Welcome Back Mr. Netanyahu!

I suggested in another thread that the Speaker and Senate Majority Leader announce that a Roll Call would be held and then call the rolls after Netanyahu's speech.

I was just thinking the same thing...and then print that roll call in every Jewish publication and web site in the US. Then let's see how much money the Rats get from the Yids next election cycle. :lol:
American Jews, for the most part, are liberals first. They're traitors to the Israeli State. When ISIS invades America, those Jews will be the first with their heads on the chopping block.
Could somebody please tell me what time is his speech?

Thank you :)

It is supposed to be at 11 AM....So Rush can get a full program in at 12 Eastern!:biggrin:

Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.
Could somebody please tell me what time is his speech?

Thank you :)

It is supposed to be at 11 AM....So Rush can get a full program in at 12 Eastern!:biggrin:

Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.

Republicans passed a homeland security bill, it's the CommiecRATS that stalled it! A House-passed Department of Homeland Security funding bill failed to overcome a procedural vote, getting only 51 of the 60 votes needed to stay alive in the Senate. The measure would block Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration and place “Dreamers” and millions of other illegal immigrants back at risk of deportation where the current laws say they should be.
Could somebody please tell me what time is his speech?

Thank you :)

It is supposed to be at 11 AM....So Rush can get a full program in at 12 Eastern!:biggrin:

Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.

Republicans passed a homeland security bill, it's the CommiecRATS that stalled it! A House-passed Department of Homeland Security funding bill failed to overcome a procedural vote, getting only 51 of the 60 votes needed to stay alive in the Senate. The measure would block Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration and place “Dreamers” and millions of other illegal immigrants back at risk of deportation where the current laws say they should be.

While I wouldn't be sad to see the executive action go away, I think it's all going to fall on the repubs.
Could somebody please tell me what time is his speech?

Thank you :)

It is supposed to be at 11 AM....So Rush can get a full program in at 12 Eastern!:biggrin:

Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.

Republicans passed a homeland security bill, it's the CommiecRATS that stalled it! A House-passed Department of Homeland Security funding bill failed to overcome a procedural vote, getting only 51 of the 60 votes needed to stay alive in the Senate. The measure would block Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration and place “Dreamers” and millions of other illegal immigrants back at risk of deportation where the current laws say they should be.

While I wouldn't be sad to see the executive action go away, I think it's all going to fall on the repubs.

The feckless Republicans just don't know how to use PROPAGANDA and LIES as the CommiecRATS do... they are experts, at lies, the Republicans need a BRAINTRUST to offset the left. They have the money, but they DON'T BUY the headlines like the left does. One of the first principles of marketing, you'd think some of them would know this!
It is supposed to be at 11 AM....So Rush can get a full program in at 12 Eastern!:biggrin:

Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.

Republicans passed a homeland security bill, it's the CommiecRATS that stalled it! A House-passed Department of Homeland Security funding bill failed to overcome a procedural vote, getting only 51 of the 60 votes needed to stay alive in the Senate. The measure would block Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration and place “Dreamers” and millions of other illegal immigrants back at risk of deportation where the current laws say they should be.

While I wouldn't be sad to see the executive action go away, I think it's all going to fall on the repubs.

The feckless Republicans just don't know how to use PROPAGANDA and LIES as the CommiecRATS do... they are experts, at lies, the Republicans need a BRAINTRUST to offset the left. They have the money, but they DON'T BUY the headlines like the left does. One of the first principles of marketing, you'd think some of them would know this!
Or there really is no difference between the parties. They just want you to think there is. Otherwise the immigration bill would not be a problem!
One day you will realize both parties are playing you like a finely tuned violin.
That's nice point of thinking, Israel would have like to keep it that way.
Why don't Israel stop threatening them?

If the Jews learned one thing from history, is that when a huge nation says "I'm going to wipe you out," you better not brush it off with a claim of insanity.

You should try that sometimes. It's a usefull lesson.

And yet you didn't get wiped out. Many Jews died in WWII for do you know the Russian Famine of 1918-1921 killed 6 million as well? 6 million, and well apparently it was Jews who were starving according the NY Times articles that ran constantly for several years, 6 mil, 6 mil.


