
UPDATE: Weiner's Tale is shrinking into nothing

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After confirming that our email upload feature has not been compromised in any way – it is now active again (from 5 pm PST today). We appreciate your patience as we work to assure user safety and security. Please always maintain secure passwords and do not share email secret PINs with anyone. Please contact us at is-support@imageshack.us with any questions, if you want your PINs changed or disabled.

So I take it smearing and email app company and a coed means lawsuits. Who is interested in a soon to be vacated NY House seat? Need someone to blame now Weiner? look in a mirror or down a little past your navel.​
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This is scary:

Anthoney Weiner



Paul Ryan

I remember when Sarah Palin's Account was hacked. I don't know how hard it is to hack twitter. It does happen.

I can see no reason why he would do this. I am inclined to believe him. He has been in politics forever. He knows better.
But he is also a liberal politician, which means he is pretty lame when it comes to security issues. So I think it perfectly reasonable to be as lax as in his personal security as he is on national security.
So I am sure he has an easily hackable password. And someone found it.

The rules for Congress are very clear when it comes to a hacked account....the person hacked is to turn it over to the capital police. For a politician that has screamed in the past for others to follow protocol, he did not. He instead went to an attorney so that when they are asked, they simply state attorney/client privilege. There will be a great degree of difficultly in getting to the truth now.
US congressman Christopher Lee resigned over a shirtless picture he sent out. Seems the crotch shoot was a bit worse. I say hold all of them to a higher standard regardless of the letter beside their name.
The fact that he has been in politics forever and should know better means nothing. Also being "lame" with security because he is a lib is simply a non starter.
It is a play on words by Weiner. When he says he's been hacked, he means he is a hack and has injured himself. Another woman and more pictures huh? Enter the liberal apologists and excusemakers.
There's MORE!

A new woman has come forward with what she claims are photographs, chats, and emails with Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY). These appear to undermine severely Rep. Weiner’s explanations that he was the victim of a “prank” or a “hack.”

The detailed new information suggests that the Brooklyn- and Queens-based representative and the young woman in question were involved in an online, consensual relationship involving the mutual exchange of intimate photographs.

BigGovernment.com and BigJournalism.com were approached regarding this information more than a week prior to the separate, independent event of Friday, May 27, 2011, when a link to the now-infamous “gray underwear” photograph appeared publicly on Rep. Weiner’s Twitter feed.

We will be updating BigGovernment.com and BigJournalism.com throughout the day with photographs, timelines, and other clarifying details. However, we will not be releasing all of the material because some of it is of an extreme, graphic nature.

» Weinergate Bombshell: New Woman Comes Forward Claiming Cache of Intimate Photos and Online Communications with Beleaguered Congressman - Big Government
I feel sorry for his wife. He is scum to put her through this public humiliation.
Another playful Weiner pic to an online friend:

It's Me

The woman has indicated that Rep. Weiner allegedly sent the photograph after she asked him to confirm that he was taking photographs contemporaneously, in conjunction with their apparent online communications.
I expect that the next pic will be released in 14 minutes. The first was at 5am, the second at 7am. I'm assuming an every two hour schedule, for now.
I told them yesterday, I have extra straws....

It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

What's grown? The number of umemployed? The debt? Just what growth are you refering to here?
It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

What's grown? The number of umemployed? The debt? Just what growth are you refering to here?

government jobs....funded with tax payer money.
I told them yesterday, I have extra straws....

It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

I think almost 1 in 10 Americans that wants to work has no job. Been that way for too long and Pelosi/Obama don't have an answer other than give money to banks and car companies. Just what part of that makes you laugh?
It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

I think almost 1 in 10 Americans that wants to work has no job. Been that way for too long and Pelosi/Obama don't have an answer other than give money to banks and car companies. Just what part of that makes you laugh?

It's actually more than double that ratio if one includes long term unemployed who have given up and those who have taken low-paying part time or temporary jobs outside of their career path.
It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is

Yes, forget about all the months of growth that we've had. Let's let one month of bad data be the benchmark for economic trends.

ROFL. Do you people really think that the American people have the attention span of Goldfish, or what?

What's grown? The number of umemployed? The debt? Just what growth are you refering to here?

Well there has been an enormous growth in government jobs. And the huge lion's share of jobs 'saved' has been government jobs. Most of the rest have been union jobs for workers in unions that have heavily supported our fearless leader.

In the private sector, most of the new jobs created have been at McDonald's. Why is McDonalds hiring? They were one of the favored firms to be given a waiver for Obamacare.

One of the the reasons I think Congressman Weiner is being so relentlessly pummeled over Weinergate is because of his own lapses into hypocrisy including his fiery and adament endorsement of Obamacare and his scathing condemnation of those who opposed it. . . .

And then. . . .he suggested NYC might need a waiver from Obamacare. . . .

Just in case folks are keeping score on congressional and presidential hypocrisy:

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., one of the most outspoken supporters of President Obama’s landmark health care overhaul just one year ago, is reportedly now looking into how a health law waiver might work for his constituents in the Big Apple.

After recently encouraging Democrats to stop “hiding under our desks” and to “be proud of” the unpopular law, the likely mayoral candidate is shopping for alternatives. . . .

. . . .The congressman was trying to debunk Republican “myths” about the health care law during a speech at the Center for American Progress. He used the waivers as way to describe how flexible the law actually is and how “this notion that the government is shoving the bill down people’s throats” is not true.

“The administration needs to make this argument more forcefully,” he said. “A lot of people who got waivers were … people who are our friends.”

The New York Democrat said that he does not have the power to get the city to apply for a waiver but that he is “personally looking at whether he can make the numbers work.”

“We in New York already have hospitals, we already employ doctors and we employ nurses. We have a lot of uninsured people. … [Setting up] the exchanges is the one piece of the puzzle that would be difficult for us to do,” he said. “I’m just looking internally to whether the city can save money and have more control over its own destiny.
Report: Rep. Anthony Weiner Wants ObamaCare Waiver for NYC | The Blaze
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