The other side of welfare

  1. Conservatives love to dwell on welfare and food stamps. They use terms like "paying people not to work" and "welfare queens" but what about the other side of welfare? Below are welfare topics conservatives never want to discuss:

    Paying farmers not to grow crops: A substitute for agricultural price support programs designed to ensure that farmers could always sell their crops for enough to support themselves. This big government, socialist program has been supported by Conservative farmers for decades.

    Corporate Welfare - Nike 2.3 billion, Chrysler 2.02 billion, General Motors 3.05 billion, Intel 3.87 billion, Alcoa 5.64 billion, Boeing 13.18 billion - Just a small sample of profitable companies who don't need the extra money, but happily tap the taxpayers for that extra cash every year.

    Red States have more welfare recipients - The states with the most per capita recipients are 80% red. They are: New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama.

    Red States receive substantially more federal aid than Blue States: Despite all the Republican sniveling about welfare sucking liberals the highest federal aid recipients are: Mississippi (45.3% of the state’s general fund budget), Louisiana (44😵, Tennessee (41😵 Michigan is in the middle of the pack, ranking No. 23.

    Many welfare recipients work: Over 45% of welfare recipients work at jobs, but are also eligible for welfare payments because wages for the working poor have not kept up with the cost of living.

    So - The next time you hear a conservative waxing lyrical about those "welfare sucking liberals" you might enlighten them regarding the other side of welfare. :)

American taxpayers INVESTING in their food sources, job creators and financial sectors is NOT the same as American taxpayers investing in ShaQuita, Guadalupe, their baby factories and weed inventory.
American taxpayers like ROi. How do you struggle to make such a simple distinction?
Remember, Mexifornia is home to only 12% of America’s population yet 33% of Americas welfare recipients.
You’ve simply made some crazy shit up in your own head…You can’t explain how tax expenditures can be considered “welfare”.
Every tax expenditure has to be offset by higher taxes or borrowing. Because there is such a large amount of this welfare, they would have to raise tax rate far beyond what people will tolerate in order to completely offset the cost. So they raise them just enough to get away with, and then borrow from China and other countries for the rest.

That means everyone has to pay more taxes to pay for your welfare.

It's isn't difficult to grasp.
You’ve simply made some crazy shit up in your own head…You can’t explain how tax expenditures can be considered “welfare”.
Here is Deven Nunes, one of Trump's favorite butt boys, explaining that every credit, deduction, and exemption is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone:

No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

Read that a hundred times if that is how much it takes for you to comprehend it.

Nunes sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. That's the committee responsible for taxation.

Nunes clearly states that every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone. That's why I call them government gifts, because they are. They are theft from someone else's pocket.
Not true at all.
It is true. See post 24. Everyone in government knows it is true, because that's exactly what they do. As more and more loopholes are added, they raise the corresponding tax rates.

Tax expenditures, by design are simply a way for government to encourage and steer economic behaviors.
Oh, so you are a big believer in government interference in the free market and conducting social engineering? Fascinating.
We live in a system where two people earning the exact same income pay wildly different amounts of tax based on whether they bought the right kind of refrigerator or bought a house or had kids or did a million other things.

You get punished with higher taxes for not buying a house. You get punished with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of refrigerator. You get punished with higher taxes for not breeding.

It was no great leap at all to punish you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.
Every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by higher tax rates.

That's classic wealth redistribution. When you are claiming, "I get to keep more of my own money", you are telling a falsehood. That money you are keeping came at someone else's expense.

So, yeah. Welfare.
Not true at all.
Tax expenditures, by design are simply a way for government to encourage and steer economic behaviors.

Read between the lines of what g posts, basically his position (like the Gov's) is that all monies belong to the Gov and that no matter is going on anytime they allow us to keep more of our they just have to take it from someone else. They never consider cutting spending.
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I certainly don't take issue with "welfare" for those who need it but when I had the misfortune to volunteer to hand-out deer meat for the Hunters for the Hungry program a few years back it taught me all I need to know about the "poor" in one easy lesson.

