Well are you?

BS. Pubs who CONTINUE to refuse a good SS ID, the only real solution. The billionaires in charge love the cheap labor, dupe.

And the liberals love vote buying. Free college!!!!
ACTUALLY, it's called investing in America, as opposed to corrupt GOP pandering to the rich and bubble/busts/war mongering, dupe.

Yeah, an investment by Democrats to try and make sure they stay in power forever. It's just that you on the left will never realize it living in your bubble world loaded with conspiracy theories instead of looking at straight out facts.
The fact is you are duped by the New BS GOP. There's always fools like you to support the BS GOP despite their never doing a gd thing for you or the country. See SS, UE, workers comp, ACA, Medicare/aid etc etc...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.
And the liberals love vote buying. Free college!!!!
ACTUALLY, it's called investing in America, as opposed to corrupt GOP pandering to the rich and bubble/busts/war mongering, dupe.

Yeah, an investment by Democrats to try and make sure they stay in power forever. It's just that you on the left will never realize it living in your bubble world loaded with conspiracy theories instead of looking at straight out facts.
The fact is you are duped by the New BS GOP. There's always fools like you to support the BS GOP despite their never doing a gd thing for you or the country. See SS, UE, workers comp, ACA, Medicare/aid etc etc...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Yeah, an investment by Democrats to try and make sure they stay in power forever. It's just that you on the left will never realize it living in your bubble world loaded with conspiracy theories instead of looking at straight out facts.
You realize that there are extremists on both sides that buy into a lot of absurd conspiracy theories. I mean, from the Right, I've heard everything from 9/11 being an inside job (which you would think would come from the Left (anti-Bush) more than the right...b/c I've honestly only really heard this from my conservative (anti-government) friends) to Obama not being an American. I'm not saying that there aren't radical liberals that buy into a load of baloney conspiracy theories, what I am saying is that the market is far from being cornered by the left.

Well I would debate you on that. I've never heard of a true right-winger claim 911 was a conspiracy. I have heard that from the left by kooks like Jessie Ventura and like.

I do agree there are extremists on the right, it's just that they don't dominate the party as they do on the left.

Even people on the right laugh at people on our side like the birthers. They are a small faction of our movement. But nobody on the left will ever agree with the fact that Commie Care was never designed to make sure everybody is covered. Commie Care was designed to make as many more government dependent citizens as possible. According to the White House, they were successful too. They claim we now have 14 million more government dependents. Congrats to the DUPS like FrankFart who made that creation possible.
ACA is designed to get everyone covered in the end, dupe.

50% is a small faction? lol
ACTUALLY, it's called investing in America, as opposed to corrupt GOP pandering to the rich and bubble/busts/war mongering, dupe.

Yeah, an investment by Democrats to try and make sure they stay in power forever. It's just that you on the left will never realize it living in your bubble world loaded with conspiracy theories instead of looking at straight out facts.
The fact is you are duped by the New BS GOP. There's always fools like you to support the BS GOP despite their never doing a gd thing for you or the country. See SS, UE, workers comp, ACA, Medicare/aid etc etc...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Give an example.
Yeah, an investment by Democrats to try and make sure they stay in power forever. It's just that you on the left will never realize it living in your bubble world loaded with conspiracy theories instead of looking at straight out facts.
The fact is you are duped by the New BS GOP. There's always fools like you to support the BS GOP despite their never doing a gd thing for you or the country. See SS, UE, workers comp, ACA, Medicare/aid etc etc...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Give an example.

Dense? I just gave you one, and you turned it around to blame the victim instead of the attacker just like the Islamists do in rape cases.

Without Commie Care, I and millions of others would have kept our employer healthcare plans because they would have had no other options. If not for the election of Bozo, I would still have my healthcare insurance today.
The fact is you are duped by the New BS GOP. There's always fools like you to support the BS GOP despite their never doing a gd thing for you or the country. See SS, UE, workers comp, ACA, Medicare/aid etc etc...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Give an example.

Dense? I just gave you one, and you turned it around to blame the victim instead of the attacker just like the Islamists do in rape cases.

