Well, there go by the wayside another set of Trump's campaign "promises....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)
Got a link for your OP? You know its bullshit. Nancy and the dems do the FY2020 Budget. Trump only makes a request, then the Senate does a Budget, then they go to conference, then they issue the real Budget, then Trump signs it or not.
Got a link for your OP? You know its bullshit. Nancy and the dems do the FY2020 Budget. Trump only makes a request, then the Senate does a Budget, then they go to conference, then they issue the real Budget, then Trump signs it or not.

Its all "fake news"...But I'm sure that Trump cult members will be "excused" from those cuts.....

BTW, great "excuse" that Trump is only suggesting HUGE CUTS.........LMAO

Trump 2020 budget proposes reduced Medicare and Medicaid spending

AP fact check: Has Trump made Medicare and Social Security
6 Times Donald Trump Promised Not to Cut Medicare

Attention, seniors: Trump's budget is coming for your Medicare benefits

Last edited:
Got a link for your OP? You know its bullshit. Nancy and the dems do the FY2020 Budget. Trump only makes a request, then the Senate does a Budget, then they go to conference, then they issue the real Budget, then Trump signs it or not.

Its all "fake news"...But I'm sure that Trump cult members will be "excused" from those cuts.....

BTW, great "excuse" that Trump is only suggesting HUGE CUTS.........LMAO

Trump 2020 budget proposes reduced Medicare and Medicaid spending

AP fact check: Has Trump made Medicare and Social Security
6 Times Donald Trump Promised Not to Cut Medicare

Attention, seniors: Trump's budget is coming for your Medicare benefits
AP are liars just like you
Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)

Trump’s 30 Broken Promises
written by Robert Reich / AlterNet November 3, 2018
Two years in, here’s an updated list of Trump’s 30 biggest broken promises.

1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his 2017 tax law has done the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of the tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — will pay more in taxes. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You bought it. But real wages for most Americans are lower today than they were before the tax law went into effect.

3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers, especially the notorious “carried interest” loophole for private-equity, hedge fund, and real estate partners. You bought it. But the new tax law kept the “carried interest” loophole.

4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un hasn’t denuclearized.

5. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful,” including “insurance for everybody.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 24 million Americans off health insurance, including many of you.) Instead, he’s doing what he can to cut it back and replace it with nothing. According to the Commonwealth Fund, about 4 million Americans have lost health insurance in the last two years.

6. He told you he wouldn’t “cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You bought it. But now he’s planning such cuts in order to deal with the ballooning deficit created, in part, by the new tax law for corporations and the rich.

7. He promised to protect anyone with pre-existing conditions. You bought it. But in June, his Justice Department told a federal court it would no longer defend provisions of Obamacare that protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the decision was made with Trump’s approval.

8. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border.You believed him. But there’s no wall.

9. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.

10. He said he’d drain the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.

11. He promised to re-institute a five-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for five years after they leave government.” You bought it. But the five-year ban he signed applies only to lobbying one’s former agency, not the government as a whole, and it doesn’t stop former officials from becoming lobbyists.

12. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he has created the most dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants that people there barely know who’s in charge of what.

13. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by negotiating “like crazy” with drug companies. You bought it. But he hasn’t.

14. He told you he’d “stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections.” You bought it. But foreign lobbyists are still raising money for American elections.

15. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” You bought it. But the giant tax cut for corporations and the rich doesn’t leave any money for this.

16. He said he’d create tax-free dependent care savings accounts for younger and elderly dependents, and have the government match contributions low-income families put into their savings accounts. You bought it. He’s done neither.

17. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he declared China is not a currency manipulator.

18. He said he “won’t bomb Syria.” You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

19. After pulling out of the Paris accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment. You bought it. There have been no negotiations.

20. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” You bought it. He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

21. He said he would not be a president who took vacations, and criticized Barack Obama for taking too many vacations. You bought it. But since becoming President, he has spent a quarter of his days at one of his golf properties.

22. He vowed to “push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.” You believed him. But he hasn’t. Instead, he’s made it easier for for-profit college to defraud students.

23. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad, especially government contractors. You believed him. Never before in U.S. history have federal contractors sent so many jobs overseas. There have been no consequences.

24. He promised to end DACA. Then in January 2018 promised that “DACA recipients should not to be concerned… We’re going to solve the problem,” then he reversed himself again and vowed to end the program by March, 2018. Currently, the federal courts have stayed any action on it.

25. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost coal mining jobs. You bought it. But coal is still losing customers as utilities turn to natural gas and renewable power.

26. He promised to protect American steel jobs. You bought it. His tariffs on steel have protected some steel jobs. But industries that use steel – like automakers and construction – now have to pay more for the steel they use, with the result that their jobs are threatened. The Trade Partnership projects that 400,000 jobs will be lost among steel and aluminum users.

27. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But mass shootings keep rising, and Trump has failed to pass effective gun control legislation. After 17 died in Parkland, Florida, Trump promised “immediate action” on gun safety in schools, but has done nothing.

28. He promised to make two- and four-year colleges more affordable. You bought it. But Trump’s most recent budget contains deep cuts in aid for low-income and first-generation college students, reduces Federal Work Study, and eliminates the 50-year-old Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program, which goes to more than a million poor college kids each year.

29. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit and bring down the debt. You bought it. Yet due to his massive tax cut mostly for corporations and the rich, and his military spending, the deficit is set to rise to $1 trillion, and the debt has ballooned to more than $21 trillion.

30. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,” he promised during the campaign. You bought it. He still hasn’t released his taxes.
Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)

The only people who care about this are people who aren't going to vote for Trump anyway.

Did you post this because of the nothing burger Mueller report?
Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)

Hey, the Mueller Report is out.
Tick tock
The only people who care about this are people who aren't going to vote for Trump anyway.

Oh, if Medicare is indeed cut by a TRILLION, all the Trump cult members (like you) will just shrug and say....
":but, but, but I just love orange asses.....I don;t care that my Medicare has been devastated???
Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)
AKA I can't handle the fact that Mueller isn't sending Trump to jail for supposedly colluding with the Russians.

Again, as a reminder........A demagogue is one who makes FALSE promises either because one is too stupid to realize that they cannot be fulfilled....OR, because one is simply a LIAR.

Here are some excerpts of what Trump "promised" to his emerging cult during the 2016 campaign:

Trump: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. ”

Trump: “Now, also at stake in tomorrow’s election are your Medicare benefits. That’s a big deal. Democrats want to raid Medicare to find socialism. It won’t last long. Republicans will protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it.”

Trump: “Republicans stand for protecting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and strengthening the safety net for truly needy Americans.”

Sooooo, lets take a look at Trump's proposed budget (which, by the way, kind of impacts on his cult members too.)

  • $845 billion dollars in cuts from Medicare
  • $240 billion dollars in cuts from Medicaid
  • $20 billion dollars in cuts from Social Security
  • $220 billion dollars in cuts from SNAP nutrition programs (food stamps)

Trump’s 30 Broken Promises
written by Robert Reich / AlterNet November 3, 2018
Two years in, here’s an updated list of Trump’s 30 biggest broken promises.

1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his 2017 tax law has done the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of the tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — will pay more in taxes. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You bought it. But real wages for most Americans are lower today than they were before the tax law went into effect.

3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers, especially the notorious “carried interest” loophole for private-equity, hedge fund, and real estate partners. You bought it. But the new tax law kept the “carried interest” loophole.

4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un hasn’t denuclearized.

5. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful,” including “insurance for everybody.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 24 million Americans off health insurance, including many of you.) Instead, he’s doing what he can to cut it back and replace it with nothing. According to the Commonwealth Fund, about 4 million Americans have lost health insurance in the last two years.

6. He told you he wouldn’t “cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You bought it. But now he’s planning such cuts in order to deal with the ballooning deficit created, in part, by the new tax law for corporations and the rich.

7. He promised to protect anyone with pre-existing conditions. You bought it. But in June, his Justice Department told a federal court it would no longer defend provisions of Obamacare that protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the decision was made with Trump’s approval.

8. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border.You believed him. But there’s no wall.

9. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.

10. He said he’d drain the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.

11. He promised to re-institute a five-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for five years after they leave government.” You bought it. But the five-year ban he signed applies only to lobbying one’s former agency, not the government as a whole, and it doesn’t stop former officials from becoming lobbyists.

12. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he has created the most dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants that people there barely know who’s in charge of what.

13. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by negotiating “like crazy” with drug companies. You bought it. But he hasn’t.

14. He told you he’d “stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections.” You bought it. But foreign lobbyists are still raising money for American elections.

15. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” You bought it. But the giant tax cut for corporations and the rich doesn’t leave any money for this.

