We'll take the Bedouins in exchange for every Jew to leave the US

I can't believe the moderators allow this bigoted drivel on this forum. If their aim is to scare descent folk off the forum to make room for every wacko on the planet, they might be succeeding.

Understandably since your Pro Jew and Israel. While my tax dollars in Israel are paying Ethiopian Jews 3500 each to leave or go to jail, the ACLU and ADL here wants us to have open boarders.

You have no idea what I am since I haven't told you. Don't project your own failings onto others. This is the United States of America, not NAZI Germany. Get over yourself.

How dare you bring up Nazi Germany, or Nazis, to distract from the issue at hand. Of course this is a jew tactic isn't it.

Yeah, how dare I. That's hilarious. I am an atheist. And you are still a bigot. Congratulations.

So are the maj. of Jews. No I think I am pointing out the Israel racism and demolishing homes of others to make room for more Jews which I find despicable.

And that has what, exactly, to do with the title of your OP?

Ahem -

"We'll take the Bedouins in exchange for every Jew to leave the US"

What Jews in America are "demolishing homes of others to make room for more Jews"?
how does that sound. Every Jew leave American, and go live in Israel and take your money and the Haridi group in Brooklyn with you. You want to be racist thugs, and have your "pure Jew state" , well we want to be pure Americans too (and since Jews are racist, we don't want your kind here. Pack up your gentile loot and get the hell out of the US.

Village of Bedouins Faces Eviction as Israel Envisions a Village of Jews


Mr. Qian and the other members of some 70 Bedouin families are likely to be evicted soon from their homes in the hamlet of Umm al-Hiran, where they have been living since the 1950s. In their place, the Israeli government plans to build a community with nearly the same name, Hiran — but its expected residents will be religious, Zionist Jews.

There are about 240,000 Bedouins in Israel, descendants of the 13,000 who remained in Israel after its creation. Most members of the community, estimated at 65,000 at the time, fled or were forced out during the 1948 war, said Eli Atzmon, an expert on Israel’s Bedouin community.



How about we just deport YOU to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere? Everyone who matters will be happy.

I know its just wonderful to live in the US or even be a jew in Israel. Some of us are just so lucky.
Or the Arabs can all move to Jordan and Egypt.

No all the Jews leave the US first, we don't need racist people here . Go to your all Jew state.
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...



how does that sound. Every Jew leave American, and go live in Israel and take your money and the Haridi group in Brooklyn with you. You want to be racist thugs, and have your "pure Jew state" , well we want to be pure Americans too (and since Jews are racist, we don't want your kind here. Pack up your gentile loot and get the hell out of the US.

Village of Bedouins Faces Eviction as Israel Envisions a Village of Jews


Mr. Qian and the other members of some 70 Bedouin families are likely to be evicted soon from their homes in the hamlet of Umm al-Hiran, where they have been living since the 1950s. In their place, the Israeli government plans to build a community with nearly the same name, Hiran — but its expected residents will be religious, Zionist Jews.

There are about 240,000 Bedouins in Israel, descendants of the 13,000 who remained in Israel after its creation. Most members of the community, estimated at 65,000 at the time, fled or were forced out during the 1948 war, said Eli Atzmon, an expert on Israel’s Bedouin community.



How about we just deport YOU to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere? Everyone who matters will be happy.

She would poison the waters worse than a toxic spill.
Hey if they want a pure Jew state , we want an pure American country and you can't have that with racist here, IE: Jews.

I'm trying to figure out if you are serious or not, and I'm having trouble telling. You are claiming that an entire racial group is composed of racists. Do you not see any irony in that?
Hey if they want a pure Jew state , we want an pure American country and you can't have that with racist here, IE: Jews.

I'm trying to figure out if you are serious or not, and I'm having trouble telling. You are claiming that an entire racial group is composed of racists. Do you not see any irony in that?

She's an asylum escapee. I wonder if they know she's posting from the basement of the local mosque.
Hey if they want a pure Jew state , we want an pure American country and you can't have that with racist here, IE: Jews.

I'm trying to figure out if you are serious or not, and I'm having trouble telling. You are claiming that an entire racial group is composed of racists. Do you not see any irony in that?

She's not the brighest bulb on the racist tree.
I can't believe the moderators allow this bigoted drivel on this forum. If their aim is to scare descent folk off the forum to make room for every wacko on the planet, they might be succeeding.

Understandably since your Pro Jew and Israel. While my tax dollars in Israel are paying Ethiopian Jews 3500 each to leave or go to jail, the ACLU and ADL here wants us to have open boarders.

You have no idea what I am since I haven't told you. Don't project your own failings onto others. This is the United States of America, not NAZI Germany. Get over yourself.

How dare you bring up Nazi Germany, or Nazis, to distract from the issue at hand. Of course this is a jew tactic isn't it.

Yeah, how dare I. That's hilarious. I am an atheist. And you are still a bigot. Congratulations.

So are the maj. of Jews. No I think I am pointing out the Israel racism and demolishing homes of others to make room for more Jews which I find despicable.

You know jack about Jews.
Or the Arabs can all move to Jordan and Egypt.

No all the Jews leave the US first, we don't need racist people here . Go to your all Jew state.
Let me get this right.... you can make that claim while being racist and anti semite ? You are scum.