Without Commie Care, I and millions of others would have kept our employer healthcare plans because they would have had no other options. If not for the election of Bozo, I would still have my healthcare insurance today.
Your dupe boss and you believed the fear mongering bs.
45% of Republicans believe that Obama considers Vladimir Lenin a personal hero. 27% believe that it is at least feasible that the President does or at one time has dressed up as Lenin. 18% believe that the President or the Democratic Party purchased Lenin’s remains after the fall of the Soviet Union and looks on it regularly for inspiration. 3% believe that Obama is Lenin reincarnated and getting revenge on the United States. 85% of Republicans are unsure of the difference between Socialism and Communism.

53% of Republicans think it is likely that President Obama was not born in the United States. 39% believe he definitely was not, and that the Democratic Party has successfully covered up the truth of his birth in Kenya. This is all while being unable to pass the Health Care bill while holding a super-majority.

23% of Republicans believe that ACORN stole the 2008 election, with 55% of Republicans unsure. 21% believe their state should secede from the union. 12% would, in that case, support Glenn Beck as President of the new Conservative States of America.

53% of Republicans believe President Obama “wants the terrorists to win.” 37% believe it’s possible and warrants are being looked into. 49% believe the President is himself a “secret muslim.” 41% believe he is a “racist who hates white people.” 19% believe the President is the Antichrist, sent by Satan to destroy the human world. 48% of Republicans believe he is a likely candidate, but haven’t decided yet. 58% of Republicans think he could possibly be the Antichrist and a Socialist, Communist, Racist, secret Muslim, Kenyan native all at the same time.

LOL brainwashed functional morons...

At least when Republicans are in power I don't lose. I may not gain anything, but it's not the job of politicians for me TO gain anything. Just stay the F out of my life and I'll be happy.

Now that DumBama totally screwed up the country, it's costing me thousand and thousands of dollars per year. Those are thousands and thousands I can't reinvest into our economy. There are millions of people just like me--many of us middle-class.

I was way better off before this big-eared creep invaded the White House thanks to Cradle-to-Gravers just like yourself who want a government that relieves you of personal responsibility and gives you government programs to live off of.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Give an example.

Dense? I just gave you one, and you turned it around to blame the victim instead of the attacker just like the Islamists do in rape cases.

Without Commie Care, I and millions of others would have kept our employer healthcare plans because they would have had no other options. If not for the election of Bozo, I would still have my healthcare insurance today.
Your dupe boss and you believed the fear mongering bs.

Bull. I'm 55 years old and until Commie Care, had health insurance all of my life. Then some Commie invades the White House and it's everybody else's fault they lost their health insurance.

Just pure coincidence because it certainly can't be the Democrats fault; it never is.
Insanity. Did you notice the Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever? Notice the middle class being slowly ruined for 30 years?

Sorry you believed bs about ACA...next time sign up. Your boss also believed shytte. Not Dems' fault.

It never is, is it?
Give an example.

Dense? I just gave you one, and you turned it around to blame the victim instead of the attacker just like the Islamists do in rape cases.

Without Commie Care, I and millions of others would have kept our employer healthcare plans because they would have had no other options. If not for the election of Bozo, I would still have my healthcare insurance today.
Your dupe boss and you believed the fear mongering bs.

Bull. I'm 55 years old and until Commie Care, had health insurance all of my life. Then some Commie invades the White House and it's everybody else's fault they lost their health insurance.

Just pure coincidence because it certainly can't be the Democrats fault; it never is.
Your dupe boss and you will figure out that Pubs screwed you AGAIN. Actually, probably not lol...
Anyone that has to rely on a union to get them a wage isn't worth hiring.


Unions allow workers to negotiate as a group

Companies want workers to negotiate one on one...that way they can use them against each other

Anyone that has to negotiate as part of a group isn't worth hiring as an individual.
I can see where employers would prefer it that way......play one employee off another

If employers are so intent on every man negotiating for himself, why are they afraid to let employees know what everyone makes?

Why wouldn't anyone prefer it that way. I'm not hiring Person A because of the skills of Person B. I'm hiring A because of what A offers. I don't really care about what B offers at that time and not until I talk to B.

