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Sep 18, 2012
'Heartbeat' Abortion Ban Advances In Ohio

I'm watching the Ken Burns doc on the Prohibition. The anti-saloon League and other hardliners refused to bend even a little on the issue of private consumption of booze--just like the anti-abortion types who refuse to even give in on rape and incest. Sickening. Back then, the extremists only succeeded in making the U.S. the biggest importer of cocktail shakers. The Prohibition had the opposite effect. As will all these state level abortion bans. Back-alley bloodbaths will be all over the news. Women who don't even know they are pregnant will be banned.

H.B. 248, the so-called "Heartbeat bill," advanced out of the House Health and Aging Committee by a party-line vote of 11 to 6. If it passes the Republican-controlled House and Senate, doctors who perform abortions after the imposed limit would face a fifth-degree felony. Opponents warn the bill would ban abortions before some women even realize they're pregnant.

“The members of the Health Committee are so callous that they refused to add amendments to provide exceptions for victims of rape and incest or to remove criminal penalties that could be used to imprison doctors that provide abortion care," said Kellie Copeland, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. "The chilling effect of this crusade is being felt throughout the medical community and will no doubt result in talented physicians leaving Ohio to practice in other states.”
anti-choicers burn me up. Want legislators made-up of men telling them what to do just like in the middle east :thup:
Abortion is murder, a child is a child. Why do you idiots want to punish the child for the sins of the father? Give the child a chance. I bet if it was an illegal immigrant mother you guys would say otherwise.
Back-alley bloodbaths will be all over the news.

The "back-alley bloodbath" is a complete crock of shit. Deaths from back alley abortions were practically non-existent by the 50s, you fearmongering asshole.
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“The members of the Health Committee are so callous that they refused to add amendments to provide exceptions for victims of rape and incest or to remove criminal penalties that could be used to imprison doctors that provide abortion care," said Kellie Copeland, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio.

I'm not surprised you quoted NARAL. They are the ones who lied about back alley abortions in the lead-up to Roe v. Wade.
Now, let's talk about rape and incest abortions. They comprise less than two percent of all abortions.

The pro-choice people use the victims of rape and incest as human shields to protect the more than 98 percent of abortions that are done out of convenience. Exploiting victims of rape and incest to further the abortion industry is about as disgusting as it gets.

It is time for the pro-life side to stop letting the issue be hijacked by these sick tactics.
Deaths from back alley abortions. Let's go there.

In Aborting America (1979) Nathanson writes: "In NARAL we generally emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but when we spoke of the latter it was always '5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year.' I confess that I knew the figures were totally false, and I suppose the others did too if they stopped to think of it. But in the 'morality' of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"
Exploiting rape and incest victims.

Making up totally false figures for back alley abortion deaths.

Welcome to extreme-liberal America.
Abortion is anything but "convenient". Its difficult and expensive. No one has an abortion for convenience.

Most abortions are done in hospitals for purely medical reasons and called D&C. As the nutters continue to insert themselves into the private lives of other people, even more will be done in hospitals.

I suspect we will be seeing more private citizens learning to do them and it becoming a cottage industry.

Whatever, the Rabid RW Peeping Toms will not win this battle. Abortion will never end.

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