Well not the whole government


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Time To Impeach Our Government - American Thinker

but a good chunk of it.

Our government has appointed itself as judge, jury, and executioner of its own alleged misconduct. Unsurprisingly, it has found itself innocent. This is an inherently corrupt system and the way to change it is to “impeach” our government using a constitutional convention.

The Supreme Court’s decision denying the most recent Trump election lawsuit, recalls the case of Corinna Mullen. Her brutal murder went unsolved for years until an investigator found one slip of paper.

That document revealed that his predecessor had requested that the state crime lab return evidence without testing it. The evidence was later lost or “disappeared.” It then became clear why the case had never been solved: the people in charge of investigating it were the guilty parties.

This calls to mind the scenario that Dashiell Hammett wrote about in his short story “Nightmare Town,” about a lone private investigator who encounters a town where everyone, from the mayor to the busboy, is participating in the same criminal enterprise:

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“You’re fined a hundred and fifty dollars and costs. The costs are fifteen dollars and eight cents, making a total of a hundred and six-five dollars and eighty cents. Will you pay it or will you go to jail?”
“I’ll pay it if I’ve got it,” Steve said, turning to the marshal. “You took my money. Have I got that much?”
The marshal nodded his massive head.
“You have,” he said, “exactly – to the nickel. “Funny it should have come out like that – huh?”
“Yes – funny,” Steve repeated.
America today resembles Izzard, the Nightmare Town. Every public institution in America has been compromised. None will hear evidence about election irregularities, such as fake ballots and ballot mishandling, not to mention the frauds of which Democrats are proud: the voting laws changed to encourage fraud and the tech companies stifling of news and emails beneficial to Trump or harmful to Biden.

They would not listen when John Ratcliffe reported that China was behind this fraud:

“Based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure—that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections,” Ratcliffe wrote.
They would also not pay any attention when John Lott showed us that it was statistically impossible for election results to be legitimate:

The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes.
They ignored the FISA report that pointed out that the first Trump impeachment was entirely based on fraudulent premises:

The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes.
They ignored the longstanding links between the Biden crime family and companies linked to the Chinese military found in the Homeland Security Report:

Rosemont Seneca was formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and others.
Trump and his team even presented a vast list of election irregularities that showed over a thousand incidents of vote forgery, evidence hiding, and deception. Would Nightmare Town investigate? No, they refused even to consider the evidence, much less accept it.

Like the marshal in Izzard the Nightmare Town, American institutions wanted us to know that they were stealing this one, and so they publicly admitted the “bipartisan” conspiracy to engineer the fake win:

Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.
Obviously, we cannot trust anyone in an “official” position. We need to burn down this Nightmare Town and start again by impeaching this government. We can do this by calling a convention of states:

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.
I propose an amendment to the Constitution that closes the loopholes used by Deep State creatures to buy votes and perpetuate their power. This could have a few simple provisions, based on the things we’ve seen that have allowed the government to grow.

First, the Constitution needs a flat tax. Everyone pays; no one is excepted. As part of that, the amendment can specify that there can be no wealth transfer, or taking money, from one group to give to another. We are all in this together.

Next, it can prohibit entitlements, or government payments directly to citizens such as the ones that make up three-quarters of our budget. These are the “free things” that government uses to buy votes.

It could also clarify Marbury v. Madison, the landmark Supreme Court case that gave courts the ability to legislate from the bench. Specify that court oversight is a veto power of an entire Act, not a chance to pick and choose which parts are legal.

The amendment can revisit the Fourteenth Amendment and specify that “equal protection of the laws,” the magic phrase that enables parasitic wealth transfer equality programs, was intended in a natural rights conflict to mean that government cannot treat us unfairly, not that it has an affirmative duty to intervene in private business and social affairs to enforce equity.

It can also address the fastest-growing segment of government in the postwar era, the administrative state. These agencies represent the unelected bureaucracy that makes most of the rules. Ban them, and Congress must be accountable for government decisions.

Does it sound like a dream? The GOP has come to a resolution in its civil war; MAGA won. We are going to retake the states. We will have the votes. We can do this, but only if we have the willpower to demand it instead of just going with the flow yet again.
We just had an election like 3 months ago...why would we impeach anyone? The people just chose 90 days ago.
Its not who votes, but who counts the votes. Technically we had an election, the results of which in certain states are shall we say very questionable.
We just had an election like 3 months ago...why would we impeach anyone? The people just chose 90 days ago.
Its not who votes, but who counts the votes. Technically we had an election, the results of which in certain states are shall we say very questionable.
So, that is how Trump won by cheating, thanks for the 411..
Take 2 aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.
You be the guy that buys that pile of dung from Trump.
The people elect the politicians who best represent their agenda. The media has the 1st Amendment responsibility to be fair and balanced in it's coverage of the political arena but what happens when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party?
The people elect the politicians who best represent their agenda. The media has the 1st Amendment responsibility to be fair and balanced in it's coverage of the political arena but what happens when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party?
Seig Heil.....

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