Welfare is Unconstitutional

I guess libs and Lewdog want to be governed by unelected men and women in black robes...wow.
And I thought I was surrounded by idiots when I go in the crackhead Walmart a couple towns over. HA


You haven't provided any form of an argument in this thread other than "But but but Madison said..." And then you want to attack other people's educations. I have verifiable proof of my education, what do you have? Some rep points on an internet message board? Do you put that on your resume? Have you gotten any raises at work from it? Do you bring it up during job evaluation meetings?
The only person I quoted was Hamilton. The same guy you did, you fucking idiot.
What argument besides reading the damn paper is there?
And I thought I was surrounded by idiots when I go in the crackhead Walmart a couple towns over. HA


You haven't provided any form of an argument in this thread other than "But but but Madison said..." And then you want to attack other people's educations. I have verifiable proof of my education, what do you have? Some rep points on an internet message board? Do you put that on your resume? Have you gotten any raises at work from it? Do you bring it up during job evaluation meetings?
The only person I quoted was Hamilton. The same guy you did, you fucking idiot.
What argument besides reading the damn paper is there?

Liar. You said:

" as Madison contended,"

Strawman. Also this is ironic seeing as you quoted Justice Scalia saying the Constitution is not a living document.
That is a very weak point dude....Justice Scalia was voicing an opinion. Have the courts take over legislation and the nation would be at war with it'self in less than a year. It doesn't work. That is why the constitution and the Bill of Rights were written in the first place. To say the document is living and subjected to change is like saying we have no constitution.
Strawman. Also this is ironic seeing as you quoted Justice Scalia saying the Constitution is not a living document.
That is a very weak point dude....Justice Scalia was voicing an opinion. Have the courts take over legislation and the nation would be at war with it'self in less than a year. It doesn't work. That is why the constitution and the Bill of Rights were written in the first place. To say the document is living and subjected to change is like saying we have no constitution.

Weak point? You just tried to make fun of me by saying I want to be governed by the Supreme Court, and to make your point you use the opinion of... a Supreme Court Justice. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

And then the other idiot says he only mentioned Hamilton... when he clearly mentioned Madison and his opinion.
Liar. You said:

" as Madison contended,"

I think you lost this one Lewdog...there are not many Americans that want the un elected courts to over rule the constitution by changing it from what it is to what they want it to be.
Weak point? You just tried to make fun of me by saying I want to be governed by the Supreme Court, and to make your point you use the opinion of... a Supreme Court Justice. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

And then the other idiot says he only mentioned Hamilton... when he clearly mentioned Madison and his opinion.
You lost this one....
Weak point? You just tried to make fun of me by saying I want to be governed by the Supreme Court, and to make your point you use the opinion of... a Supreme Court Justice. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

And then the other idiot says he only mentioned Hamilton... when he clearly mentioned Madison and his opinion.
You lost this one....

Tell me, is it true that ignorance is bliss?
I don't believe in a "living" Constitution, but I do believe in us having a revolution every 20 years as Thomas Jefferson or some other long haired rabble-rouser proposed. I would have it in the form of a Constitutional Convention. As for welfare specifically, it is way beyond this layman's legal knowledge.
Tell me, is it true that ignorance is bliss?
Just admit it...you lost this one.


Maybe you should read this... and before you call it fake news? It is the official website of the U.S. Supreme Court. Notice where it calls the Constitution a "living Constitution."

And for the other idiot... he should read it too and notice where it says:

"whose broad provisions are continually applied to complicated new situations."

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..

You can't read. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hamilton's opinion of what General welfare" means. Holy shit man... for the love of every thing Holy tell me you are just being pig headed and that you aren't this dumb.

I'm not even going to argue with you about the Constitution being written broadly in order to not become obsolete over time. The fact that you even want to argue that is just ludicrous.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
Look up intent
Look up the definition of general
Higher education my ass

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..

You can't read. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hamilton's opinion of what General welfare" means. Holy shit man... for the love of every thing Holy tell me you are just being pig headed and that you aren't this dumb.

I'm not even going to argue with you about the Constitution being written broadly in order to not become obsolete over time. The fact that you even want to argue that is just ludicrous.
which is bull. They relied on an interpretation that got shot down. Hamilton even backed my views later on. Look at page one
I guess you thought internment of Americans was constitutional as well. You know, because they said so.

Maybe you should read this... and before you call it fake news? It is the official website of the U.S. Supreme Court. Notice where it calls the Constitution a "living Constitution."

And for the other idiot... he should read it too and notice where it says:

"whose broad provisions are continually applied to complicated new situations."

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
This is a written opinion by CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES EVANS HUGHES,
Opinions are like assholes everyone has them.
And I thought I was surrounded by idiots when I go in the crackhead Walmart a couple towns over. HA


You haven't provided any form of an argument in this thread other than "But but but Madison said..." And then you want to attack other people's educations. I have verifiable proof of my education, what do you have? Some rep points on an internet message board? Do you put that on your resume? Have you gotten any raises at work from it? Do you bring it up during job evaluation meetings?
The only person I quoted was Hamilton. The same guy you did, you fucking idiot.
What argument besides reading the damn paper is there?

Liar. You said:

" as Madison contended,"

Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..

You can't read. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hamilton's opinion of what General welfare" means. Holy shit man... for the love of every thing Holy tell me you are just being pig headed and that you aren't this dumb.

I'm not even going to argue with you about the Constitution being written broadly in order to not become obsolete over time. The fact that you even want to argue that is just ludicrous.
Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
Hey knucklehead... show me the word "intent" in the preamble.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

General welfare was written as a broad statement because the Framers of the Constitution knew that the future would hold things they could not imagine, and that's why the Constitution is called a "living document."

You're wrong, and Alexander Hamilton and the Supreme Court say so.

America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare
I quoted Hamilton on page one. He was for an expansive welfare state but that didn't hold up at the constitutional convention. Apparently, you need to look up some history as well.
You can't even grasp what the meaning of GENERAL is. Give me a break dude..
Its a living document because it can be amended. AGAIN, there is no amendment. Duh

You think that is the only reason it is considered a "living document?" The Framers wrote it in broad terms for a reason. Hamilton's opinion was ruled to be correct by the Supreme Court. Maybe you need to learn more history.
They didn't write it broad. Who the fuck told you that? Do you realize how long it took to write that document? 120 or so days to write a broad piece of parchment? LOL
I wrote Hamilton's belief on page one. Hamilton's welfare state didn't make it through the constitutional convention. That's why robbing from Paul to pay peter isn't an enumerated power.
I'm starting to question whether you even graduated high school..

You can't read. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hamilton's opinion of what General welfare" means. Holy shit man... for the love of every thing Holy tell me you are just being pig headed and that you aren't this dumb.

I'm not even going to argue with you about the Constitution being written broadly in order to not become obsolete over time. The fact that you even want to argue that is just ludicrous.
which is bull. They relied on an interpretation that got show down. Hamilton even backed my views later on. Look at page one
I guess you thought internment of Americans was constitutional as well. You know, because they said so.

Strawman. You are so far on the defensive you are bringing up something unrelated to General welfare and social programs.

Hurts to be proven to be a liar doesn't it?

Maybe you should read this... and before you call it fake news? It is the official website of the U.S. Supreme Court. Notice where it calls the Constitution a "living Constitution."

And for the other idiot... he should read it too and notice where it says:

"whose broad provisions are continually applied to complicated new situations."

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
This is a written opinion by CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES EVANS HUGHES,
Opinions are like assholes everyone has them.

The only thing on that page attributed to him is the very top quotation.

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