Well Conservatives...will you find your balls and boycott?

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.

conservatives are not control freaks who participate in the retarded cancel culture. Your broad-brush approach to all categories makes failure inevitable.
There are other ways to express disapproval other than generalizing an entire population and trying to eliminate them.

You don’t do cancel culture huh? So your crybaby tantrums about kneeling football players is...what?

I don't give a shit what football players decide to do during the Anthem...I merely observe that if they don't like it here they have options....I will do what I please also....show respect for the flag that brought them and me my freedom. There are far more who stand.

Took you long enough to get it.
I'm a libertarian. I never boycott anything. If I like the food at a particular restaurant, then I will eat there, regardless of the political views of the owner.
I'm a libertarian. I never boycott anything. If I like the food at a particular restaurant, then I will eat there, regardless of the political views of the owner.


As long as he keeps his politics to himself, I don’t care what he believes in.
Kaepernick is an unapologetic commie and the entire "George Floyd episode reeks of being a psy-op. Alleged EMTs wearing bullet proof vests don't even attempt to resuscitate Floyd and carelessly toss his body on a gurney and whisk him away all while the cameras roll? Cop-Block citizen journalists are intimidated and told that they are too close to a police stop and told to get a hundred feet away but the one videoing this "arrest" are mere feet away? Yeah, you are an idiot for sure.

Is George Floyd a "Crisis Actor"?

Where does one study to be a"Crisis Actor"? Is it one of those special acting schools. "I went to the Dale Smith School of Crisis Acting!"

Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, didn't you find it just a tad odd that the EMTs never attempted any type of resuscitation nor did they take his vital signs, use a stethoscope for any signs of life, never administered CPR, etc, etc?. That they simply loaded him on a gurney and took him away? Nothing odd about to you???

BTW, did you notice the small casket that was used as a prop for the funeral for someone that was 6'3? Did you notice the oriental, small in stature "cop" that was doing crowd patrol while Chauvin kneeled on his neck as he made sure the camera got his good side? He bears a striking resemblance to Officer Chauvin's wife's brother.

Protests about the death of George Floyd started the next day with protesters bused in from out of town. How does one procure the services of multiple charter buses in such a short period of time, contact those willing to travel, make reservations for lodging unless those attending knew in advance as to where they would be going and whom was going to foot the bill? Think about it. slow Joe. It reeks of being a psy-op and these protests are anything but spontaneous.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.
Shut the fuck up, you commie sack of shit. Just because you have no principles or scruples while standing for nothing doesn't mean you speak for everyone else, dipshit.
Lol you know I’m right. Right-tards are all talk and always have been. Remember when Nike released that simple picture ad that showed Kaepernick’s eyes? Republicans threw massive tantrums with some burning Nike shoes that they already bought lol. It was so childish and amounted to nothing because Nike’s profits didn’t take a hit.

Kaepernick is an unapologetic commie and the entire "George Floyd episode reeks of being a psy-op. Alleged EMTs wearing bullet proof vests don't even attempt to resuscitate Floyd and carelessly toss his body on a gurney and whisk him away all while the cameras roll? Cop-Block citizen journalists are intimidated and told that they are too close to a police stop and told to get a hundred feet away but the one videoing this "arrest" are mere feet away? Yeah, you are an idiot for sure.
Wacky conspiracy theories are fun!
No one would ever accuse you of being a critical thinker, Creepitus.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Uh no because conservatives a year from now won’t even give a shit what the NFL said. You just whine about this shit for show but obviously you’ll still watch football.
Shut the fuck up, you commie sack of shit. Just because you have no principles or scruples while standing for nothing doesn't mean you speak for everyone else, dipshit.
Lol you know I’m right. Right-tards are all talk and always have been. Remember when Nike released that simple picture ad that showed Kaepernick’s eyes? Republicans threw massive tantrums with some burning Nike shoes that they already bought lol. It was so childish and amounted to nothing because Nike’s profits didn’t take a hit.

