Well Done USMB Members

What she said was that there IS NOT probable cause to arrest and that the SA took the mob into consideration as she made her decision to file charges.

Are you telling me that this is not what she meant? I have misunderstood?
You really DO have issues understanding the written word.

I said, and I quote, "personally I don't think so".

What a fucking idiot you are.

I also said, the first SA thought the same - no probable cause.

I also said that the second SA was going to have a grand jury decide on probable cause.

I also said that the second SA further investigated, and at the 11th hour, decided to bypas the grand jury and write an affidavit of probable cause.

I also said that the affidavit EXCLUDES important information and that Dershowitz says the same thing.

And, if you DON'T believe there is a Mob and if you believe that DA/SA/CA offices NEVER take political interests into consideration in what they do, you are even dumber than a box of rocks.

Or, just another dishonest partisan hack at USMB.
I don't pretend to read every thread...........but I have been pleasantly surprised that there has not been much outcry as a result of the Zimmerman arrest and his being charged with 2nd degree murder.

I expected that those who had come here in support of George Zimmerman.....and insisted that the evidence proved that he acted in self defense........would be all over this news claiming that the game was rigged and that an innocent man was getting railroaded.

Instead, nary a peep. Admirable restraint, nutters.

Fuck you too, libtard. This charge was assessed to make it look like they were going after the dude. They knew they couldn't indict the Ham sandwich this time so they set that aside to have a republican hard ass take a fall on this charge so she could say she gave it her best shot and everybody would give it the final rest it deserves. In the idiot racebaiter dustbin of history.
If Zimmerman's story is true, it was self defense. We have to wait and see as this plays out in court. There are people who state absolutely that it was self defense just as there are people who continue to state it was a clear and undeniable hate crime. Most on the right here are not like your example, while most on the left here fit my example perfectly to a t.
That's EXACTLY how it is. There are a few on the right who aren't objective compared to most on the left who aren't objective.

And, I DID frequently participate in the Zimmerman threads, unlike the OP.

And, I'll give a shout out to those who lean left who were objective...Emma and Paperview. Awesome participants and a real pleasure to post with them. Others who I found were also consistently objective were Gawdag, Uptownliving, Gadfy. And, Ravi did a good job, too. She'd slip into partisan mode for a bit, but then she'd snap out of it...that was cool.

And, that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I've missed several.
its noted you didnt list who Paper and emma where debating......amusing
LMAO. Yeah, because, as I said, they were objective.

Let's see if you can figure that out on your own. :eusa_shhh:
Are you one of the people claiming that Zimmerman was beaten by Martin and acted in self defense? No? Then I AM NOT REFERRING TO YOU. But you will not get away with claiming that these people don't exist.
If Zimmerman's story is true, it was self defense. We have to wait and see as this plays out in court. There are people who state absolutely that it was self defense just as there are people who continue to state it was a clear and undeniable hate crime. Most on the right here are not like your example, while most on the left here fit my example perfectly to a t.

good job you killed your point nicely.

And thats the problem. Reasonable posts ending in retard.

If you added to that last sentence "Reasonable posts end with retards who can't face reality and be honest replying with an attempt to act like they don't know what you said is true.".. Your reply would have been worth the time it took for you to type it.
I don't pretend to read every thread...........but I have been pleasantly surprised that there has not been much outcry as a result of the Zimmerman arrest and his being charged with 2nd degree murder.

I expected that those who had come here in support of George Zimmerman.....and insisted that the evidence proved that he acted in self defense........would be all over this news claiming that the game was rigged and that an innocent man was getting railroaded.

Instead, nary a peep. Admirable restraint, nutters.

You remain the nutter, LonelyLaughable.

It is well within the realm of possibility that Zimmerman acted OUTSIDE the bounds of the law.

Ergo, taking a wait and see attitude is only reasonable.

I know. The concept mystifies you.
Nope. It is what i have done. I have only commented on my pleasure upon seeing the nutjobs chill. Are you going to take offense as well? What a shock.
I don't pretend to read every thread...........but I have been pleasantly surprised that there has not been much outcry as a result of the Zimmerman arrest and his being charged with 2nd degree murder.

I expected that those who had come here in support of George Zimmerman.....and insisted that the evidence proved that he acted in self defense........would be all over this news claiming that the game was rigged and that an innocent man was getting railroaded.

Instead, nary a peep. Admirable restraint, nutters.

You remain the nutter, LonelyLaughable.

It is well within the realm of possibility that Zimmerman acted OUTSIDE the bounds of the law.

Ergo, taking a wait and see attitude is only reasonable.