You think it's about fear? Typical dumbass. Is Person A negotiating based on what he has to offer or what another person makes. If it's the latter, tells me Person A doesn't offer much or he/she would sell themselves on their skills not whine about someone else's money.
Why doesn't the employer let Employee A know what Employee B makes so he can negotiate in good faith?

Because what one employee makes has nothing to do with what another employee makes. You make what you make based on the skills you offer not what someone else has to offer.
I'm in fine shape because I planned for my future years ago. I have 2 retirement checks, my home and land is paid for and I have money in the bank. The "American Dream" was realized by me.

I am sorry for you young people of today. I truly am. This is what logically comes from supporting liberals and their ideology.

The middle class in America is all but gone. Part time work is becoming the "norm" and it is not unusual to see a young man or woman working 2-3 part time jobs in an attempt to get ahead.

It's a damn shame. It really is.

And what about 'supporting liberals and their ideology' results in young people working multiple part time jobs?

To be considered a full time worker by law, someone has to work at least 30 hours/week. When Obamacare was passed, one of the provisions was that employers had to offer health insurance to anyone working full time. The employer's response, in many situations, was to cut hours to less than 29 in order to be exempt from the provision. As a result, people who were full time now became part time under the law resulting in that employer not having to be subjected to the Obamacare provisions. As a result, people had to work other part time jobs to reach the 40 hours they were once getting. Many of them were young people. Many of them supported the concept of Obamacare. Are you willing to claim that no one who supported Obamacare and was effected by this was a Liberal?

I hope only those who supported it were subjected to having their hours cut.
I can see where employers would prefer it that way......play one employee off another

If employers are so intent on every man negotiating for himself, why are they afraid to let employees know what everyone makes?

Why wouldn't anyone prefer it that way. I'm not hiring Person A because of the skills of Person B. I'm hiring A because of what A offers. I don't really care about what B offers at that time and not until I talk to B.

You think it's about fear? Typical dumbass. Is Person A negotiating based on what he has to offer or what another person makes. If it's the latter, tells me Person A doesn't offer much or he/she would sell themselves on their skills not whine about someone else's money.

A workers worth is determined by what other workers will do the same job for.

If you sweep floors and clean toilets for a living, anybody can do that. It involves little skill and training. It's a chore most of us do at home. Because anybody can do that job, it pays very little.

Mowing a lawn is also a household chore for home owners. Again, doesn't require a lot of thought and also doesn't pay very much in spite of the hard work if you want to do that for a living.

Not everybody can fix a toilet or repair a leak from a shutoff valve in the basement. It requires some knowledge and experience to do the job correctly. Because not everybody can repair plumbing, doing it for a living pays much better than cutting lawns.

Engineering is not something you can learn on the internet. It takes education and understanding of science, electronics, mechanics, and various other skills depending on what kind of engineer you wish to be. Because most people can't do that kind of work, it pays much better than a plumber.

And the list goes on and on right up to the CEO of a company.

It's a disgusting job that NOBODY wants to do. Right there, it deserves a decent wage. Lol. Cleaning up after your own and your family's piss and shit is one thing, cleaning up after EVERYONE's piss and shit is something else entirely. :D

Well unfortunately we don't get paid by how dirty or hard the job is. We get paid by how much somebody else would be willing to do the job for. I think I should get paid more money than I get, but as long as other people are willing to do my job for this kind of money, why would my boss pay me any more?

This is why unions were formed. :)

Unions were formed because whiners didn't like getting paid an amount equal to what their skills were worth. They wanted more than those skills provided in return.

Unions allow workers to negotiate as a group

Companies want workers to negotiate one on one...that way they can use them against each other

Anyone that has to negotiate as part of a group isn't worth hiring as an individual.
I can see where employers would prefer it that way......play one employee off another

If employers are so intent on every man negotiating for himself, why are they afraid to let employees know what everyone makes?

Why wouldn't anyone prefer it that way. I'm not hiring Person A because of the skills of Person B. I'm hiring A because of what A offers. I don't really care about what B offers at that time and not until I talk to B.

