Welcome to the USA, the land of 300 million cotton pickers!

Yes let's give the one percent a huge tax break.then raise taxes on working folk which america has contempt for.

How about the former and not the latter?

Like Fenton Lum pointed out, most people are too caught up in the evil of the other side to understand alternate perspectives.
I understand clearly. When you work for someone else you are a slave.


It is dependent on whether your labor is voluntary. Under the US state in which we all labor for, we have no choice in the matter.

We are all employees of the state, and none of us are given a choice in the matter.

If that is not enough, how do you feel about always being stepped on and abused for displaying individuality during your off hours?
Welcome to the Proletariat!!!!!!!

Now, get back to work peon!!!!!

We are all employees of the state, and none of us are given a choice in the matter.

If that is not enough, how do you feel about always being stepped on and abused for displaying individuality during your off hours?

Slave owners did not take 100%. In fact taxation today is higher than what the slave owners generally took. That's how far America has declined.

The ignorance of that claim is a very good indicator of how far the intellect of the american public has declined.
I know.

Taxation is at 100%? Who believes that?
Taxation is at 100%? Who believes that?

No one claimed it was.

The whole point is that the definition of slavery does not change just because the state doesn't take 100% of our labor.
Wrong tree, the so called "state", who do you think the "state" serves at this juncture?


The state has always prioritized its own needs, which are the needs of those who profit off the state.
The wealthy have never had it so good. Yet some will say they have it rough. The latter is wrong. Pure lies.
Slaves were not allowed to own anything. Simply being in possession of money was grounds for heavy punishment or death. The most any slave had was the harvest from garden plots set aside for their use, to eat, not to sell.
This thread was a total failure.

The main point completely fell on everybody that "contributed" in this thread.

Please, someone clarify so I know at least one person got what I was saying!

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