six months. In addition, the "Entrepreneurs and the Economy" survey found that high gas prices are undermining their ability to add jobs and compete. In fact, just over a quarter of small businesses (26 percent) have already cut back jobs or employee hours because of higher gas prices. Meanwhile, 47 percent report that higher gas costs are affecting their plans to hire.
Meanwhile, a staggering 38 percent of small business owners believe if gas prices remain high or increase further their business will not survive. In testimony before Congress last week, Kerrigan expressed her deep concerns that high gas prices were undermining the economic recovery and had the potential to do much more harm.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Wait, so Obama raised the price of Gas?

That's.... Interesting.
yes, remember in 2008 when the liberals told us it was the president who raised the price of gas

Wait, so Obama raised the price of Gas?

That's.... Interesting.
yes, remember in 2008 when the liberals told us it was the president who raised the price of gas

Bush should have been blamed, and was by many on the right for not addressing the issue in any meaningful way.

That being said, Bush never declared war on "fossil fuels", nor did he put moratorium on drilling to drive rigs to Brazil, either. Not that this has directly impacted gas prices yet, but, it doesn't give those people planning on starting a business much hope that the US will have some control over gas prices any time in the near future.

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