Welcome To Apartheid Land 2013


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca_zweTU3So&feature=youtube_gdata_player. "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians." --Nelson Mandela. As the news of Nelson Mandela's critical condition circulated,*video artist Eitan Meir Altman*uploaded a haunting video, "Welcome to Apartheid Land 2013", onto his YouTube page. To the soundtrack of anti-Apartheid song Welele Mandela, "Listen Mandela", Altman's jarring 'e-paintings', artistic photo-renditions of scenes from Israel's occupation and Palestinians living under it, cross the screen in vivid colors."Welele Mandela" is an ANC Cultural Workers' song,*author unknown. It originated in the camps of the ANC during the 1980's. It is a call from the workers for Mandela to lead the people. Eitan Meir Altman has created an emotionally powerfully resistance video, one that will resonate until apartheid gasps its final breath." http://mondoweiss.net/2013/06/listen-mandela-apartheid.html http://mondoweiss.net/2013/06/listen-mandela-apartheid.html This is certainly a very powerful resistance video and the article sets out the words being sung in this South African song, adding to the emotional impact of the video. Apartheid is a very ugly phenomenon that people globally shall continue to unite to overcome. And as it was overcome in South Africa, it shall be overcome in Palestine! Sherri

Welcome to Apartheid Land 2013 HERE is the link again to the article addressed in the Opening Post. For unknown reasons, I cannot get this to post as a link in the OP.
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Art inspired by a people overcoming Apartheid is an enduring testimony of the potential for good inherent in Mankind!
It is doubtful where a lot of those shots were taken - could be anywhere and could be staged. They do that, you know. The arabs stage photos.
Jewish music arranged by Eitan Altman. More of his art.
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The maker of the video is a Jew from Haifa, Israel, who presently lives in France. So much for posters claims about Arabs staging images in this video, total hogwash! https://m.facebook.com/eitan.altman.3?id=1223106942&_rdr#!/eitan.altman.3?v=info&__user=1537327739

Care to explain that 'logic'????? Exactly what about the 'author' precludes any of the shots from being staged ???

It's well-documented that Arab 'sources' have faked photo and video 'evidence' - one of the most notorious was a claim that Muslim Arabs had been 'massacred' which featured photos of massacred Jews who'd been murdered by Muslim Arabs......

Here's a modern example of this by HAMAS: http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/116907/hamas-recycles-pictures-of-syrian-dead
Why cant posters here comprehend this video was not made by Palestinians? It was produced by a Jew from Haifa. And even if it had been made by a Palestinian, so what? The human rights abuses depicted in this video are very much real and are documented day in and day out and year in and year out by human rights groups like Amnesty and HRW and Btselem and DCI Palestine.
OK, it's not 'cause its propaganda that it's lousy 'art' - the guy just has no talent. The arrangement of the song was a miserable choice, and the video didn't have anything to do with the lyrics...... ICK.
Why cant posters here comprehend this video was not made by Palestinians? It was produced by a Jew from Haifa. And even if it had been made by a Palestinian, so what? The human rights abuses depicted in this video are very much real and are documented day in and day out and year in and year out by human rights groups like Amnesty and HRW and Btselem and DCI Palestine.

Why can't the OP comprehend that a statement that Arabs have faked photos and videos at various times is not a statement that they faked this particular one video?

The 'human rights abuses' are FICTIONAL DEPICTIONS - exactly like the fictional
'photos' which were used to precipitate the multiple murders of Jews back in 1929. It is certainly a pattern, such fakes and frauds: http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_riots_1929.php
"That is not how it is happening now. With Mr. Mandela in critical condition in a hospital from a serious lung infection, and as President Obama arrived Friday for a state visit, the country was in the grip of passions, ceremony and controversy as its people come to terms with finally bidding Mr. Mandela farewell.Outside the hospital gates, South Africans of all races prayed, sang and dropped flowers for their revered father figure. Less harmoniously, a simmering family feud over his funeral arrangements burst into public view. A 65-year-old woman claiming to be his illegitimate daughter stepped forward, demanding to be let into the hospital to meet him.In the evening, Mr. Obama entered the fray, faced with a delicate diplomatic balancing act involving statesmanship, policy and respect for a fading hero. Mr. Obama, who had planned weeks ago to visit Mr. Mandela during this trip, wishes to honor the man who inspired his career in politics, mindful that he is arriving as South Africans are sorrowful over their beloved former president’s condition." .Visit by Obama Is Overshadowed by Mandela Vigil - NYTimes.com The video in the OP is being released now because of Mandelas medical condtion deteriorating as it is. And I read President Obama is in South Africa now. My prayers are that this shall be a time for my President to reflect on Apartheid in Palestine and the need for the people there and all over our world for it to come to an end. Sherri
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As the man who struggled to fight Apartheid in South Africa struggles for life as President Obama visits, here is more of what is happening today in Post Apartheid South Africa. "During his weekend trip to Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town, his second stop of a three-nation Africa tour, Obama is scheduled on Sunday to visit Robben Island, where Mandela passed 18 of the 27 years he spent in apartheid prisons...Muslim activists held prayers in a car park outside the embassy. Leader Imam Sayeed Mohammed told the group: "We hope that Mandela feels better and that Obama can learn from him....""Mandela valued human life ... Mandela would condemn drone attacks and civilian deaths, Mandela cannot be his hero, he cannot be on that list," said Yousha Tayob. South African critics of Obama have focused in particular on his support for U.S. drone strikes overseas, which they say have killed hundreds of innocent civilians, and his failure to fulfil a pledge to close the U.S. military detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba housing terrorism suspects." Mandela 'improving' as Obama flies in. Mandela valued human life. President Obama, does he?

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