Well Conservatives...will you find your balls and boycott?

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.

I am not a conservative and had the balls to do this what feels like decades ago.

Conservatives should locate balls and take stand against enemies of America.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Snowflake much?

Huh...I thought you are the king of activism?
Activism that advances opportunity for each and every American, yes. But you're pissed off because companies aren't at your back when it comes to repressing people.
Are you saying that Starbucks would embrace their employees wearing "White Lives Matter" garb as well?
What's the point of "White Lives Matter"? Are White people being knelt on for over 8 minutes? Are White people being shot 14 times while they walk away from the cops? Are White children shot within 6 seconds after the cops roll up on a playground?

Come on man...playing stupid never works.
Look up black on white murder and the like...get in the fucking game old timer.
Let's stick to the point. We've been talking about POLICE BRUTALITY since Rodney King. And you want to dilute that to serve racism,
haha..the ole diversion technique huh?
I posted a graph depicting police brutality and you want me to stick to talking about police brutality? Joe Biden is that you?
Your graph shows raw numbers, not proportion. Remember what 'minority' means? It means there are proportionately fewer.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Snowflake much?

Huh...I thought you are the king of activism?
Activism that advances opportunity for each and every American, yes. But you're pissed off because companies aren't at your back when it comes to repressing people.
Are you saying that Starbucks would embrace their employees wearing "White Lives Matter" garb as well?
What's the point of "White Lives Matter"? Are White people being knelt on for over 8 minutes? Are White people being shot 14 times while they walk away from the cops? Are White children shot within 6 seconds after the cops roll up on a playground?

Come on man...playing stupid never works.
Look up black on white murder and the like...get in the fucking game old timer.
Let's stick to the point. We've been talking about POLICE BRUTALITY since Rodney King. And you want to dilute that to serve racism,
haha..the ole diversion technique huh?
I posted a graph depicting police brutality and you want me to stick to talking about police brutality? Joe Biden is that you?
Your graph shows raw numbers, not proportion. Remember what 'minority' means? It means there are proportionately fewer.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Snowflake much?

Huh...I thought you are the king of activism?
Activism that advances opportunity for each and every American, yes. But you're pissed off because companies aren't at your back when it comes to repressing people.
Are you saying that Starbucks would embrace their employees wearing "White Lives Matter" garb as well?
What's the point of "White Lives Matter"? Are White people being knelt on for over 8 minutes? Are White people being shot 14 times while they walk away from the cops? Are White children shot within 6 seconds after the cops roll up on a playground?

Come on man...playing stupid never works.
Look up black on white murder and the like...get in the fucking game old timer.
Let's stick to the point. We've been talking about POLICE BRUTALITY since Rodney King. And you want to dilute that to serve racism,
haha..the ole diversion technique huh?
I posted a graph depicting police brutality and you want me to stick to talking about police brutality? Joe Biden is that you?
Your graph shows raw numbers, not proportion. Remember what 'minority' means? It means there are proportionately fewer.
hahaha...And just like that LefTards fell in love with per capita factoring.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.

conservatives are not control freaks who participate in the retarded cancel culture. Your broad-brush approach to all categories makes failure inevitable.
There are other ways to express disapproval other than generalizing an entire population and trying to eliminate them.

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.
Then why do you guys fear us so much?
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.

conservatives are not control freaks who participate in the retarded cancel culture. Your broad-brush approach to all categories makes failure inevitable.
There are other ways to express disapproval other than generalizing an entire population and trying to eliminate them.

You don’t do cancel culture huh? So your crybaby tantrums about kneeling football players is...what?
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.

conservatives are not control freaks who participate in the retarded cancel culture. Your broad-brush approach to all categories makes failure inevitable.
There are other ways to express disapproval other than generalizing an entire population and trying to eliminate them.

You don’t do cancel culture huh? So your crybaby tantrums about kneeling football players is...what?

I don't give a shit what football players decide to do during the Anthem...I merely observe that if they don't like it here they have options....I will do what I please also....show respect for the flag that brought them and me my freedom. There are far more who stand.

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
I gave up on Starbucks like 20 years ago.

I gave up on the NFL several years ago. Neither receives a dime from me. I stiill watch local football, but in a way they cannot track or show as a viewer rating.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
I gave up on Starbucks like 20 years ago.

I gave up on the NFL several years ago. Neither receives a dime from me. I stiill watch local football, but in a way they cannot track or show as a viewer rating.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
I wont be watching the NFL if they disrespect the American flag

which it seems likely they will do

I'll be watching MORE football!
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
I gave up on Starbucks like 20 years ago.

I gave up on the NFL several years ago. Neither receives a dime from me. I stiill watch local football, but in a way they cannot track or show as a viewer rating.

I'm sure they miss your pennies
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?

It must be difficult to keep track of all the companies you guys are trying to be mad at.

Star Wars

I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
Out of that whole list I only use one thing. I must be good at this boycott thing and I didn’t even know it.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.

Naw, you guys have kind of lost this argument...

I hate to break it to you, but there's really no way you can look at the murder of George Floyd and say, "Well done!"

I would argue that there is a CONSERVATIVE case to be made for Police Reform.

First, police misconduct is costly. Billions are spent every year settling cases of police misconduct across the country.

Secondly, Conservatives are the ones who should be against unchecked authority and abuse by government, and this qualifies.
Kaepernick is an unapologetic commie and the entire "George Floyd episode reeks of being a psy-op. Alleged EMTs wearing bullet proof vests don't even attempt to resuscitate Floyd and carelessly toss his body on a gurney and whisk him away all while the cameras roll? Cop-Block citizen journalists are intimidated and told that they are too close to a police stop and told to get a hundred feet away but the one videoing this "arrest" are mere feet away? Yeah, you are an idiot for sure.

Is George Floyd a "Crisis Actor"?

Where does one study to be a"Crisis Actor"? Is it one of those special acting schools. "I went to the Dale Smith School of Crisis Acting!"

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