Well, Here's Something Encouraging


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In a major victory in the fight against Republican gerrymandering, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a Republican appeal of a Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruling from earlier this year that used the Keystone State’s own constitution to hold that gerrymandering violates voters’ rights to “free and equal” elections. With the U.S. Supreme Court lurching far to the right and almost certainly dooming efforts to set a federal standard against gerrymandering, the court’s decision to let a state ruling stand provides a groundbreaking way forward.

U.S. Supreme Court paves the way for state supreme courts to strike down GOP gerrymanders
In a major victory in the fight against Republican gerrymandering, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a Republican appeal of a Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruling from earlier this year that used the Keystone State’s own constitution to hold that gerrymandering violates voters’ rights to “free and equal” elections. With the U.S. Supreme Court lurching far to the right and almost certainly dooming efforts to set a federal standard against gerrymandering, the court’s decision to let a state ruling stand provides a groundbreaking way forward.

U.S. Supreme Court paves the way for state supreme courts to strike down GOP gerrymanders
You sure have to dig deep for something you deem to be encouraging....just sayin....
In a major victory in the fight against Republican gerrymandering, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a Republican appeal of a Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruling from earlier this year that used the Keystone State’s own constitution to hold that gerrymandering violates voters’ rights to “free and equal” elections. With the U.S. Supreme Court lurching far to the right and almost certainly dooming efforts to set a federal standard against gerrymandering, the court’s decision to let a state ruling stand provides a groundbreaking way forward.

U.S. Supreme Court paves the way for state supreme courts to strike down GOP gerrymanders
But districts gerrymandered in favor of democrats are OK, right?
In a major victory in the fight against Republican gerrymandering, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a Republican appeal of a Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruling from earlier this year that used the Keystone State’s own constitution to hold that gerrymandering violates voters’ rights to “free and equal” elections. With the U.S. Supreme Court lurching far to the right and almost certainly dooming efforts to set a federal standard against gerrymandering, the court’s decision to let a state ruling stand provides a groundbreaking way forward.

U.S. Supreme Court paves the way for state supreme courts to strike down GOP gerrymanders

Pennsylvania--- red-leaning state voted for Trump.
US Supreme Court--- "lurching far to the right."
Still get a "major victory in the fight against Republican gerrymandering!"

That's a hell of a lot more than you could say if it involved a Blue state and a Blue Supreme Court to think they'd ever vote something in the RIGHT'S favor!

And yet still you bitch like a little girl.
With the U.S. Supreme Court lurching far to the right and almost certainly dooming efforts to set a federal standard against gerrymandering, the court’s decision to let a state ruling stand provides a groundbreaking way forward.

Hate to break it do you, but this has nothing to do with gerrymandering and everything to do with civics 101. The state court's ruling was based on the state constitution. As such, there is no federal question for the SCOTUS to consider. I haven't looked at the article or the documents yet, but I'm at a loss to imagine how anyone could have possibly thought the SCOTUS would take this appeal. Seems beyond grasping at straws, to me.

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