Part of the time, I look at you as just a professional troll...by "professional" I mean its just what you do with most of your day, not that anybody pays you, or that you are worth a damn at it.

Most of the time I think of you as just the very worst fool on the internet.

Here is an example. A key matter has completely eluded you...which can only elude the rankest fool. Once considered, it cannot be dismissed. All you see is that 6 million Jews and 6 million Russians...each...died.

The point is that lunatic regimes....the National Socialists in Germany (who killed the Jews); and the Bolshevik Socialists Russians (who killed their fellow Russians)....did all the killing. Lunatics did the killing.

Lunatics...of which Iran is now more filled up with than Nazi Germany or Communist Russia...kill people.

Bad as Ideological Lunatics can be...(and, by the way, Islam is an ideology too...because it recognizes no separation between Church & State)...but bad as Ideology can be....Religious Lunatics are by far the most dangerous Lunatics of all. (Islam is an ideology and a mad religion founded by a Particular Lunatic who carried around a Persian scimitar with which to cut Infidels in half...just below their sternum because then he could best watch how all the organs performed in their death throes. (Is it any surprise that Muhammad founded a religion that even today trades mostly in Blood?)

Persians have been making scimitars for Muslims to kill with for many centuries, but not for as many centuries as they have been cheating each other on the price or value of a rug...and today this fool Obama thinks he will make a deal with them which will keep them from having a nuclear bomb....and us Heartland boys know better and knew better...and we told you so last year when this incredible fool Obama announced that he was the man to make a deal with these Persian rug traders and ayatollahs.

And now, we find out that Obama is only hoping to keep these Lunatics from getting the nuclear bomb for 10 more years...which is no time if you have kids...and it very likely won't be as long as that, because the Persian ayatollahs know he is a fool, just like everyone else does...except you and other idiots similarly situated.

So, next up for annihilation are 6 million more Jews, this time living in Israel, but whats that to you? You, who are still grieving over the loss of 6 million Russians, because the Bolshevik Russians couldn't feed them from the produce of their communes where the rule is "each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"....or as Obama likes to say...spread the wealth.


I am sorry to have been so long winded. I fear I lost you long ago--in an intellectual way.

What you should take away from my message is that I think you are the very worst fool ever to post on the internet. Sceen name: Penelope

But, you could easily be Susan Rice; or Valerie Jarrett or John Kerry. Bad as you are, you are no worse fool than them.
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Looks like our next President, who will be a republican, will have to go on an Apology Tour to our remaining Allies.

Don't count on it. Repubs off to a bad start between not wanting to fund homeland security and putting israel ahead of their own country.

Republicans passed a homeland security bill, it's the CommiecRATS that stalled it! A House-passed Department of Homeland Security funding bill failed to overcome a procedural vote, getting only 51 of the 60 votes needed to stay alive in the Senate. The measure would block Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration and place “Dreamers” and millions of other illegal immigrants back at risk of deportation where the current laws say they should be.

While I wouldn't be sad to see the executive action go away, I think it's all going to fall on the repubs.

The feckless Republicans just don't know how to use PROPAGANDA and LIES as the CommiecRATS do... they are experts, at lies, the Republicans need a BRAINTRUST to offset the left. They have the money, but they DON'T BUY the headlines like the left does. One of the first principles of marketing, you'd think some of them would know this!
Or there really is no difference between the parties. They just want you to think there is. Otherwise the immigration bill would not be a problem!
One day you will realize both parties are playing you like a finely tuned violin.

The difference is certainly not as much as some here would have you believe...
1948. 1956. 1967 1973 to name a few. They fought alone. The
US was against each one, even 1948.

Actually Nixon help to save Israel in the '73 Yom Kippor war. He resupplied the Israeli military which allowed them to regroup and counter attack the Soviet supplied Arabs

What is clear, from the preponderance of information provided by those directly involved in the unfolding events, is that President Richard Nixon — overriding inter-administration objections and bureaucratic inertia — implemented a breathtaking transfer of arms, code-named Operation Nickel Grass, that over a four-week period involved hundreds of jumbo U.S. military aircraft delivering more than 22,000 tons of armaments.

