Welcome Back Mr. Netanyahu!

Speak for yourself. He has one thing on his mind, and its not Isis, but Iran.

and that's a bad thing?

I hope that's part of it. and The majority of Americans are glad to hear what he has to say. Except the traitors in the Democrat party

Yes as Israel has nukes but Iran has not. He is a war monger and wants Americans to fight war for him, were there any Israel ground troops in Iraq, no sir, just American. You may think its funny Americans fight for Israel but most of us are sick of it.
Israel has enough to handle Iran all by itself. They've only held off because the US has been pleading with Israel since 1990 to not retaliate. All bets are off now.

I haven't checked the news today but if it's broadcast it will be on Fox News.
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due

So being friends with Israel got us all these terrorist enemies, and now we should be happy they give us intelligence on these enemies? They probably just want us to take out these enemies.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

What am I not seeing, other than your vision of Bibi and/or Israel controlling the US Congress?

Well that is kind of a big thing.
Oh, that's all, then... I thought maybe there was something else that I was overlooking.

What evidence do you have, that the United States Congress is controlled by Israel, or by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu?

They have brought him in so they can receive his orders.
I thought that they brought him in so that they can hear what he has to say, in a high-visibility official and public forum.

I thought that they brought him in so that they can reassure our good friend and ally that the current President's mishandling of the US-Israel relationship does not represent mainstream America and so that they could send the unspoken message that Israel merely need hang-on until January 20, 2017, when all will be well again.

But, I could be wrong, and I want to be fair.

Do you have any evidence that the United States Congress is under the orders of the Israeli Prime Minister or his government?
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due

So being friends with Israel got us all these terrorist enemies, and now we should be happy they give us intelligence on these enemies? They probably just want us to take out these enemies.
The United States bows to no man nor nation nor ideology.

We will not allow Militant Muslims to dictate to us, whom we may befriend and ally with, and whom we may not.

"Millions for defense - but not one cent for tribute."

An old American maxim, born during the time of our first squabble with the Muslims, in the 1801-1805 time frame.
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd
Why don't you move to Israel, since you're more loyal to their country, than you are to this one?
When are you moving to Tehran,
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd
Why don't you move to Israel, since you're more loyal to their country, than you are to this one?
Billo, when you move to Tehran, send me your mailing address so I can send you some pork rinds.
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the
Israeli intelligence overplayed the threat posed by Iraq and reinforced the U.S. and British assessment that Saddam Hussein had large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, a retired Israeli general said Thursday. but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
As you can see they were a real big help when it cam to getting us involved in Iraq. We won't even get into the Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 by dancing and cheering as the Twin Towers fell..

We should all be grateful for the help of the Israeli Mossad, with friends like that who needs enemies.
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the
Israeli intelligence overplayed the threat posed by Iraq and reinforced the U.S. and British assessment that Saddam Hussein had large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, a retired Israeli general said Thursday. but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
As you can see they were a real big help when it cam to getting us involved in Iraq. We won't even get into the Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 by dancing and cheering as the Twin Towers fell..

We should all be grateful for the help of the Israeli Mossad, with friends like that who needs enemies.

Once again............:link:.
The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
The only difference between the Mossad and al Qaeda, is their annual budget.

In Syria, the Mossad and al Qaeda are ally's.
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due

So being friends with Israel got us all these terrorist enemies, and now we should be happy they give us intelligence on these enemies? They probably just want us to take out these enemies.

You probably missed the memo. Those enemies exist because you created them. Obama acted like a fool when it came to the Syrian issue, he supported those who shouldn't be supported (Helping the rebels? USA funding Al-Quaeda? if it wasn't sad it could actually be amusing. 3000 of your civilians lost and you forget pretty quickly) and that vaccuum is what created ISIS to being with.

Alliance with Israel? they hate you because you're not Muslims, it has nothing to do with Israel, but keep telling yourselves that in order to make yourselves feel better. But it's an American thing, not because of Israel, and you know it
The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
The only difference between the Mossad and al Qaeda, is their annual budget.

In Syria, the Mossad and al Qaeda are ally's.

Mossad doesn't give a **** about Syria.
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the
Israeli intelligence overplayed the threat posed by Iraq and reinforced the U.S. and British assessment that Saddam Hussein had large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, a retired Israeli general said Thursday. but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
As you can see they were a real big help when it cam to getting us involved in Iraq. We won't even get into the Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 by dancing and cheering as the Twin Towers fell..

We should all be grateful for the help of the Israeli Mossad, with friends like that who needs enemies.

This all dancing in the streets in 9-11 is pure nonsense. The only one we saw gloating were those Islami-fascist fanatics, but well, guess we don't have to mind them, that's totally fine, right.
So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the
Israeli intelligence overplayed the threat posed by Iraq and reinforced the U.S. and British assessment that Saddam Hussein had large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, a retired Israeli general said Thursday. but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
As you can see they were a real big help when it cam to getting us involved in Iraq. We won't even get into the Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 by dancing and cheering as the Twin Towers fell..

We should all be grateful for the help of the Israeli Mossad, with friends like that who needs enemies.

Once again............:link:.
Seriously I thought everyone knew how to use Google:
USATODAY.com - General Israelis exaggerated Iraq threat

and than take your pick for the 5 dancing Israelis
9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11
Dancing Israelis - 911myths
Full text of 9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad Involvement in Attacks
if that does not make you happy there are about 453,000 other results you can check for yourself!
He said that just because he's interested in what Netanyahu has to say, doesn't make him Israeli-firster, just roll back and see.
Asking Netanfuckyou to speak to Congress, is sedition.

I'm really out of fucks to give, as you kindly said yourself seconds ago. If it goes with Israeli interests, it should be done. Who cared if your leaders, some of them, don't feel convenient about it? it's a threat to Israel existence, and you cannot force a deal down Israel's throat without letting Israel the minimal right to object
I guess you feel the same about the CIA?
I have major issues with the CIA.

I don't like what they did in Iran in 1953. Or what they did in Chili with Pinochet. Or what they did in El Salvador against the Sandinista's. I do like what they did in Italy, though.

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