Well if Bloomberg entering into the 2020 president race didn't spell it out for you this should

you don’t think Trump and Barr could indict Biden if they had REAL proof that he committed crimes? Really? You think they would just let it go and cover for him. Come on Chris

Well, geesh, when they so much as ask a question about it, and get reamed out over it, then . . . NO.
Ok Chris. If that’s how you really see it then there’s nothing I can do to help you. I guess the president and AG are just powerless

Now that this impeachment stuff is behind them, let's hope not! I've heard that there are investigations into Bidens and their Burisma connections going on in the Ukraine. Let's hope that's true. Let's hope they investigate what happened in Iraq as well as the other politicians and their shady dealings. That would be AWESOME. :eusa_dance: This is exactly what I hoped would happen when I voted for Trump.
I hate to burst your bubble but nothing’s going to happen on either front

You hope note, is what you should say. It would shatter your world view. :D LOL! It's gonna come out. Even reporters are starting to ask questions, and Joe is getting upset.
ok, Chris. Maybe they will put Biden in the same cell they they have Hillary locked up in... oh wait...
Trump has forsaken every single soul who ever gave a damn about him, including Bloomberg. they used to be friends, my friends! but now Bloomberg is Trump's worst nightmare!
I can't believe anyone would vote for a man who tried to ban Big Gulps. Democrats are so stupid. He's also an old rich white male, exactly what they say they hate.
I never understood why people care so much about big gulps? Is it seriously that big of an issue for you?
It's called the right of choice
Trump has forsaken every single soul who ever gave a damn about him, including Bloomberg. they used to be friends, my friends! but now Bloomberg is Trump's worst nightmare!
I use to have family members that were hardcore leftist until I disowned them fuck'em
You said that Not me. Even halfway!
Huh? Did you not understand what I wrote? Read slower. I wasn’t literally saying that YOU said that. It’s an expression... half say trump was wrong and half say he was perfect. There’s a split there.

Crime is wrong. But there was no crime.
So the half that you profess say he's wrong, are indeed, themselves wrong!
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
How were they supposed to get their witnesses with Trump suing each subpoena? The McGann challenge from the Mueller probe lasted about 8 months in court.

Well, what happened to their whistleblower? Didn't they tell us all that they had "overwhelming evidence" to impeach? Ha ha! Yes, they did.

BTW, did you know that Joe Biden also set up his brother to make money in Iraq?
Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
How were they supposed to get their witnesses with Trump suing each subpoena? The McGann challenge from the Mueller probe lasted about 8 months in court.

Well, what happened to their whistleblower? Didn't they tell us all that they had "overwhelming evidence" to impeach? Ha ha! Yes, they did.

BTW, did you know that Joe Biden also set up his brother to make money in Iraq?
Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
i think it’s a predictable and rather pathetic smear tactic that makes me lose respect for you for spreading and believing it. It happened in 2011 for crying out loud and had no linkage to Joe using his office to do anything illegal. Just like the Hunter situation. Joe was VP for 8 years, we know him. Trying to now paint him as a criminal is weak and pathetic.

Trump needs a “Crooked Hillary” so his crowds can chant Lock him/her up at his rally’s. We’ve seen the playbook. He is going after joe right now. Don’t be a puppet Chris, you’re better than that.

Your buddy Joe is dirty, sorry. :( But, but, Trump's phone call. Bad orange man. :(

A little bit from my link post #67:

Make no mistake: What Joe Biden did in 2011 is hardly less scandalous.

It was in June of that year that HillStone International, a relatively new homebuilding concern, landed a $1,500,000,000 contract to build homes in Iraq.

Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden, had landed an executive position at HillStone just months earlier.

To understand just how grave, how corrupt, how unseemly this is, consider the backdrop to Biden’s 2011 family deal-making.

Starting in 2009, just after then Vice President Biden took oversight of the Obama administration’s Iraq policy, the U.S. began to withdraw from a mangled Iraq.

The withdrawal, completed in 2011, only made things worse for the people of Iraq.

If the initial invasion broke their means of maintaining order and securing their own towns and families, the withdrawal went one, brutal step further.