I swear of the land whale women that showed up I don't think nary a one weighted under 250# and were as round as they were tall and so were most of the kids they dragged along with them. Most were white.

The first thing they headed for when they opened the doors were the limited amount sweets and other unhealthy stuff. It looked like a Black Friday sale with them pushing each-other out of the way. I later asked the woman running it and she said they were always like that.

Oh and once they found out we were giving away professionally processed/wrapped deer meat they turned-up their nose at it.....Way to healthy for them I guess. I suspect they thought the food pyramid is just someplace in Egypt.

We did have a few oldsters that came in that were grateful for the deer meat and since we had plenty we loaded them up but I no longer participated in the program after that.

No, they need to go back to the USDA Staple boxes that they had in the 1960s but the .gov gave in to the grocery lobby. It's no mystery why Walmart and the dollar stores stock so much stuff that's bad for you, part of their business model is based on EBT, the dollar stores almost entirely.

I certainly don't take issue with "welfare" for those who need it but when I had the misfortune to volunteer to hand-out deer meat for the Hunters for the Hungry program a few years back it taught me all I need to know about the "poor" in one easy lesson.

I swear of the land whale women that showed up I don't think nary a one weighted under 250# and were as round as they were tall and so were most of the kids they dragged along with them. Most were white.

The first thing they headed for when they opened the doors were the limited amount sweets and other unhealthy stuff. It looked like a Black Friday sale with them pushing each-other out of the way. I later asked the woman running it and she said they were always like that.

Oh and once they found out we were giving away professionally processed/wrapped deer meat they turned-up their nose at it.....Way to healthy for them I guess. I suspect they thought the food pyramid is just someplace in Egypt.

We did have a few oldsters that came in that were grateful for the deer meat and since we had plenty we loaded them up but I no longer participated in the program after that.

No, they need to go back to the USDA Staple boxes that they had in the 1960s but the .gov gave in to the grocery lobby. It's no mystery why Walmart and the dollar stores stock so much stuff that's bad for you, part of their business model is based on EBT, the dollar stores almost entirely.


I worked with a guy who was on food stamps once. He was a low level manager in a small supermarket (with three or four managers).

He had two daughters, his wife had left him, and he ended up stealing a bit but got away with it because they couldn't prove it.

We could get free Coca-Cola out of the tap all day we were working.

He bought Pepsi.

I asked him about it, he said Coca-Cola wasn't for his kind of people. Pepsi was for his kind of people.

Just the stupidity of it.....
  1. Conservatives love to dwell on welfare and food stamps. They use terms like "paying people not to work" and "welfare queens" but what about the other side of welfare? Below are welfare topics conservatives never want to discuss:

    Paying farmers not to grow crops: A substitute for agricultural price support programs designed to ensure that farmers could always sell their crops for enough to support themselves. This big government, socialist program has been supported by Conservative farmers for decades.

    Corporate Welfare - Nike 2.3 billion, Chrysler 2.02 billion, General Motors 3.05 billion, Intel 3.87 billion, Alcoa 5.64 billion, Boeing 13.18 billion - Just a small sample of profitable companies who don't need the extra money, but happily tap the taxpayers for that extra cash every year.

    Red States have more welfare recipients - The states with the most per capita recipients are 80% red. They are: New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama.

    Red States receive substantially more federal aid than Blue States: Despite all the Republican sniveling about welfare sucking liberals the highest federal aid recipients are: Mississippi (45.3% of the state’s general fund budget), Louisiana (44😵, Tennessee (41😵 Michigan is in the middle of the pack, ranking No. 23.

    Many welfare recipients work: Over 45% of welfare recipients work at jobs, but are also eligible for welfare payments because wages for the working poor have not kept up with the cost of living.

    So - The next time you hear a conservative waxing lyrical about those "welfare sucking liberals" you might enlighten them regarding the other side of welfare. :)

Good topic.

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