Welfare Use By Illegal Immigrant Families

Yeah, their child is a US citizen and they get access to freaking Medicaid (healthcare) and food stamps (food) for the kid. OH THE ****ING HUMANITY!

****ing GE pays $0 in taxes, and you want to go berserk because children are getting food.

Sounds cool and all...but educate yourself Tard.
GE is a pass-through entity, shareholders harbor the tax liability on profits earned.
GE is a megacorp. Not a pass through entity.

Hahaha...Corporations are pass through entities...shareholders are issued schedule K1’s....shareholders pay income tax on the corps profits...hahaha...you didn’t know that because you didn’t want to know that. Poor Tards.
No they don't....its a tax haven....or tax deferment for share holders.... They only pay tax when they sell it.... And of course, only on the shareholder s profit made..... Thus the corporate income tax....so some of the corporate profit, is taxed annually....like the rest of us....

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.
That is why they come pregnant and with children and have more to get the freebies. And Biden is sending them a welcome invitation to come.

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.

They don't get welfare, their kids get welfare. And it's not enough to subsist on by itself. I ran the article down and it did refer to a gov site. But that site dealt with Immigrants, not Illegal Immigrants.
I don't see a point here only that the lower income people need more assitance just to survive.
They all have kids and they are low-wage earners making their American-born kids eligible for all the government freebies. Anything your kids received is less you have to dish out. School lunches, food banks, AFDC, WIC, Medicaid, This is why they come.

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.
When those children are in school they get 3 meals a day.
Schools do not provide dinner. Only breakfast and lunch and summer lunches. Don't forget the tax breaks.
We need to eliminate the anchor baby clause. If the parents are illegal so is their baby, Deport them all. End of story
We need to eliminate the anchor baby clause. If the parents are illegal so is their baby, Deport them all. End of story
Evidence suggests that automatic birthright citizenship incentivizes illegal immigration and abuse of U.S. immigration law and policy. Do not legally apply to children of illegal aliens,
Yeah, their child is a US citizen and they get access to freaking Medicaid (healthcare) and food stamps (food) for the kid. OH THE ****ING HUMANITY!

****ing GE pays $0 in taxes, and you want to go berserk because children are getting food.
What does Ge have to do with anything--I pay taxes why the hell do I want to pay for illegals to have a bunch of kids that they don't take care of...
We need to enforce the laws we already have if we want to stop “illegal” immigration, And never again elect a Christian as President. Democrats want comprehensive immigration that do away with our immigration laws and enforcement with deportation and sanctuary cities that protect criminal aliens.
God Bless the United States!!
For being such proud suckers?
For taking pride in funding the worlds filth?
Yes. We became the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and instead of hoarding that wealth some of us are using it to help make the world a better place. We rock. You suck
so why do we have 4 million homeless American children? Aid going to these shithole countries is used by corrupt governments and never get to the poor. We are wide open for scams and the illegal aliens are scamming American taxpayers with the aid of Dimwit Biden. Damn him to hell.
God Bless the United States!!
For being such proud suckers?
For taking pride in funding the worlds filth?
Yes. We became the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and instead of hoarding that wealth some of us are using it to help make the world a better place. We rock. You suck
so why do we have 4 million homeless American children? Aid going to these shithole countries is used by corrupt governments and never get to the poor. We are wide open for scams and the illegal aliens are scamming American taxpayers with the aid of Dimwit Biden. Damn him to hell.
Living in LaLa Land? We have a $28 trillion debt. Record unemployment. Millions without medical insurance. In 2017, over 553,000 Americans were homeless. 40 million people struggle with hunger and 40.6 million officially live in poverty. We cannot afford to take care of the worlds poor and secure borders in the middle east but cannot secure our own borders. With the help of Trump and now Biden we are another Shithole country. The U.S. owes $1.07 trillion to China, making it the second-largest foreign lender
Yeah, their child is a US citizen and they get access to freaking Medicaid (healthcare) and food stamps (food) for the kid. OH THE ****ING HUMANITY!

****ing GE pays $0 in taxes, and you want to go berserk because children are getting food.

Sounds cool and all...but educate yourself Tard.
GE is a pass-through entity, shareholders harbor the tax liability on profits earned.
GE is a megacorp. Not a pass through entity.

Hahaha...Corporations are pass through entities...shareholders are issued schedule K1’s....shareholders pay income tax on the corps profits...hahaha...you didn’t know that because you didn’t want to know that. Poor Tards.
WRONG. Corporate profits are taxed twice, once as profits of the corporation and then some of it again as dividends received by stockholders.
Wrong. Corporate profits are taxed once (if at all). Shareholders being taxed is completely separate.
God Bless the United States!!
For being such proud suckers?
For taking pride in funding the worlds filth?
Yes. We became the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and instead of hoarding that wealth some of us are using it to help make the world a better place. We rock. You suck
so why do we have 4 million homeless American children? Aid going to these shithole countries is used by corrupt governments and never get to the poor. We are wide open for scams and the illegal aliens are scamming American taxpayers with the aid of Dimwit Biden. Damn him to hell.
Are you saying that you want to invest more money into welfare and domestic programs for the poor?
God Bless the United States!!
For being such proud suckers?
For taking pride in funding the worlds filth?
Yes. We became the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and instead of hoarding that wealth some of us are using it to help make the world a better place. We rock. You suck
so why do we have 4 million homeless American children? Aid going to these shithole countries is used by corrupt governments and never get to the poor. We are wide open for scams and the illegal aliens are scamming American taxpayers with the aid of Dimwit Biden. Damn him to hell.
Living in LaLa Land? We have a $28 trillion debt. Record unemployment. Millions without medical insurance. In 2017, over 553,000 Americans were homeless. 40 million people struggle with hunger and 40.6 million officially live in poverty. We cannot afford to take care of the worlds poor and secure borders in the middle east but cannot secure our own borders. With the help of Trump and now Biden we are another Shithole country. The U.S. owes $1.07 trillion to China, making it the second-largest foreign lender
I’m sorry you feel that way. I for one am very proud of America. Don’t see it as a shit hole at all

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.

They don't get welfare, their kids get welfare. And it's not enough to subsist on by itself. I ran the article down and it did refer to a gov site. But that site dealt with Immigrants, not Illegal Immigrants.
I don't see a point here only that the lower income people need more assitance just to survive.
They all have kids and they are low-wage earners making their American-born kids eligible for all the government freebies. Anything your kids received is less you have to dish out. School lunches, food banks, AFDC, WIC, Medicaid, This is why they come.

I will admit that part of the Constitution I do have a problem with. Most Countries don't have that "Clause".

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.
That is why they come pregnant and with children and have more to get the freebies. And Biden is sending them a welcome invitation to come.
And then Commiela says something like this--
View attachment 475081

If one of their children is born in the USA, they get Food Stamps, welfare benefits and Medicaid.
Their children are educated at the expense of the US taxpayer.
When those children are in school they get 3 meals a day.
Schools do not provide dinner. Only breakfast and lunch and summer lunches. Don't forget the tax breaks.

All schools I know of provide 3 meals a day.
Everything's going according to plan in the destruction of America.

And it's all free!...... free free free....

Thank you Xi Biden, thank you Cameltoe.


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