Under Biden, the U.S. abandoned those vulnerable Iraqis while creating a power vacuum that aided their enemies–merciless Jihadist militants.

Over the coming months and years, much of Iraq was reduced to rubble.

As I reported when I returned from a visit to the region:

Here’s what the locals told me. After the U.S. invaded, dissolved their army, fitfully tried to keep order, then finally — under Obama — cut and ran, those towns were captured by ISIS. The men and boys were hunted, the girls kidnapped and raped. The survivors hid out in the hills. Then U.S. airstrikes flattened all the buildings. Then ISIS booby-trapped the rubble and burned whatever was left.

Even as that tragedy began to unfold, one of its high architects, 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, had already found a way to enrich his family at the expense of the most vulnerable people of Iraq.

The Bidens denied it, but David Richter Jr, president of HillStone’s parent company Hill International, was very forthcoming about the value he saw in taking James Biden onboard as Executive Vice President of Hillstone’s housing development in November 2010.

According to a person who was present, Richter told a group of investors that it really helped to have “the brother of the vice president as a partner.”

In 2012, Richter’s father boasted to the Fox Business Network: “People who have important names tend to get in the door easier,” and even joked that if James Biden “had the name Obama he would get in the door easier.”

The same year, the New York Post’s Charles Gasparino reported on what he called a “good deal for [Hillstone International], a relative newcomer to building homes — and for James Biden, who as one partner will get a good share of that $1.5 billion.”

In time I believe that we will find that the Biden Family (with apologies to the Clintons) is the most corrupt Political Family in the country.
I can't believe anyone would vote for a man who tried to ban Big Gulps. Democrats are so stupid. He's also an old rich white male, exactly what they say they hate.
I never understood why people care so much about big gulps? Is it seriously that big of an issue for you?
It's called the right of choice
Choice is still there. Go buy 5 slushies and chug them if you want. Diabetes is waiting for you right around the corner. Knock yourself out
Huh? Did you not understand what I wrote? Read slower. I wasn’t literally saying that YOU said that. It’s an expression... half say trump was wrong and half say he was perfect. There’s a split there.

Crime is wrong. But there was no crime.
So the half that you profess say he's wrong, are indeed, themselves wrong!
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
Well, what happened to their whistleblower? Didn't they tell us all that they had "overwhelming evidence" to impeach? Ha ha! Yes, they did.

BTW, did you know that Joe Biden also set up his brother to make money in Iraq?
Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
Well, what happened to their whistleblower? Didn't they tell us all that they had "overwhelming evidence" to impeach? Ha ha! Yes, they did.

BTW, did you know that Joe Biden also set up his brother to make money in Iraq?
Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
i think it’s a predictable and rather pathetic smear tactic that makes me lose respect for you for spreading and believing it. It happened in 2011 for crying out loud and had no linkage to Joe using his office to do anything illegal. Just like the Hunter situation. Joe was VP for 8 years, we know him. Trying to now paint him as a criminal is weak and pathetic.

Trump needs a “Crooked Hillary” so his crowds can chant Lock him/her up at his rally’s. We’ve seen the playbook. He is going after joe right now. Don’t be a puppet Chris, you’re better than that.

Your buddy Joe is dirty, sorry. :( But, but, Trump's phone call. Bad orange man. :(

A little bit from my link post #67:

Make no mistake: What Joe Biden did in 2011 is hardly less scandalous.

It was in June of that year that HillStone International, a relatively new homebuilding concern, landed a $1,500,000,000 contract to build homes in Iraq.

Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden, had landed an executive position at HillStone just months earlier.

To understand just how grave, how corrupt, how unseemly this is, consider the backdrop to Biden’s 2011 family deal-making.

Starting in 2009, just after then Vice President Biden took oversight of the Obama administration’s Iraq policy, the U.S. began to withdraw from a mangled Iraq.

The withdrawal, completed in 2011, only made things worse for the people of Iraq.

If the initial invasion broke their means of maintaining order and securing their own towns and families, the withdrawal went one, brutal step further.

Under Biden, the U.S. abandoned those vulnerable Iraqis while creating a power vacuum that aided their enemies–merciless Jihadist militants.

Over the coming months and years, much of Iraq was reduced to rubble.