Kaepernick is an unapologetic commie and the entire "George Floyd episode reeks of being a psy-op. Alleged EMTs wearing bullet proof vests don't even attempt to resuscitate Floyd and carelessly toss his body on a gurney and whisk him away all while the cameras roll? Cop-Block citizen journalists are intimidated and told that they are too close to a police stop and told to get a hundred feet away but the one videoing this "arrest" are mere feet away? Yeah, you are an idiot for sure.
Yeah okay whatever dude lol. Ramble to your heart’s content. In a few months you won’t even remember you said this.

Wanna bet, punkinpuss? This entire situation reeks from beginning to end. Deal with it....deal with the fact that some people are having a hard digesting this load of bullshit, ya commie fuck.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Already have. If they make a buck, it wont be mine
Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, didn't you find it just a tad odd that the EMTs never attempted any type of resuscitation nor did they take his vital signs, use a stethoscope for any signs of life, never administered CPR, etc, etc?. That they simply loaded him on a gurney and took him away? Nothing odd about to you???

Well, since they are trained medical professionals, they probably know what a dead guy looks like.

BTW, did you notice the small casket that was used as a prop for the funeral for someone that was 6'3? Did you notice the oriental, small in stature "cop" that was doing crowd patrol while Chauvin kneeled on his neck as he made sure the camera got his good side? He bears a striking resemblance to Officer Chauvin's wife's brother.

I'm sure all those people look the same to you....

"Oriental"? Does anyone still say that to describe Asian People?

Protests about the death of George Floyd started the next day with protesters bused in from out of town. How does one procure the services of multiple charter buses in such a short period of time, contact those willing to travel, make reservations for lodging unless those attending knew in advance as to where they would be going and whom was going to foot the bill? Think about it. slow Joe. It reeks of being a psy-op and these protests are anything but spontaneous.

Uh, guy, most of those protesters were local. It's also not a long trip from Chicago or Milwaukee to Minneapolis.

I have thought about it. I've been saying for years at some point, Black folks are going to get sick and tired of asking NICELY to stop Police Brutality.

This incident, which is horrible by even most standards, combined with the fact everyone is on edge from Covid-19 and being locked down for three months (Oh, wait, you probably think that Covid-19 is some kind of Deep State/Illuminati/Lizard People conspiracy, too!!!) and having lost their jobs in Trump's recession, resulted in a perfect storm for nationwide protests.
Wanna bet, punkinpuss? This entire situation reeks from beginning to end. Deal with it....deal with the fact that some people are having a hard digesting this load of bullshit, ya commie fuck.


Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Snowflake much?

Huh...I thought you are the king of activism?
Activism that advances opportunity for each and every American, yes. But you're pissed off because companies aren't at your back when it comes to repressing people.
Are you saying that Starbucks would embrace their employees wearing "White Lives Matter" garb as well?
What's the point of "White Lives Matter"? Are White people being knelt on for over 8 minutes? Are White people being shot 14 times while they walk away from the cops? Are White children shot within 6 seconds after the cops roll up on a playground?

It does happen. The black community has to be given credit though for being the ones that are willing to say "no more".

This officer gets his ass kicked by an 11 year old white girl.

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Lol you’re such a lame ass drama queen. Do you ever stop whining about shit that doesn’t matter?

OMG.....you said this.

With the 10 threads a week (many of them recycled) that are all bullshit whining ?
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

30 states and 2,623 counties were “doers” in November of 2016. It’s plausible no?
Flyover states and swamp country. Dude i'm conservative by nature, but if it wasn't for progressives and liberals this country would be like Afghanistan.
Fucking cops gave him a buzz cut and cut off his legs as well......

So, the cops created a fake video that makes the whole country hate cops? Is this what you are arguing here, Dale?

Seriously, do you take special pills to make you this crazy.

Oh, one of your two videos was removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. I made a point of reporting the other one.
Fucking cops gave him a buzz cut and cut off his legs as well......

So, the cops created a fake video that makes the whole country hate cops? Is this what you are arguing here, Dale?

Seriously, do you take special pills to make you this crazy.

