Welfare mom w/ 15 kids: "Somebody owes me"; Blames cops for not providing for her.

Welfare mom w/ 15 kids: "Somebody owes me"; Blames cops for not providing for her.
You only exhibit your partisan ignorance.

There is no such thing as a ‘welfare queen,’ proven years ago to be a rightist contrivance and myth.

IS this another liberal redefining something. Welfare queen meaning someone who never gets off it, check. Someone who has tons of kids, check. Now we dont know if she's having the kids for money or just "girl cant help it". But when her brother says she sucks as a mother, it's probably time for her to get the old tubes tied, just sayin!
15 kids?

So she not only has a full time job, but hers is 3 times the job Ann Romney's was.

So where's 3 times the love and admiration for her from the resident rightwingers?

Are you really comparing the two? Do liberals not even understand the basics in life? really? IF you listen to the video, she doesnt do shit. So sorry nice try, play again!
liberal policies at work.!!!

Liberal policies are meant to help those who are truly in need. Unfortunately, in order to do that, we all must pay for the few idiots like this woman who take advantage of the system. The difference between liberals and cons is that liberals are willing to put up with the few who take advantage of the system so that those who actually need the help do in fact receive it. Cons, on the other hand, would take away all the help from those who actually do need it just so they would be satisfied that the few who take advantage of the system can no longer do so.

1- Then what stops EVERYONE from deciding "Hey, I'm tired of working hard" and taking advantage of the system?

2- It's simple. More means testing. Drug testing. Force them to work or lose all benefits. OR even better, take it to a judge. Just like they do search warrants, subpoenas, etc, if they believe someone is taking advantage, put it in front of a judge and jury. If 12 people agree you are taking advantage, bye bye, no more free ride.
liberal policies at work.!!!

Liberal policies are meant to help those who are truly in need. Unfortunately, in order to do that, we all must pay for the few idiots like this woman who take advantage of the system. The difference between liberals and cons is that liberals are willing to put up with the few who take advantage of the system so that those who actually need the help do in fact receive it. Cons, on the other hand, would take away all the help from those who actually do need it just so they would be satisfied that the few who take advantage of the system can no longer do so.

BTW, couldnt the same be said for capitalism, which the left so hates? The system has made our nation incredibly wealthy and provides a shot at wealth for everyone, but not everyone will get that. HOWEVER, a few corrupt people will take advantage of the free market and do shit thats just wrong.

Liberals would rather everyone be poor just for the satisfaction that no one is rich. Conservatives would rather everyone have the chance to be wealthy, even if it means a few will take advantage.

Hmmm. Wow. See how that flipped?
How can anyone..............I mean anyone............liberal or conservative; defend the actions and behavior of this terrible mother; and just down right pathetic excuse for a woman??
Welfare mom w/ 15 kids: "Somebody owes me"; Blames cops for not providing for her.
You only exhibit your partisan ignorance.

There is no such thing as a ‘welfare queen,’ proven years ago to be a rightist contrivance and myth.

That's interesting, Clayton, because it is apparent that in the example in the OP we have one of these supposedly "mythical" creatures. This is a woman claiming that the rest of us OWE her support for herself and her illegitimate brood of 15, produced by the way, by her own personal choice! Lest anyone think this is a racial matter, I have seen a White counterpart to this many years ago; at the time, that particular specimen had 5 offspring, for which she could not or would not name the father(s), and another on the way, all produced (according to her medical history) over a span of less then six years, with exactly NO history of gainful employment whatever. Her reaction to a positive pregnancy test:"Oh goody! I get a bigger AFDC check!" I cannot help but wonder how many more such offspring she eventually produced at the taxpayers' expense.

Now, I'm not sure what YOUR definition of a "welfare queen" might be, but I would say that example and this one certainly meet mine. These two women made a conscious and deliberate choice, and a not inconsiderable effort, to set themselves up for a lifetime of leeching off the rest of us. I am NOT amused, nor do the fact of either matter induce in me any feeling of sympathy, much less ANY feeling of obligation or responsibility.