You think it's about fear? Typical dumbass. Is Person A negotiating based on what he has to offer or what another person makes. If it's the latter, tells me Person A doesn't offer much or he/she would sell themselves on their skills not whine about someone else's money.

A workers worth is determined by what other workers will do the same job for.

If you sweep floors and clean toilets for a living, anybody can do that. It involves little skill and training. It's a chore most of us do at home. Because anybody can do that job, it pays very little.

Mowing a lawn is also a household chore for home owners. Again, doesn't require a lot of thought and also doesn't pay very much in spite of the hard work if you want to do that for a living.

Not everybody can fix a toilet or repair a leak from a shutoff valve in the basement. It requires some knowledge and experience to do the job correctly. Because not everybody can repair plumbing, doing it for a living pays much better than cutting lawns.

Engineering is not something you can learn on the internet. It takes education and understanding of science, electronics, mechanics, and various other skills depending on what kind of engineer you wish to be. Because most people can't do that kind of work, it pays much better than a plumber.

And the list goes on and on right up to the CEO of a company.

It's a disgusting job that NOBODY wants to do. Right there, it deserves a decent wage. Lol. Cleaning up after your own and your family's piss and shit is one thing, cleaning up after EVERYONE's piss and shit is something else entirely. :D

Is that your reasoning why a custodial job should pay more? If they offered skills more than sweeping floor, emptying trash, and cleaning toilets they would get paid more. Since a custodian offers skills one step above what a monkey could do, they get paid a low wage and rightfully so. If they don't like cleaning piss and shit, better themselves and do something else.
Anyone that has to rely on a union to get them a wage isn't worth hiring.


Unions allow workers to negotiate as a group

Companies want workers to negotiate one on one...that way they can use them against each other

Anyone that has to negotiate as part of a group isn't worth hiring as an individual.
I can see where employers would prefer it that way......play one employee off another

If employers are so intent on every man negotiating for himself, why are they afraid to let employees know what everyone makes?

Why wouldn't anyone prefer it that way. I'm not hiring Person A because of the skills of Person B. I'm hiring A because of what A offers. I don't really care about what B offers at that time and not until I talk to B.

You think it's about fear? Typical dumbass. Is Person A negotiating based on what he has to offer or what another person makes. If it's the latter, tells me Person A doesn't offer much or he/she would sell themselves on their skills not whine about someone else's money.

A workers worth is determined by what other workers will do the same job for.

If you sweep floors and clean toilets for a living, anybody can do that. It involves little skill and training. It's a chore most of us do at home. Because anybody can do that job, it pays very little.

Mowing a lawn is also a household chore for home owners. Again, doesn't require a lot of thought and also doesn't pay very much in spite of the hard work if you want to do that for a living.

Not everybody can fix a toilet or repair a leak from a shutoff valve in the basement. It requires some knowledge and experience to do the job correctly. Because not everybody can repair plumbing, doing it for a living pays much better than cutting lawns.

Engineering is not something you can learn on the internet. It takes education and understanding of science, electronics, mechanics, and various other skills depending on what kind of engineer you wish to be. Because most people can't do that kind of work, it pays much better than a plumber.

And the list goes on and on right up to the CEO of a company.

In fact, cleaning toilets today involves the same skill set as it did 50 years ago. Running a business today involves a far higher skill level than it did just 10 years ago and Liberals still wonder why the gap in income gets wider. They don't seem to get that the more people can do a task, the less that task is worth when someone is getting paid for it.
Nobody should apply for toilet cleaning jobs. Let those go unfilled. Of course some would then complain about the unemployed not taking those jobs.....hypocrites.
If nobody applies for custodial jobs, then business owners clean their own toilets. Don't apply.
Nobody should apply for toilet cleaning jobs. Let those go unfilled. Of course some would then complain about the unemployed not taking those jobs.....hypocrites.

Let them go unfilled. As long as the unemployed don't get a check, social welfare, etc. of doing nothing, I don't care if they work. When they can't support themselves, let them go without.

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