I know. The concept mystifies you.

if we waited and saw what happened we wouldnt have Cable news.....

Nowadays we rarely see anything that could be remotely considered unbiased news or journalism that delivers just the FACTS from cable news, local newscasts, newspapers, etc. Instead they INVENT "facts" and outright try to manipulate the public by doctoring up audio and video to give us THEIR opinion.

"Journalism" has been hijacked by activists.
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You remain the nutter, LonelyLaughable.

It is well within the realm of possibility that Zimmerman acted OUTSIDE the bounds of the law.

Ergo, taking a wait and see attitude is only reasonable.

I know. The concept mystifies you.

if we waited and saw what happened we wouldnt have Cable news.....

Nowadays we rarely see anything that could be remotely considered unbiased news or journalism that delivers just the FACTS from cable news, local newscasts, newspapers, etc. Instead they INVENT "facts" and outright try to manipulate the public by doctoring up audio and video to give us THEIR opinion.

"Journalism" has been hijacked by activists.

You know........having a bias does not make one a liar.
if we waited and saw what happened we wouldnt have Cable news.....

Nowadays we rarely see anything that could be remotely considered unbiased news or journalism that delivers just the FACTS from cable news, local newscasts, newspapers, etc. Instead they INVENT "facts" and outright try to manipulate the public by doctoring up audio and video to give us THEIR opinion.

"Journalism" has been hijacked by activists.

You know........having a bias does not make one a liar.

Yes, I know that LL. But there has been a lot of blatant lying, omission of facts, and attempts to manipulate opinion with dirty tricks, both successful and unsuccessful, going on for quite some time in the media. News reports are for facts, not to promote biases with distortions and lies. The media should be held accountable when it becomes so obvious as it has. We have opinion shows for the spin, and even opinion shows and op-Ed pieces in the papers shouldn't get away with crap like that. Wouldn't you agree? All that shows is that they cannot win in the arena of competing ideas and have to try to basically brainwash you to gain any credibility for the positions they take. Does that not upset you?
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I don't pretend to read every thread...........but I have been pleasantly surprised that there has not been much outcry as a result of the Zimmerman arrest and his being charged with 2nd degree murder.

I expected that those who had come here in support of George Zimmerman.....and insisted that the evidence proved that he acted in self defense........would be all over this news claiming that the game was rigged and that an innocent man was getting railroaded.

Instead, nary a peep. Admirable restraint, nutters.

We hold the process of the law up to a high level.

he's been arrested and charged.

If the charges are dismissed or found innocent, I personally plan on showing my entire ass in one giant I told you so thread.

just sayin


and pray he isn't killed in jail. If he is, his blood is on many hands.
That's EXACTLY how it is. There are a few on the right who aren't objective compared to most on the left who aren't objective.

And, I DID frequently participate in the Zimmerman threads, unlike the OP.

And, I'll give a shout out to those who lean left who were objective...Emma and Paperview. Awesome participants and a real pleasure to post with them. Others who I found were also consistently objective were Gawdag, Uptownliving, Gadfy. And, Ravi did a good job, too. She'd slip into partisan mode for a bit, but then she'd snap out of it...that was cool.

And, that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I've missed several.

its noted you didnt list who Paper and emma where debating......amusing
LMAO. Yeah, because, as I said, they were objective.

Let's see if you can figure that out on your own. :eusa_shhh:

yes and you said the left wasnt being objective, just a few select posters....
I need a third party translation, because all I get at this point is WTF are you going on about.
I don't pretend to read every thread...........but I have been pleasantly surprised that there has not been much outcry as a result of the Zimmerman arrest and his being charged with 2nd degree murder.

I expected that those who had come here in support of George Zimmerman.....and insisted that the evidence proved that he acted in self defense........would be all over this news claiming that the game was rigged and that an innocent man was getting railroaded.

Instead, nary a peep. Admirable restraint, nutters.

You remain the nutter, LonelyLaughable.

It is well within the realm of possibility that Zimmerman acted OUTSIDE the bounds of the law.

Ergo, taking a wait and see attitude is only reasonable.

I know. The concept mystifies you.

if we waited and saw what happened we wouldnt have Cable news.....


Well, it is true that CNN and MSNBC don't feel constrained by those things we call "facts."
Well it is true fox has never heard of the word fact.

No. That's far from true.

Fox News actually has reported facts.

They tried to teach that concept to MSLSD and CNN etc, but were met by derision and anger.
Obama is evil isnt a fact.....Careful your partisan is showing....Might want to pull up your pants.


I said nothing about President Obama being evil. He's a dick, but that's a different matter.

