Welcome RACE RELATIONS and RELIGION to Zone 1!

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There are crickets chirping among all the black mold in the Debate forums; most don't want debate, they want propaganda and slander of political opponents.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that taking most of the left and assorted deviants seriously is pointless and silly.
...and vice-versa, of course~ Most of the the right and assorted deviants are not worth taking seriously either.

Race being one of the serious hot button issues..the Mods have quite the task ahead of them...especially if they are committed to even-handed moderation~

I'd also like to point out that the forum is named "Religion and Ethics"--thus a conversation about the ethics of religion is topical. There is no rule that Christianity is the only religion allowed to be discussed--and that a discussion of ethics can take place without God being referenced at all.
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Won't be long before every topic is in "Zone 1."

Everyone needs a "safe space."
Wrong assumption to make. That is NOT the goal here. If people want to do nothing but call each other names and try to outdo each other with such, then they can take that behavior to the areas specifically for that - Rubber Room, Flame Zone, and Badlands.
You just speak with Elon?

The Sports and Music sections need a clean up crew too. Is there a Zone 1.5 for some wiggle room?
This is something that was brought up over a year ago and got lost in space. A few other areas will be added in as well, just not all at once.
Clarify "putting down other posters".

I understand what it means, but others here may not. And by saying that, I may be putting down other posters... So clarify what that means, because it is ambiguous and will cause a lot of trouble going forward.

What does "putting down other posters" mean to you?
"Putting down other posters" = flaming, name calling, belittle, humiliate, diss, racial slurs, etc.
So do we report it to you? What's the procedure?

And what are you going to do about it, when it's a diamond member?

Because my family was threatened a few weeks ago, I reported it, and you folks didn't care.
So IM2 and the other black racists that call every white poster a name will be admonished?
ANY person violating Zone 1 rules in those areas will be warned. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. People need to realize that if they can't make a point without using slurs or other derogatory language, then they really have nothing to say on the topic.
So do we report it to you? What's the procedure?

And what are you going to do about it, when it's a diamond member?

Because my family was threatened a few weeks ago, I reported it, and you folks didn't care.
Yes, you report those posts and your best option is to NOT reply to those posts.

Mods aren't perfect, but reported posts do get read by mods. Sometimes one or two will get overlooked, never intentional. If you report something and think nothing was done about it, resend it and also DM some of us.
Wow, they better be paying you overtime...
The pay is our gratitude, so ya know it is slave labor but still as much as I love kicking them when they are here they do a job none of us want even though many of you believe you can handle it…

Keyword is BELIEVE and none of us want that job if you knew how much you have to deal with mental midgets like me screaming at them!!!
Can you color-code the zones so I know where I'm posting?
No, read the rules. It DOES have the areas listed per Zone.
Yes, you report those posts and your best option is to NOT reply to those posts.

Mods aren't perfect,
Mods are certainly not perfect, but some I have seen are FAR closer than others.

Just as it reflects poorly on a police force when the good cops protect the bad cops, it reflects poorly here when corrupt mods devoted only to their extreme agenda are protected by those who at least attempt to be professional.
No, read the rules. It DOES have the areas listed per Zone.

It would be helpful if ALL Zone one forums were under its own Category set up then they have a separate area of its own then everyone would know they are entering a Zone One forum.

Maybe the USMB Office Category be the ZONE One area and move all the ZONE one forums there?

So now we're supposed to suppress our inner demons in more areas of the USMB as we search for that illusive opposite that completes us and the raging banshees that howl within.


Get rid of the atheists?? Why? Did Christ come to cure the sick or the well?
Atheists are the target of a well authored reproof. Bring it.

So I'm thinkin' the easiest thing for the mods to do is throw pretty much everything from Religion and Race Relations into the fiery pit of the Taunting Arena and start over on both of them.



Especially after taking a cursory glance at the two forums under renovation.
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