Welcome RACE RELATIONS and RELIGION to Zone 1!

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Won't be long before every topic is in "Zone 1."

Everyone needs a "safe space."

If actual debate ever broke out at USMB -- Zone1 rules wouldn't qualify as a safe space. What's the chances of you getting pummeled with facts and logic and honesty at USMB right now??? :meow:

This encouraging honest discussion just will never work in Politics or Current Event or Media and several others. BUT -- it could work for Religion/Race Relations
If the “Clean Start” policy is going to apply, then all those anti-atheist threads will be killed

Clean start has been around for almost 2 years and has applied to ALL forums. That certainly doesn't target atheists and this won't either. Everyone is on the same field -- except they have to play fair.
Can we please do this without mentioning/disparaging specific members? Thanks.

The Flame Zone is the perfect spot for discussing other members.
If actual debate ever broke out at USMB -- Zone1 rules wouldn't qualify as a safe space. What's the chances of you getting pummeled with facts and logic and honesty at USMB right now??? :meow:

This encouraging honest discussion just will never work in Politics or Current Event or Media and several others. BUT -- it could work for Religion/Race Relations

There are crickets chirping among all the black mold in the Debate forums; most don't want debate, they want propaganda and slander of political opponents.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that taking most of the left and assorted deviants seriously is pointless and silly.
You read that right! Zone 1 is expanding, which means some of you are going to need to brush up on how to discuss issues civilly. Race Relations/Racism and Religion & Ethics are now part of Zone 1.

Recap of the Forum Rules for Zone 1:

  • Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
Very good move.
If actual debate ever broke out at USMB -- Zone1 rules wouldn't qualify as a safe space. What's the chances of you getting pummeled with facts and logic and honesty at USMB right now??? :meow:

This encouraging honest discussion just will never work in Politics or Current Event or Media and several others. BUT -- it could work for Religion/Race Relations
Nope, but you will try to prove me wrong but I know the human nature of most on here and no matter what Zone you put those two forums in there will never be civil discussion…

When the board is majority White and you have a very small percentage of minorities on this board that goad the whites into a flame war, well you know very well race relations is never going to be civil.

Also with moving those two forums into Zone one you will have echo chamber threads because no one will want to discuss anything with each other knowing the moderation will be heavier in there.

Did those that partake in those two forums bring this onto themselves?

Sure did but still civil discussion will never be had in race relations when one side scream racist all the time while the other side scream the “ N “ word and other racist comments all the time and in Religion and Ethics you can bet you will be getting a flurry of reports constantly from all sides, so you guys made a lot more work for yourselves…

I swear the Flame Zone, Rubber Room and Badlands are more Civil than Race Relations and Religion and Ethics and they are in the damn dungeon!

Now your turn to lecture me how I am missing the point that this will hopefully spur better debate when in my opinion it will not.

( I guess I could have just said the last part first and left it at that but alas I didn’t )
That has not escaped my notice.
It’s the truth…

When you have less moderation you see those that want safe spaces stay far from those regions for a reason and that is they will not get the safety they demand or as they get in other regions of the board…

Sure we troll each other in those Zones but we also have unwritten rules amongst us and can be Civil down there.

Some mods will scuff stop this but go into the Flame Zone and notice who participates down there and notice the conversation is mild compare to the upstairs because those that play down there know rules are limited so trolling is allowed.

All I have to say now it you think what has happened to Race Relations and Religion and Ethics is great… Well then enjoy the heavy hand of moderation because that is what will happen and let be clear no sides will be happy…
I’ve noticed.
Hey, I have been nice even to you… I think… Well maybe not… Let me check… Hmmm, have I ever been nice down there?

Seriously though we can be civil down there, well more than upstairs…

Why do you think I write my threads in the Rubber Room?

Free open discussion ( some what ) and knowing many can handle it down there.

Funny part is the Mods believed the Dungeon would be the Wild West while the upstairs would be the shining beacon of the board but in my opinion it is reverse…
Can you sum up? Too many words. I don't understand...

Can I curse in religion vs ethics? Because I made that thread.
There are crickets chirping among all the black mold in the Debate forums; most don't want debate, they want propaganda and slander of political opponents.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that taking most of the left and assorted deviants seriously is pointless and silly.
USMB has rarely been about honest debate

It is about talking Smack regardless of the forum
Are the new owners going to go back in history and erase all our curses? Because, shite, that'll take a lot of work...
You read that right! Zone 1 is expanding, which means some of you are going to need to brush up on how to discuss issues civilly. Race Relations/Racism and Religion & Ethics are now part of Zone 1.

Recap of the Forum Rules for Zone 1:

  • Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
Clarify "putting down other posters".

I understand what it means, but others here may not. And by saying that, I may be putting down other posters... So clarify what that means, because it is ambiguous and will cause a lot of trouble going forward.

What does "putting down other posters" mean to you?
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