Well, here it is. Proof that liberals are intolerant and hate free speech.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

You're intolerant towards anyone that isn't christian...

Show me where liberals are stopping you from doing as you please in your own personal time.

You can't.
You're intolerant towards anyone that isn't christian...

Show me where liberals are stopping you from doing as you please in your own personal time.

You can't.

You are stopping me from not buying health insurance.
You're intolerant towards anyone that isn't christian...

Show me where liberals are stopping you from doing as you please in your own personal time.

You can't.
Why are you bringing religion into this, if not to deflect from the OP? I posted a video of liberals denying someone the right to free speech, They called him a Nazi and physically assaulted him. Can you defend this type of behavior?
You're intolerant towards anyone that isn't christian...

Show me where liberals are stopping you from doing as you please in your own personal time.

You can't.

You are stopping me from not buying health insurance.
They are also stopping us from exercising our God given right to freedom of conscience by forcing us to bake gay wedding cakes. At the same time, they have no problem with Muslim cashiers refusing to ring up certain items at the grocery store.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.

So, you're saying that what they did was wrong?
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.

I've never seen Conservatives do anything like this? Have you?
Conservatives are too busy running businesses, making money, and raising their kids, to have time to waste throwing rocks at cops or blocking traffic. This is leftist behavior.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.

Again who does this shit all the time conservatives or liberals?

Conservatives are too busy running businesses, making money, and raising their kids, to have time to waste throwing rocks at cops or blocking traffic. This is leftist behavior.
And liberals actually get paid to do that stuff.
Conservatives have NEVER acted violently to upset the social order or overthrow the government.

Conservative men wear suits and ties, go to work, and run businesses or work as professionals.

Conservative women run their homes, raise their children, run charities, and in modern times, also go to work and run businesses or work as professionals.

Conservatives do not have the time, inclination, or desire to go out into the street and get arrested. We are important members of our communities, and we have too much to lose. We seek change through democratic means, through church and charity work, and by raising our children with good values.

The left tries to distort the issue by calling Nazis, fascists, and the KKK "right wing" but the fact is, all of these are/were leftist thuggish groups with leftist thuggish agendas.

The "purity" of the white race is an agenda item of the left.

This is why the left, not conservatives, support legalized abortion, because of a racist leftist agenda to keep down the numbers of blacks, Hispanics, and the poor.
Conservatives are too busy running businesses, making money, and raising their kids, to have time to waste throwing rocks at cops or blocking traffic. This is leftist behavior.
And liberals actually get paid to do that stuff.
Yes, they do. I've seen the ads on Craigslist.

Once, I answered a newspaper ad for "pro-choice" demonstrators, who were being offered money to demonstrate near abortion clinics.

I confirmed with the lady who answered the phone that, in fact, they were paying people to demonstrate for legalized abortion. I told her that pro-lifers don't get paid to demonstrate for pro-life.

"Well," she said. "Pro-lifers are pro-life!"

And really, that's all that needs to be said about that.
Apparently cons are now the arbitrators of how angry someone's free speech can be. They're more the snowflakes and doilies crowd where one whispers how they will ignore the Constitution and deny a sitting president his Constitutional duty to pick a Supreme Court judge.

Save it cons, your bullshit doesn't fly anymore. Offended by strong speech? Stay home and watch the paint dry channel.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.

So, you're saying that what they did was wrong?

No, because I didn't even look at that. I was commenting on what you wrote, and what you wrote was wrong.
Apparently cons are now the arbitrators of how angry someone's free speech can be. They're more the snowflakes and doilies crowd where one whispers how they will ignore the Constitution and deny a sitting president his Constitutional duty to pick a Supreme Court judge.

Save it cons, your bullshit doesn't fly anymore. Offended by strong speech? Stay home and watch the paint dry channel.

So you condone violence against people who are peaceably expressing their opinions? Really?

Save it, asshole, you're a thug. You aren't even trying to hide the fact.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

As I've always said, there are people on BOTH SIDES who are intolerant, who don't like certain things. So what? It happens. Just because I'm liberal and they are liberal doesn't mean we agree on much.

This is only an issue if you make this into a team game and then start acting like a child.

I've never seen Conservatives do anything like this? Have you?

I've never seen liberals do it either.... so.....

But are you saying that if one group of people do this, and say they're liberal, then ALL Liberals do this and no Conservatives do this?


I don't know who these people are, and I don't associate with these people. You're the one trying to make some kind of claim that all liberals should somehow bow their heads in shame because... because... somehow you think they're the same. Come off it.
I'd like to see one of you liberals defend this behavior. I bet none of you even try. This is the truth of how liberals feel about free speech. So, I ask you. Who are the real Nazis?

*L* He probably should have taken the box delivery label off the cardboard he used for his sign.
You don't want those loving tolerant liberals to zoom in on the label and go to your house dressed in Ninja outfits, hoodies and baseball bats breaking your windows, setting fires, and beating up your grandfather.
Gates of Heaven:
at the gates of heaven stood the gate keeper and a long line of people who had just passed away.
The first man a political independant walks up to the gate keeper and the keeper tells him to walk down the hall to room 9 but to be very quiet walking past room 3,
the next man in line man a libetarian walks up to the gate keeper and he tells him to walk down the hall to room 5 but be very careful and quiet walking past room 3.
The next man in line is Republican and is told to go to room 8 but is also told to be very quiet passing room 3.
The Republican being curious and inquisitve asked the keeper of the gate:
" I understand the need for seperate rooms, but why do we have to be quiet passing room 3?"
The keeper replied: "oh that's where the Democrats are, and they think they are the only ones who exist."

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