Welcome back, Carter: Labor Force Participation Rate Drops to 1979 Levels;

Libtards? Shut the fuck up shit for brains. Where is you post taking "credit" for the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy,

too stupid as befits the slowest liberal here. The Bush cuts were followed by the largest revenue gains in American History!!
Feel dumb??? Of course not, a liberal will lack the IQ to understand how dumb he is.

Bush's 2003 supply side tax cuts produced biggest revenue gains for government in American History. When Charlie Gibson ask BO why he wanted to raise the Cap. gains tax when it always resulted in less revenue, BO said it had to with appearance, not revenue. A liberal lacks the intelligence to think clearly.
Stephen Moore: "from 2004 to 2007 federal tax cuts revenue increased by an enormous 785 billion., the largest increase in American History

individual and corporate tax were up 40% capital gains and dividend 71% in capital gains and 41% in dividends

NYTIMES: "An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy ids driving down the deficit this year"

" the latest IRS data through 2006 show a more than 120 billion increase in tax payments by the wealthy after the 2003 Bush tax cuts through 2006
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