Oh, one of your two videos was removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. I made a point of reporting the other one.


Fucking cops gave him a buzz cut and cut off his legs as well......

So, the cops created a fake video that makes the whole country hate cops? Is this what you are arguing here, Dale?

Seriously, do you take special pills to make you this crazy.

Oh, one of your two videos was removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. I made a point of reporting the other one.


Wow, Cocksucker Dale, you really are nuts.

These are TWO different phones/cameras shooting the same incident. It was not "shot twice" the phones just have different time stamps, where they differ by about a minute.

So, I'll ask you again, the MPD allowed some "Crisis Actors" to stage a play to make themselves look bad? So that they would want the city council to fire them all? Really?

It's like all your other conspiracy theories, you spin these elaborate scenarios of how something was done when the WHY something was done makes not a lick of sense.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.

People have to boycott the right thing for it to work and be meaningful.

The NFL makes money if no one attends their games. Their revenue from TV is that great. Thus the only way to boycott and be
heard is to boycott the sponsors of the NFL on TV. Whether it is Auto sales, Retail sales, restaurant chains, Gasoline sales, any number
of "National" brands...they are usually, locally owned. (Franchisees if you prefer). Thus, if Shell Oil is a sponsor, you just let the
local owner of the Shell Food Mart know, that you won't be back. If enough folks follow you, he'll complain to Shell's corporate
office. If enough places acroos the country do that...you'll get results. If it's a car place like Buick...you do the same thing.
It becomes much more direr to them because the remaining TV audience, (The Blacks) cannot afford their product in the first

The "local" business owner needs you a helluva lot more than you need him. The local business owner is also
paying royalties to the corporation. They need him.

If folks are gonna boycott, they just have to boycott the right place.
Fucking cops gave him a buzz cut and cut off his legs as well......

So, the cops created a fake video that makes the whole country hate cops? Is this what you are arguing here, Dale?

Seriously, do you take special pills to make you this crazy.

Oh, one of your two videos was removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. I made a point of reporting the other one.


Wow, Cocksucker Dale, you really are nuts.

These are TWO different phones/cameras shooting the same incident. It was not "shot twice" the phones just have different time stamps, where they differ by about a minute.

So, I'll ask you again, the MPD allowed some "Crisis Actors" to stage a play to make themselves look bad? So that they would want the city council to fire them all? Really?

It's like all your other conspiracy theories, you spin these elaborate scenarios of how something was done when the WHY something was done makes not a lick of sense.

Such indignant anger, Slow Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie. Save your queer talk for the Chicago bath houses you no doubt frequent. I know it sucks for you to realize that all your hand wringing leftists have been "gas lit" when it comes to this psy-op and the evidence that this was the case just keeps piling up and getting worse by the day.

BTW, the MPD isn't going anywhere and what this will eventually do is give police even more draconian authority when all is said and done. We have that "second wave" of this bio-weapon known as COVID-19 that will shut down everything down again come October and police will be used to enforce social distancing and insuring that people stay at home that are not "essential". You can keep your head in the sand and totally ignore visual evidence and how busloads of protesters came to Minneapolis paid for by Soros and his NGOs. None of these riots were spontaneous but planned well in advance and it's part of a communist agenda that you no doubt support.

Chew on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.....
BTW, the MPD isn't going anywhere and what this will eventually do is give police even more draconian authority when all is said and done. We have that "second wave" of this bio-weapon known as COVID-19 that will shut down everything down again come October and police will be used to enforce social distancing and insuring that people stay at home that are not "essential". You can keep your head in the sand and totally ignore visual evidence and how busloads of protesters came to Minneapolis paid for by Soros and his NGOs. None of these riots were spontaneous but planned well in advance and it's part of a communist agenda that you no doubt support.

Wow, Cocksucker Dale, I'm not sure how you get through life thinking these vast conspiracies are out there.

So, um. Why are you still alive? I mean, if there was this vast conspiracy, you'd think eliminating "Truth-tellers" like you would be a top priority.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
What's the NFL?

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