As I reported when I returned from a visit to the region:

Here’s what the locals told me. After the U.S. invaded, dissolved their army, fitfully tried to keep order, then finally — under Obama — cut and ran, those towns were captured by ISIS. The men and boys were hunted, the girls kidnapped and raped. The survivors hid out in the hills. Then U.S. airstrikes flattened all the buildings. Then ISIS booby-trapped the rubble and burned whatever was left.

Even as that tragedy began to unfold, one of its high architects, 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, had already found a way to enrich his family at the expense of the most vulnerable people of Iraq.

The Bidens denied it, but David Richter Jr, president of HillStone’s parent company Hill International, was very forthcoming about the value he saw in taking James Biden onboard as Executive Vice President of Hillstone’s housing development in November 2010.

According to a person who was present, Richter told a group of investors that it really helped to have “the brother of the vice president as a partner.”

In 2012, Richter’s father boasted to the Fox Business Network: “People who have important names tend to get in the door easier,” and even joked that if James Biden “had the name Obama he would get in the door easier.”

The same year, the New York Post’s Charles Gasparino reported on what he called a “good deal for [Hillstone International], a relative newcomer to building homes — and for James Biden, who as one partner will get a good share of that $1.5 billion.”

In time I believe that we will find that the Biden Family (with apologies to the Clintons) is the most corrupt Political Family in the country.
of course, unless he doesn’t get the nomination... if Bloomberg gets it then he will all of a sudden be the most corrupt person in US history. Y’all are so predictable. Grow up.
Crime is wrong. But there was no crime.
So the half that you profess say he's wrong, are indeed, themselves wrong!
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
Living in Fantasy Land Again son of Sheol?

Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
Yes they had a case and they made their case. And the Republicans were too much in the tank to allow facts to come out that would likely debunk their spin and expose the White House as liars. The info is going to come out eventually... it’s not a mystery that Trumps lies will be exposed. Don’t suppose you care though. It’s all about winning, right?!

What do you think about Joe setting up his brother in Iraq and his son in Ukraine?
i think it’s a predictable and rather pathetic smear tactic that makes me lose respect for you for spreading and believing it. It happened in 2011 for crying out loud and had no linkage to Joe using his office to do anything illegal. Just like the Hunter situation. Joe was VP for 8 years, we know him. Trying to now paint him as a criminal is weak and pathetic.

Trump needs a “Crooked Hillary” so his crowds can chant Lock him/her up at his rally’s. We’ve seen the playbook. He is going after joe right now. Don’t be a puppet Chris, you’re better than that.

Your buddy Joe is dirty, sorry. :( But, but, Trump's phone call. Bad orange man. :(

A little bit from my link post #67:

Make no mistake: What Joe Biden did in 2011 is hardly less scandalous.

It was in June of that year that HillStone International, a relatively new homebuilding concern, landed a $1,500,000,000 contract to build homes in Iraq.

Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden, had landed an executive position at HillStone just months earlier.

To understand just how grave, how corrupt, how unseemly this is, consider the backdrop to Biden’s 2011 family deal-making.

Starting in 2009, just after then Vice President Biden took oversight of the Obama administration’s Iraq policy, the U.S. began to withdraw from a mangled Iraq.

The withdrawal, completed in 2011, only made things worse for the people of Iraq.

If the initial invasion broke their means of maintaining order and securing their own towns and families, the withdrawal went one, brutal step further.

Under Biden, the U.S. abandoned those vulnerable Iraqis while creating a power vacuum that aided their enemies–merciless Jihadist militants.

Over the coming months and years, much of Iraq was reduced to rubble.

As I reported when I returned from a visit to the region:

Here’s what the locals told me. After the U.S. invaded, dissolved their army, fitfully tried to keep order, then finally — under Obama — cut and ran, those towns were captured by ISIS. The men and boys were hunted, the girls kidnapped and raped. The survivors hid out in the hills. Then U.S. airstrikes flattened all the buildings. Then ISIS booby-trapped the rubble and burned whatever was left.

Even as that tragedy began to unfold, one of its high architects, 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, had already found a way to enrich his family at the expense of the most vulnerable people of Iraq.