Accuracy in posting matters -- except to some libs.
Nowadays we rarely see anything that could be remotely considered unbiased news or journalism that delivers just the FACTS from cable news, local newscasts, newspapers, etc. Instead they INVENT "facts" and outright try to manipulate the public by doctoring up audio and video to give us THEIR opinion.

"Journalism" has been hijacked by activists.

You know........having a bias does not make one a liar.

Yes, I know that LL. But there has been a lot of blatant lying, omission of facts, and attempts to manipulate opinion with dirty tricks, both successful and unsuccessful, going on for quite some time in the media. News reports are for facts, not to promote biases with distortions and lies. The media should be held accountable when it becomes so obvious as it has. We have opinion shows for the spin, and even opinion shows and op-Ed pieces in the papers shouldn't get away with crap like that. Wouldn't you agree? All that shows is that they cannot win in the arena of competing ideas and have to try to basically brainwash you to gain any credibility for the positions they take. Does that not upset you?

In order to accuse someone with bias of lying, you must do these things:

1) Establish that something they have claimed as fact is not in any way accurate.
2) Establish that they knew this and claimed it anyway.

Let's use a popular example from recent news. The TODAY Show cut out a portion of the 911 call that Zimmerman made so it appeared that he volunteered the information regarding Martin's race. It made it appear as though Zimmerman was profiling. This was discovered. So #1 above is checked.

However, upon investigation, it was learned that the employee responsible for making the cut did so out of a need to rush and did not intentionally alter the tape to give such an impression. It was a mistake, in other words. So, #2 is not checked.

Was it stupid? Yes. Is NBC left leaning in it's opinion programming? Certainly. But is NBC guilty of lying in THIS CASE? No.

I think you understand.
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You know........having a bias does not make one a liar.

Yes, I know that LL. But there has been a lot of blatant lying, omission of facts, and attempts to manipulate opinion with dirty tricks, both successful and unsuccessful, going on for quite some time in the media. News reports are for facts, not to promote biases with distortions and lies. The media should be held accountable when it becomes so obvious as it has. We have opinion shows for the spin, and even opinion shows and op-Ed pieces in the papers shouldn't get away with crap like that. Wouldn't you agree? All that shows is that they cannot win in the arena of competing ideas and have to try to basically brainwash you to gain any credibility for the positions they take. Does that not upset you?

In order to accuse someone with bias of lying, you must do these things:

1) Establish that something they have claimed as fact is not in any way accurate.
2) Establish that they knew this and claimed it anyway.

Let's use a popular example from recent news. The TODAY Show cut out a portion of the 911 call that Zimmerman made so it appeared that he volunteered the information regarding Martin's race. It made it appear as though Zimmerman was profiling. This was discovered. So #1 above is checked.

However, upon investigation, it was learned that the employee responsible for making the cut did so out of a need to rush and did not intentionally alter the tape to give such an impression. It was a mistake, in other words. So, #2 is not checked.

Was it stupid? Yes. Is NBC left leaning in it's opinion programming? Certainly. But is NBC guilty of lying in THIS CASE? No.

I think you understand.

Partially correct and partially incorrect.

You need NOT prove that the assertion is not "in any way accurate."

Instead, what you should do is establish that the assertion is incorrect.

It might be that "partially correct" is still "wrong."

But yes, THEN it should be shown that the person who made the erroneous assertion said it anyway with some intent to deceive.
Obama is evil isnt a fact.....Careful your partisan is showing....Might want to pull up your pants.


I said nothing about President Obama being evil. He's a dick, but that's a different matter.

Accuracy in posting matters -- except to some libs.

Uh I know you didn't state it, I was saying that is something fox news says there skippy..and they treat it as a fact.

I was more than accurate, you just thought it was all about you,its not.

Hey dopey. You were responding to MY post. And our quibbling and less than honest attempt to distance yourself from what YOU said reflect poorly on you, now.

And no. Fox News (as far as I know) says no such thing. So, feel obliged to prove it up.

This oughta be a good long wait.
Uh I know you didn't state it, I was saying that is something fox news says there skippy..and they treat it as a fact.

I was more than accurate, you just thought it was all about you,its not.

Hey dopey. You were responding to MY post. And our quibbling and less than honest attempt to distance yourself from what YOU said reflect poorly on you, now.

And no. Fox News (as far as I know) says no such thing. So, feel obliged to prove it up.

This oughta be a good long wait.

No, I know what and who I was posting to.....oh fuck it I don't care enough for this stupidity....you win on behalf of being annoying enough.

You were responding to my post.

It's right there in black and white electrons.

I win on behalf of besting you yet again.

ho hum!


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