Qualifications of a Palestinian Nazi supporter, of course.
The Jews are fine...get rid of the JooTeapers. America would be a much better place without them and their hate message.
I can't believe the moderators allow this bigoted drivel on this forum. If their aim is to scare descent folk off the forum to make room for every wacko on the planet, they might be succeeding.

Free speech is free speech and once you start deciding what is or isn't allowed then you run into trouble. Far better to have it out in the open where it can be countered. As long as it is within our rules - and there are some restrictions - however unpleasent, it is allowed.

You ant shout out FIRE in a packed theatre and claim free speech when 20 to 30 people are murdered in the stampede. You cant claim to be carrying a bomb while flying in an aircraft and claim free speech when the panic sets in and people die. This is why free speech has boundaries that are set by law, and all claims are judged against these boundaries. Many people in the US claim the second amendment without realising it does not take away their responsibility to their fellow man.
Would that be the
I can't believe the moderators allow this bigoted drivel on this forum. If their aim is to scare descent folk off the forum to make room for every wacko on the planet, they might be succeeding.

Understandably since your Pro Jew and Israel. While my tax dollars in Israel are paying Ethiopian Jews 3500 each to leave or go to jail, the ACLU and ADL here wants us to have open boarders.

You have no idea what I am since I haven't told you. Don't project your own failings onto others. This is the United States of America, not NAZI Germany. Get over yourself.

How dare you bring up Nazi Germany, or Nazis, to distract from the issue at hand. Of course this is a jew tactic isn't it.

Yeah, how dare I. That's hilarious. I am an atheist. And you are still a bigot. Congratulations.

So are the maj. of Jews. No I think I am pointing out the Israel racism and demolishing homes of others to make room for more Jews which I find despicable.

Would this be the illegally built village that is placed on land already destined for another purpose. Land the arab muslims don't own and are just squatting on against the law. The Israelis have built them a village not that far away that has proper buildings, sewage disposal, running water and electricity. With a School, hospital/clinic and mosque.

So why only provide half the story when you know the truth will come out and show you are a LIAR
Would that be the
Understandably since your Pro Jew and Israel. While my tax dollars in Israel are paying Ethiopian Jews 3500 each to leave or go to jail, the ACLU and ADL here wants us to have open boarders.

You have no idea what I am since I haven't told you. Don't project your own failings onto others. This is the United States of America, not NAZI Germany. Get over yourself.

How dare you bring up Nazi Germany, or Nazis, to distract from the issue at hand. Of course this is a jew tactic isn't it.

Yeah, how dare I. That's hilarious. I am an atheist. And you are still a bigot. Congratulations.

So are the maj. of Jews. No I think I am pointing out the Israel racism and demolishing homes of others to make room for more Jews which I find despicable.

Would this be the illegally built village that is placed on land already destined for another purpose. Land the arab muslims don't own and are just squatting on against the law. The Israelis have built them a village not that far away that has proper buildings, sewage disposal, running water and electricity. With a School, hospital/clinic and mosque.

So why only provide half the story when you know the truth will come out and show you are a LIAR
Don't blame him-her-it... their Radical Islamist handlers don't tell them everything... and sometimes they get burned by that state of affairs...

Musn't take unfair advantage of these weak-minded Militant Muslim propaganda shills and mouthpieces and Fellow Travelers and other Useful Idiots...
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Hey if they want a pure Jew state , we want an pure American country and you can't have that with racist here, IE: Jews.

I'm trying to figure out if you are serious or not, and I'm having trouble telling. You are claiming that an entire racial group is composed of racists. Do you not see any irony in that?

Actually I was making a sort of "hyperbole", but I want to really point how the hypocrisy of Israel, how racist they are of even the Ethiopian Jews (black and uneducated) to the Orthodox Jews (who many seculars I have read do not even want to live in the same apt building) with them.

If they want a all Jewish state, then let them be another SA, as that is what they are becoming. On a side note I do have a problem as well with all the jew non profits organizations that really only seem to benefit other jews here and around the world.

The only problem with the Bedouins they are poor, not terrorists or anything, just a poor community. Its good In the US we don't bulldoze poor communities for another group of people more suited to our liking. I do find it funny that its for the "religious " jews.

I can't say how this bothers me, along with their continued demolition of Pal homes for their settlements.

This country is our alley, and its hard to believe it is. There are also Jews in the US, the Pam Geller types that cause nothing but trouble. I am not ignorant of how the Israel lobby and Zionist elite control our government either, they can take their money and move to Israel since most have a dual citizenship anyway.
...I am not ignorant of how the Israel lobby and Zionist elite control our government either, they can take their money and move to Israel since most have a dual citizenship anyway.
"It's all part of a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!"

Europe must learn to become multi cultural,

"Jews will be resented because of their leading role, but without that transformation Europe will not survive"

They show their hypocrisy the best, don't they?
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Do you know the downside o
Europe must learn to become multi cultural,

"Jews will be resented because of their leading role, but without that transformation Europe will not survive"

They show their hypocrisy the best, don't they?

Do you know the downside of multiculturalism, if you don't just look at Europe and their problems with insular muslim migrants. Since the left wing neo Marxists introduced multiculturalism the same race/religion enclaves have increased in numbers, with some towns have as many as 5 different muslim communities based on villages or small areas. They don't even use the same mosques and refuse to allow their children to mix with others outside their enclave.

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