As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be made up out of U.S. stockpiles, using the very best weapons America possessed. . . . Whatever it takes, he told Kissinger . . . save Israel.

“It was Nixon who did it,” recalled Nixon’s acting special counsel, Leonard Garment. “I was there. As [bureaucratic bickering between the State and Defense departments] was going back and forth, Nixon said, this is insane. . . . He just ordered Kissinger, “Get your ass out of here and tell those people to move.”

When Schlesinger initially wanted to send just three transports to Israel because he feared anything more would alarm the Arabs and the Soviets, Nixon snapped: “We are going to get blamed just as much for three as for 300. . . . Get them in the air, now.”

Haig, in his memoir Inner Circles, wrote that Nixon, frustrated with the initial delays in implementing the airlift and aware that the Soviets had begun airlifting supplies to Egypt and Syria, summoned Kissinger and Schlesinger to the Oval Office on October 12 and “banished all excuses.”

The president asked Kissinger for a precise accounting of Israel’s military needs, and Kissinger proceeded to read aloud from an itemized list.

“Double it,” Nixon ordered. “Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.

Article Thirty Six Years Ago Today Richard Nixon Saved Israel e2 80 94but Got No Credit Commentary Magazine
The obama led boycott has fallen flat.

Some Democrats May Skip But Netanyahu Speech Still a Hot Ticket

obama has made this speech a test of loyalty to him personally. The public knows that obama is lying about Iran. Another perspective without blind loyalty to muslim interests is appreciated.

I think it was on CNN this morning that said 4 Senators and 30 house members would not be attending the speech. The President and Vice President are also acting like spoiled children and won't be there either. Does anyone know how many Democrats are members of the Congressional black caucus? I consider their boycott of the speech racist and bigoted.

Actually it is in Proverbs 29:27

An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

Proverbs 29:27

Bibi is a just man and the wicked despise him for it. Those who reject him are identifying themselves as the wicked. God's Word is like a lamp unto our feet!
If the Jews learned one thing from history, is that when a huge nation says "I'm going to wipe you out," you better not brush it off with a claim of insanity.

You should try that sometimes. It's a usefull lesson.
The problem is, that "huge nation" didn't say that, twisted sister. That was their former leader and he wasn't saying what you claim he was saying.

Iran has consistently said there needs to be a diplomatic solution to the Palestinian problem.
I have to say I kind of agree with obama on this. Let him try to work a deal, I know that the deadline to do this has passed but obama as always wants to make another line in the sand. But let's just see if this can come of anything, personally I know it won't because Iran like North Korea just keep doing what they will. The Israeli pm is politicizing this and people who do not like obama have jumped on the bandwagon of beating up the obama regime. Quite a bit of the time it is deserved, and other times it is bs, but I want to see what kind of deal this is and I think the Israeli pm speech was in bad taste at this time, let's face it we all know what Iran would do if it got the capability. Let's hope it's not like the bergdahl deal. But let's see it, before the rush to judgement.

Looking at the Israeli reaction to it, it seems like most of them think it was all fluff. Israel May have a new pm soon anyway.
I have to say I kind of agree with obama on this. Let him try to work a deal, I know that the deadline to do this has passed but obama as always wants to make another line in the sand. But let's just see if this can come of anything, personally I know it won't because Iran like North Korea just keep doing what they will. The Israeli pm is politicizing this and people who do not like obama have jumped on the bandwagon of beating up the obama regime. Quite a bit of the time it is deserved, and other times it is bs, but I want to see what kind of deal this is and I think the Israeli pm speech was in bad taste at this time, let's face it we all know what Iran would do if it got the capability. Let's hope it's not like the bergdahl deal. But let's see it, before the rush to judgement.

Looking at the Israeli reaction to it, it seems like most of them think it was all fluff. Israel May have a new pm soon anyway.
Why do people keep talking as though Iran is the bad guy or has done anything wrong? They're not building "the bomb", nor have they attacked another nation in over 300 years. They don't deserve these sanctions and the Israeli PM is completely full of shit!

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