Got one just like her down here in Florida and I'm sure there are many more all across the coutnry who use and abuse the Welfare system.

She has 13 kids and counting. She has one and immediately goes and get pregnant again. She has never worked a day in her life and as long as the system is as it is she never will.

After she has one she goes to court to turn her kid over to Social Services and into Foster Care which we taxpayers support.

Lovely woman. She should be spayed just like my female dog.
Anyone who doesnt have a problem with this bitch is absolutely bat shit crazy!!!
Who the hell has 15 kids when you cant even take care of yourself?
She has shown by her actions that she doesnt give two shits about these kids! It's all about increasing her welfare check.
Bitch needs to be sterilized !!!! PRONTO!!

Somebody owes her??? My God what a despicable piece of SHIT !!!!
Okay. All of you going nuts. Who do you see defending her? You're in a tug of war with ABSOLUTELY nobody.
liberal policies at work.!!!

Liberal policies are meant to help those who are truly in need. Unfortunately, in order to do that, we all must pay for the few idiots like this woman who take advantage of the system. The difference between liberals and cons is that liberals are willing to put up with the few who take advantage of the system so that those who actually need the help do in fact receive it. Cons, on the other hand, would take away all the help from those who actually do need it just so they would be satisfied that the few who take advantage of the system can no longer do so.

BTW, couldnt the same be said for capitalism, which the left so hates? The system has made our nation incredibly wealthy and provides a shot at wealth for everyone, but not everyone will get that. HOWEVER, a few corrupt people will take advantage of the free market and do shit thats just wrong.

Liberals would rather everyone be poor just for the satisfaction that no one is rich. Conservatives would rather everyone have the chance to be wealthy, even if it means a few will take advantage.

Hmmm. Wow. See how that flipped?

This is where you are confused. You make this incorrect assumption that liberals hate rich people and want everyone to be poor. Where do you come up with this? Just because liberals believe in a progressive tax system and support programs that benefit the poor, it does not mean we are against people becoming wealthy through hard work and smart investment. You are so boxed in by your ideology that you can't see things for what they truly are.

As an example, do you believe it is a good thing for our kids to go into debt to the tune of nearly $100,000 just to got to college? The conservative argument seems to be that if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't go. Of course if the vast majority stopped going, how would that benefit us? And here is the problem with allowing so many to start their adult lives off with such massive debts. They are putting off starting their families because they can't afford to do so. The problem with that is twofold. First off, instead of spending money on new cars, new homes, and all the things involved with raising kids, you know, the things that makes our economy grow, they are stuck paying off loans that they just can't afford. Secondly, by not having kids as soon, they are having less kids, and this is shrinking the base of long term workers who will continue to support SS and Medicare.

Now I know you are going to tell me it is not your job to pay for everyone else's child to go to college, but in the end, we all pay one way or another, and in the long run, we are losing ground to the rest of the world because of it. This is just one example where the left and right are on completely different pages. The thing is, I have been on the right, and I've seen how the right's policies have not worked for very many people. Instead of sticking to my guns and continuing to believe that the same bad policies would all of a sudden start working, I changed course. I'm don't support all out socialism; very few moderates or liberals do. You really ought to take a critical look at the alternatives and examine how well conservative ideology has worked. If you do, you will see that it really has failed us all big time.

Here is something to think about. We have lowered taxes to the lowest rates in 60 years with the idea that lowering taxes is what leads to job growth and a growing economy. Well, since we now have the lowest tax rates in over 60 years, our economy should be booming. Why is it not? Where did this idea of lowering taxes so much go so wrong? After examining the fact that taxes are already so low, and we do not have a booming economy, why is it that anyone would think that lowering taxes further would be the answer. If you do something and it does not give you the desired result, is the answer really just to do even more of the same?
Okay. All of you going nuts. Who do you see defending her? You're in a tug of war with ABSOLUTELY nobody.

Of course no one is. There is one who rightly pointed out that this mother was abusing the sytem the helps the truly needy.

Anything to rally the willingly ignorant troopers!

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