16. He said he’d create tax-free dependent care savings accounts for younger and elderly dependents, and have the government match contributions low-income families put into their savings accounts. You bought it. He’s done neither.

17. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he declared China is not a currency manipulator.

18. He said he “won’t bomb Syria.” You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

19. After pulling out of the Paris accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment. You bought it. There have been no negotiations.

20. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” You bought it. He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

21. He said he would not be a president who took vacations, and criticized Barack Obama for taking too many vacations. You bought it. But since becoming President, he has spent a quarter of his days at one of his golf properties.

22. He vowed to “push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.” You believed him. But he hasn’t. Instead, he’s made it easier for for-profit college to defraud students.

23. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad, especially government contractors. You believed him. Never before in U.S. history have federal contractors sent so many jobs overseas. There have been no consequences.

24. He promised to end DACA. Then in January 2018 promised that “DACA recipients should not to be concerned… We’re going to solve the problem,” then he reversed himself again and vowed to end the program by March, 2018. Currently, the federal courts have stayed any action on it.

25. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost coal mining jobs. You bought it. But coal is still losing customers as utilities turn to natural gas and renewable power.

26. He promised to protect American steel jobs. You bought it. His tariffs on steel have protected some steel jobs. But industries that use steel – like automakers and construction – now have to pay more for the steel they use, with the result that their jobs are threatened. The Trade Partnership projects that 400,000 jobs will be lost among steel and aluminum users.

27. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But mass shootings keep rising, and Trump has failed to pass effective gun control legislation. After 17 died in Parkland, Florida, Trump promised “immediate action” on gun safety in schools, but has done nothing.

28. He promised to make two- and four-year colleges more affordable. You bought it. But Trump’s most recent budget contains deep cuts in aid for low-income and first-generation college students, reduces Federal Work Study, and eliminates the 50-year-old Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program, which goes to more than a million poor college kids each year.

29. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit and bring down the debt. You bought it. Yet due to his massive tax cut mostly for corporations and the rich, and his military spending, the deficit is set to rise to $1 trillion, and the debt has ballooned to more than $21 trillion.

30. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,” he promised during the campaign. You bought it. He still hasn’t released his taxes.
Here ya go, lets compare:

American Income
  • Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
  • Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
  • Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
  • Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
  • Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
  • Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
    • Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
  • Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

American Optimism
  • Small business optimism has hit historic highs.
    • NFIB’s small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August.
    • SurveyMonkey/CNBC’s small business confidence survey for Q3 of 2018 matched its all-time high.
  • Manufacturers are more confident than ever.
    • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever.
  • Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.
  • 12 percent of Americans rate the economy as the most significant problem facing our country, the lowest level on record.
  • Confidence in the economy is near a two-decade high, with 51 percent rating the economy as good or excellent.

American Business
  • Investment is flooding back into the United States due to the tax cuts.
    • Over $450 billion dollars has already poured back into the U.S., including more than $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018.
  • Retail sales have surged. Commerce Department figures from August show that retail sales increased 0.5 percent in July 2018, an increase of 6.4 percent from July 2017.
  • ISM’s index of manufacturing scored its highest reading in 14 years.
  • Worker productivity is the highest it has been in more than three years.
  • Steel and aluminum producers are re-opening.
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs.
    • Dow hit record highs 70 times in 2017 alone, the most ever recorded in one year.

  • Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office.
  • Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks.
  • Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.
  • Rolled back Obama’s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule.
  • Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.

Tax Cuts
  • Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs act into law
    • Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families.
    • Increased the exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business.
    • Nearly doubled the standard deduction for individuals and families.
    • Enabled vast majority of American families will be able to file their taxes on a single page by claiming the standard deduction.
    • Doubled the child tax credit to help lessen the financial burden of raising a family.
    • Lowered America’s corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win.
    • Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.
    • Cut dozens of special interest tax breaks and closed loopholes for the wealthy.
  • 9 in 10 American workers are expected see an increase in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts, according to the Treasury Department.
  • More than 6 million of American workers have received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to tax cuts.
  • Over 100 utility companies have lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
  • Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts.
  • Established opportunity zones to spur investment in left behind communities.
  • Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
Mueller isn't sending Trump to jail for supposedly colluding with the Russians.

WOW....this moron has been "thinking" THAT was the purpose of Muller for the last 2 years???.........

A perfect example as to the WHY Trump said that he loves the poorly educated......LMAO

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