Welfare is Unconstitutional

Could you imagine what kind of shit hole the U.S. would be if there were no social programs for housing, healthcare, disability, or food, nor any funding for college... like the Trump supporters want? Of course if you get rid of all that, you also need to get rid of government small business loans and grants to businesses for research and development because there is nothing in the Constitution for those right? The U.S. is already behind other countries in education and health care... it would be an absolute disaster.
The constitution is the law of the land. They didn't want the govt to control everything for a reason.
Think if where we would be if we focused on Americans, didn't give free shit to the entire world, gave welfare to corporations, invaded other countries etc? We might not even have any poor people.
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!

"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill".

If doesn't? Well, do tell, what does it mean?

General welfare is about the whole country NOT an individual. Read the OP and read post #4

I don't need to read an opinion of a dead guy or a hack like you. I read the words in the actual document, the law of the land. Taxing to defend the nation against who or what?

Does it mean only N. Korea or another nation-state? Or disease which attacks ever single one of us at one time or another?

Was it illegal when my family and every family in the United States waited in line for that life saving sugar cube holding a dose of a vaccine for Polio? Was it illegal to isolate those exposed to Ebola? How about the draft, was that illegal too? What about Judicial Review, should we repeal 2 centuries + of law since Marshall made law (Marbury v, Madison) and not the Congress?

To your point. If the general Welfare is about all of the people, then all of the people are being protected when those who are treated for an infectious disease are cured; those who don't have enough to eat are given food so they are not stealing food which costs everyone, and the petty crime by addicts and alcoholics are reduced by treatment and not made into criminals (a comment to abstract for self righteous fools to comprehend).
Last edited:
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.
Why do you echo the usual propaganda all of the time and not post here ^^^ an expository essay on why you think (lol, as if you ever do) that Article I, sec. 8, clause 1 (the clause below) does not include defense against Polio, Ebola, Malaria and even cancer and heart disease, and provide provide food, clothing and shelter to citizens unable to take care of themselves or their children?

[The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;]

Explain what the words in the clause mean!

"General welfare" doesn't mean "foodstamps and a salary for being drug addicted, stupid and/or mentally ill".

If doesn't? Well, do tell, what does it mean?

General welfare is about the whole country NOT an individual. Read the OP and read post #4

I don't need to read an opinion of a dead guy or a hack like you. I read the words in the actual document, the law of the land. Taxing to defend the nation against who or what?

Does it mean only N. Korea or another nation-state? Or disease which attacks ever single one of us at one time or another?

Was it illegal when my family and every family in the United States waited in line for that life saving sugar cube holding a dose of a vaccine for Polio? Was it illegal to isolate those exposed to Ebola? How about the draft, was that illegal too? What about Judicial Review, should we repeal 2 centuries + of law since Marshall made law (Marbury v, Madison) and not the Congress?

To your point. If the general Welfare is about all of the people, then all of the people are being protected when those who are treated for an infectious disease are cured; those who don't have enough to eat are given food so they are not stealing food which costs everyone.
Welfare is about the individual. Only a moron would say it isn't. Everything about it is case by case. That doesn't even meet criteria of the word general. Are you illiterate? Can you not comprehend?
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?

Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

Calling someone a "dumbfuck" puts you into the same set as bripat and others too dumb to write a rebuttal, sadly you and those who lack the education to write an expository essay on what you've been told to believe, leaves you no other recourse than to call others morons, stupid or dumbfucks.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh
Funny how some of the people in this thread, and on this forum as a whole, don't understand that the "general welfare" of the entire country is based on a foundation that includes ALL citizens, even the ones they would rather die off and disappear. I guess many of these members have never heard the saying:

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”

That's not a quote from a Democrat... it's from Mahatma Gandhi.
General doesn't mean giving free shit to individuals unless its ALL of them. Forcing Paul to pay for Peter is unconstitutional

You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?

Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

Calling someone a "dumbfuck" puts you into the same set as bripat and others too dumb to write a rebuttal, sadly you and those who lack the education to write an expository essay on what you've been told to believe, leaves you no other recourse than to call others morons, stupid or dumbfucks.
I make fun of your intelligence because you deserve it. Your first fucking post in this thread was a flame. You unaware dumbfuck
You keep arguing this but you have nothing to back your argument. All you have been doing for weeks now is parroting Trump supporter rhetoric like someone panhandling for reputation points. It's pretty sad. Are you jealous of Tom Horn, Steve McRacist, and others?
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
And I thought I was surrounded by idiots when I go in the crackhead Walmart a couple towns over. HA
And I thought I was surrounded by idiots when I go in the crackhead Walmart a couple towns over. HA


You haven't provided any form of an argument in this thread other than "But but but Madison said..." And then you want to attack other people's educations. I have verifiable proof of my education, what do you have? Some rep points on an internet message board? Do you put that on your resume? Have you gotten any raises at work from it? Do you bring it up during job evaluation meetings?
You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history

who considered it a "living document?

The Constitution is not a living document... Originalism and trying to figure out precisely what the ratified document means is the only option, otherwise you're just telling judges to govern...
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
Read the constitution dumbfuck. That's all the proof you need. Omg

The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..
You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history

who considered it a "living document?

The Constitution is not a living document... Originalism and trying to figure out precisely what the ratified document means is the only option, otherwise you're just telling judges to govern...

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
The Constitution says "general welfare." How many times do you have to be told this? Just because your opinion of what that means doesn't fit the narrative of the government, doesn't make you right.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..

You can't read. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hamilton's opinion of what General welfare" means. Holy shit man... for the love of every thing Holy tell me you are just being pig headed and that you aren't this dumb.

I'm not even going to argue with you about the Constitution being written broadly in order to not become obsolete over time. The fact that you even want to argue that is just ludicrous.

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