Welcome Back Mr. Netanyahu!

I suggested in another thread that the Speaker and Senate Majority Leader announce that a Roll Call would be held and then call the rolls after Netanyahu's speech.

I was just thinking the same thing...and then print that roll call in every Jewish publication and web site in the US. Then let's see how much money the Rats get from the Yids next election cycle. :lol:
I suggested in another thread that the Speaker and Senate Majority Leader announce that a Roll Call would be held and then call the rolls after Netanyahu's speech.

I was just thinking the same thing...and then print that roll call in every Jewish publication and web site in the US. Then let's see how much money the Rats get from the Yids next election cycle. :lol:
Now that's an interesting prospect...
Absolutely amazing how many Israeli firster we have here. They are willing to put Israel before America at the drop of the hat.
In past times we would call these people traitors, and we probably still should.
It would be cool if Netenyahu would go into the Oval Office, punch the Kenyan in the nose, throw his ass into the Rose Garden and say "the American people want you out of their White Houe and I'm just the guy who would do it". . LOL

Heaven forbid.

Pray for Netanyahu’s Success


Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prays at the Western Wall ahead of his speech next week at the US Congress

The harder President Obama threatens and pushes, the more the the NY Times attacks Israel with articles that verge on the outright antisemitic, and the more the sycophants from left leaning Jewish organizations warn Prime Minister Netanyahu that this isn’t the time for his speech, the more apparent it becomes as to how dangerously close the Obama administration is to letting Iran build the bomb.

We’re at a tipping point.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has not hidden their genocidal agenda for the Jewish State.

It was no accident that in January, an Iranian general and other senior Hezbollah terrorists were on the Golan Heights near Israel’s border, ostensibly helping Hezbollah set up a missile system pointed at Israel. For them, the disintegration of Syria is a convenient opportunity to further their plans to destroy Israel.

If Obama’s deal goes through, with the chilling details that we’ve heard so far, nothing short of outright Israeli military action will stop Iran from acquiring the bomb and forever changing the balance of power in the Middle East – for the good of all radical Islamists.

And while outright solo military action by Israel may destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities, it may also bring about devastating responses for everyone in the region.

PM Netanyahu is going to plead before the American people just days before the holiday of Purim, to rip up this evil decree before it happens.

A long time ago, Queen Esther went before the king at great personal risk and danger, when she saw she had no other choice and no other way to save the Jewish people from a similarly evil decree.

The Jewish Press Pray for Netanyahu s Success

As the old saying goes, "It doesn't matter what the gentiles think, it matters what the Jews do."

I won't vote for him, but hearing even the leftists here saying he's got a good case here, and shouldn't be totally critisized, I raise an eyebrow; Why aren't the Americans truthful about the deal? What are they afraid of the public finding out? why they threaten Netanyahu to not say anything about it? who're they trying to protect?
I won't vote for him, but hearing even the leftists here saying he's got a good case here, and shouldn't be totally critisized, I raise an eyebrow; Why aren't the Americans truthful about the deal? What are they afraid of the public finding out? why they threaten Netanyahu to not say anything about it? who're they trying to protect?

American blacks have a general antipathy toward Jews because they owned the ghetto stores after LBJ's "urban development" and ADC money tore black families apart. Obozo was raised by white women without a father figure so he adopted known racist and anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright as his mentor. Add in the fact that Barry was schooled as a muslim and the picture is complete. He simply hates Jews and probably doesn't even know why given he's a juvenile idiot.
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd

Ha! He had to have the U.S. build his Iron Dome and he can't seem to protect his people from Hamas attacks.
How many times has America been attacked since Obama has been in office?
That's nice point of thinking, Israel would have like to keep it that way.
Why don't Israel stop threatening them?

If the Jews learned one thing from history, is that when a huge nation says "I'm going to wipe you out," you better not brush it off with a claim of insanity.

You should try that sometimes. It's a usefull lesson.

And yet you didn't get wiped out. Many Jews died in WWII for do you know the Russian Famine of 1918-1921 killed 6 million as well? 6 million, and well apparently it was Jews who were starving according the NY Times articles that ran constantly for several years, 6 mil, 6 mil.
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Israeli intelligence overplayed the threat posed by Iraq and reinforced the U.S. and British assessment that Saddam Hussein had large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, a retired Israeli general said Thursday. but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
As you can see they were a real big help when it cam to getting us involved in Iraq. We won't even get into the Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 by dancing and cheering as the Twin Towers fell..

We should all be grateful for the help of the Israeli Mossad, with friends like that who needs enemies.

This all dancing in the streets in 9-11 is pure nonsense. The only one we saw gloating were those Islami-fascist fanatics, but well, guess we don't have to mind them, that's totally fine, right.

And PM Bibi, "This is good, this is very good" To unite people have a common enemy. It got us to go into Iraq ,, as wrote in PNAC by the Jewish neocons , we will need something like another Pearl Harbor for the American people to agree to increase military finance and go to war in Iraq, 911 was it.

You say it was made by the Jews, you crazy person. You really think your opinion holds any grounds?

Look who the writers of PNAC are and look at the signers. I firmly believe 911 was planned and done by Israel and some neocons in our government. Not some Muslims.

Quit doing the drugs!
I need my caffeine, to keep up with all the Jewish news.
And yet you didn't get wiped out. Many Jews died in WWII for do you know the Russian Famine of 1918 killed 6 million as well? 6 million, and well apparently it was Jews who were starving according the NY Times articles that ran constantly for several years, 6 mil, 6 mil.

So your defense of allowing Iran to have nukes is that Stalin killed as many Jews as Hitler?
And yet you didn't get wiped out. Many Jews died in WWII for do you know the Russian Famine of 1918 killed 6 million as well? 6 million, and well apparently it was Jews who were starving according the NY Times articles that ran constantly for several years, 6 mil, 6 mil.

So your defense of allowing Iran to have nukes is that Stalin killed as many Jews as Hitler?

PM Bibi has no say in what the IAEA and the P5=1 are doing with Iran, and to think he will not even let the IAEA in Israel. Stalin was not in power then, that was the Jews
Russian famine of 1921 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Could somebody please tell me what time is his speech?

Thank you :)

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