The Bidens denied it, but David Richter Jr, president of HillStone’s parent company Hill International, was very forthcoming about the value he saw in taking James Biden onboard as Executive Vice President of Hillstone’s housing development in November 2010.

According to a person who was present, Richter told a group of investors that it really helped to have “the brother of the vice president as a partner.”

In 2012, Richter’s father boasted to the Fox Business Network: “People who have important names tend to get in the door easier,” and even joked that if James Biden “had the name Obama he would get in the door easier.”

The same year, the New York Post’s Charles Gasparino reported on what he called a “good deal for [Hillstone International], a relative newcomer to building homes — and for James Biden, who as one partner will get a good share of that $1.5 billion.”

In time I believe that we will find that the Biden Family (with apologies to the Clintons) is the most corrupt Political Family in the country.
of course, unless he doesn’t get the nomination... if Bloomberg gets it then he will all of a sudden be the most corrupt person in US history. Y’all are so predictable. Grow up.
Mr. Burns is morally corrupt and is a Tyrant. All Midgets are.

UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, Clinton
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
Living in Fantasy Land Again son of Sheol?

Oh boy, you have pictures. Wow. Thanks for sharing buddy. Gold star for you. Now go see Ms. Johnson and get that diaper changed I can smell it from here!
John Kerry may threaten but he will not enter the race. Trump would tear him apart over his RECENT negotiations with Iran.
I can't believe anyone would vote for a man who tried to ban Big Gulps. Democrats are so stupid. He's also an old rich white male, exactly what they say they hate.
I never understood why people care so much about big gulps? Is it seriously that big of an issue for you?
It's called the right of choice
Choice is still there. Go buy 5 slushies and chug them if you want. Diabetes is waiting for you right around the corner. Knock yourself out
I don't want to buy 5 I want 1 big glup. Buying 5 cups is a waste of resources
Crime is wrong. But there was no crime.
So the half that you profess say he's wrong, are indeed, themselves wrong!
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
You said the president dumbass Trump is your President
I can't believe anyone would vote for a man who tried to ban Big Gulps. Democrats are so stupid. He's also an old rich white male, exactly what they say they hate.
I never understood why people care so much about big gulps? Is it seriously that big of an issue for you?
It's called the right of choice
Choice is still there. Go buy 5 slushies and chug them if you want. Diabetes is waiting for you right around the corner. Knock yourself out
I don't want to buy 5 I want 1 big glup. Buying 5 cups is a waste of resources
Maybe you can just bring a bucket in there and fill it up.
It’s also wrong to not go into work, it’s not criminal but you can still get fired for it... doesn’t have to be a crime for it to be wrong.
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
You said the president dumbass Trump is your President
wow man, you really need to work on reading comprehension. I was laying out a scenario where a president could be impeached without committing a crime. I wasn’t literally talking about Trump. I don’t know why I’m wasting my time talking to people who can’t understand simple English. Unbelievable
Dude the president has done more for America than the last three combined even with the party of obstruction democrats trying to stop him.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're bitching moaning and whining about the president not working it countered your bitch whin and moan about the president.
Learn how to read man. I didn’t say anything about Trump not working. I made a point about non criminal conditions that I’d consider impeachable. Try to keep up.
You said the president dumbass Trump is your President
wow man, you really need to work on reading comprehension. I was laying out a scenario where a president could be impeached without committing a crime. I wasn’t literally talking about Trump. I don’t know why I’m wasting my time talking to people who can’t understand simple English. Unbelievable
You are right you are unbelievable
I can't believe anyone would vote for a man who tried to ban Big Gulps. Democrats are so stupid. He's also an old rich white male, exactly what they say they hate.
I never understood why people care so much about big gulps? Is it seriously that big of an issue for you?
It's called the right of choice
Choice is still there. Go buy 5 slushies and chug them if you want. Diabetes is waiting for you right around the corner. Knock yourself out
I don't want to buy 5 I want 1 big glup. Buying 5 cups is a waste of resources
Maybe you can just bring a bucket in there and fill it up.
Why should I? I refuse hell I may just take a big Glup cup up to New york just to challenge that bullshit

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