Welfare Queen says Working is Stupid

I had a family member on welfare, all the programs from housing assistance, TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid. When she finally got on her feet, nobody was begging to her come back. In fact, while she was on the welfare programs, she had either a review or had to re-reply every 6 to 12 months. The only program I have seen actively promoted was Medicaid.

I applied for welfare, but never followed through. Once they had my name and address, they wouldn't leave me alone. Of course this was many years ago, but people that I know on programs do tell me they are still solicited to get back on them.
Once you open an application, and you just drop it you will probably be contacted because the agency wants to make sure you understand how to apply, requirements for benefits, etc.. A lot of people that apply for benefits are semi-illiterate, have mental or physical disorders, or just lack computer skills if applying online. Most agencies are required to offer assistance in applying. In fact in many states today, you apply at DHS and they evaluate your application and determine which benefits you qualify.

Or......... it's a political move to try and create even more government dependents.
These people work for the state, not the federal government. Why would they want more people on welfare programs that they would have to pay 30% to 50% of the cost.

And where does the state get their money for welfare programs????

It matters not. State or Federal, why would you want to see less people that you were hired to serve? Your job is to process claims or poor people. If there were no poor people, you don't have a job.
States operate differently than the feds. They can't run deficits and they have no incentive to increase the welfare roles. Social welfare workers are covered by state civil service and usually have more cases than they can handle. In my state, you have to make an appointment just to talk to one.
And where does the state get their money for welfare programs????

It matters not. State or Federal, why would you want to see less people that you were hired to serve? Your job is to process claims or poor people. If there were no poor people, you don't have a job.

Most social services workers have far more clients than they can adequately service. They're not worried about "retaining customers". They don't work for private industry where they'll lose their job if they don't have work. Social service workers are overworked and poorly paid, in comparison to most jobs which require a college degree.

The myth that the Democrats and the government has a vested interest in keeping people poor is one of the great lies that conservatives tell. It's right up there with "cutting taxes creates jobs".

I think there is something about our government you should understand. If our country could ever lose victims and irresponsible people, the only time you would hear of the Democrat party is in history books.

Of course they want to expand their voting base. Government dependents generally vote Democrat. Don't believe me, just look up any of our major cities with poor and government dependent people and see who is in leadership there.

Better still, look at any chart of social programs since DumBama took office. Our welfare rolls have nearly doubled in some areas. Commie Care? Do you think that was really a plan so that everybody would have health insurance coverage? Don't you believe it. The entire plan was to create as many more government dependents as possible.

Government workers are also government dependents in a sense. They too get a government check--but they have to work for it.
Of course they want to expand their voting base. Government dependents generally vote Democrat. Don't believe me, just look up any of our major cities with poor and government dependent people and see who is in leadership there.

Better still, look at any chart of social programs since DumBama took office. Our welfare rolls have nearly doubled in some areas. Commie Care? Do you think that was really a plan so that everybody would have health insurance coverage? Don't you believe it. The entire plan was to create as many more government dependents as possible.

Government workers are also government dependents in a sense. They too get a government check--but they have to work for it.

You need to get some of your information from outside the bubble. Government dependents generally don't vote. Period. They think they're fucked regardless of who gets in and generally speaking since Reagan, they've been correct in that assumption.

If you continue to believe the lies and deflections that the Republican Party has been feeding you for years, you deserve your fate.
Of course they want to expand their voting base. Government dependents generally vote Democrat. Don't believe me, just look up any of our major cities with poor and government dependent people and see who is in leadership there.

Better still, look at any chart of social programs since DumBama took office. Our welfare rolls have nearly doubled in some areas. Commie Care? Do you think that was really a plan so that everybody would have health insurance coverage? Don't you believe it. The entire plan was to create as many more government dependents as possible.

Government workers are also government dependents in a sense. They too get a government check--but they have to work for it.

You need to get some of your information from outside the bubble. Government dependents generally don't vote. Period. They think they're fucked regardless of who gets in and generally speaking since Reagan, they've been correct in that assumption.

If you continue to believe the lies and deflections that the Republican Party has been feeding you for years, you deserve your fate.

Well I live in Cleveland--you know, one of those cities that had precincts where candidate Mitt Romney didn't receive one vote????

Government dependents may not vote in record numbers as senior citizens do (many of them government dependents too) but they do vote. And if you ever bothered to look at a colored map of our country, you'd see that landmass wise, nearly our entire country is red. Okay, so if nearly the entire country is red, how do Democrats manage to win elections and even leadership at times?

It's those small blue areas that contain a large population called cities. It's within those cities where many government dependents dwell. It's in those project buildings, in those HUD houses and apartments, it's in those streets that are littered with garbage and half of the homes vacant or boarded up because of drug activity.

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