Well, just to repeat it. Going to sound like Mac..but it is true.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
It bears repeating, and when we look at it, it is true.

We are all pretty much pissing in the wind here. We pretty much all have known and it has never been more clear, we are just under control.

Rather obvious to me that Trump is in way over his head. While that statement will bring little smiles from the ignorant left and perhaps frowns from the right, just consider (just to reiterate) what the swamp is that he proclaimed he was going to drain.

It is not limited to the democrats, who are truly nothing but American hating socialist scumbags. The republicans who are long career politicians are mostly bought and paid for.

Then consider all of the people working in government or on behalf of government that cannot afford to have their cushy gigs exposed. From the lawyers (more lawyers in washington than any place on earth) to those that make any and all of these government institutions.

Every single one of these people are motivated to be rid of Trump. No assassination really could not happen, but don't dismiss it. A far more effective way would be to do exactly what they are doing.

I am anticipating something will eventually be found. The praetorian media sentinels will hype hype hype hype just like they have been.

For those left wing voters who delight in it, you should wake up from the slumber you are in, and consider the corrupt Washington DC machine you are clapping for.

It is strange times indeed.
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It's going to be fascinating and most entertaining to watch as one by one the Trumptards try to come up with creative ways to throw him under the bus,

ways that supposedly will not reflect badly on them.

Like this thread.
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.
I enjoy watching the left as much as anyone....

This is so enjoyable.

Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.
Most of those republicans are parts of the swamp.

Hence the reason you see the McCains of the world talking shit about obstruction and attacking Trump yesterday.
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.

He already has the entire AM radio spectrum, the entire fox network, and countless altRight web sites (drudge, Alex Jones, Storm Front, etc) doing that. What more do you want?
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.

He already has the entire AM radio spectrum, the entire fox network, and countless altRight web sites (drudge, Alex Jones, Storm Front, etc) doing that. What more do you want?
We had our local AM RW radio talking head almost incoherent today trying to cover for him.
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.

Maybe Trump should just stop lying and fucking up on a daily basis and blaming the media for reporting it.
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.

Maybe Trump should just stop lying and fucking up on a daily basis and blaming the media for reporting it.
Can't any of you just once show you are not such unreal hopeless brainwashed dipshits?

Just one fucking day in your fucking miserable goddamn pathetic brainwashed piece of shit life?

Proving over and over how fucking hopeless everything is with your daily hypocritical pathetic bullshit spoonfed to you by propaganda think tanks via the media?

Just one fucking day?!
Trump NEEDS for some acid-tongued republican to start making a scene, night after night, calling out these "journalists" and Leftist politicians for their outrageous, overblown reactions to EVERYTHING the President does. It would have to be someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, and articulate. Pence might do. Cruz. Somebody with national recognition.

Maybe Trump should just stop lying and fucking up on a daily basis and blaming the media for reporting it.

Why ?

It's so much fun to watch the left brown their drawers over all his screw ups.

And remind them that their stupidity is the reason he is in the White House.
I agree with the general thrust of the OP; however, it has too much "colored" language that I do not accept enough to have clicked "agree."

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