Well this explains everthying about politics


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Recently, a few political scientists have begun to discover a human tendency deeply discouraging to anyone with faith in the power of information. It’s this: Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds. In fact, quite the opposite. In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.
(emphasis added)
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe
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Yeah I read that, too.

Explains much about why places like these never reach consensus, doesn't it?

This is why I am so disgusted by partisans.

Once they've formed an opinion, no amount of evidence contrary to their POV seems to matter.

It's like people want simplicity and certainty so much that they'll filter out anything that challenges them to think beyond their world view.
"Facts" are slippery things.
Iran is working on a nuclear bomb. THis is fact.
Iran has threatened Israel's existence. This is also fact.
Obama's response has been to set deadlines for Iran to talk. They have ignored or mocked every one of them. These are all facts.
The natural conclusion ought to be that Obama's policy here is a failure. But someone else will say the natural conclusion is we haven't dangled the right carrot just yet. These are completely opposite conclusions from the same facts.
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"Facts" are slippery things.
Iran is working on a nuclear bomb. THis is fact.
Iran has threatened Israel's existence. This is also fact.
Obama's response has been to set deadlines for Iran to talk. They have ignored or mocked every one of them. These are all facts.
The natural conclusion ought to be that Obama's policy here is a failure. But someone else will say the natural conclusion is we haven't dangled the right carrot just yet. These are completely opposite conclusions from the same facts.

The solution, in IMO is to hit them with a really big stick.

Interpret that as you will.
The only way to deal with it is to keep to the facts yourself.

Because some are emotion driven doesnt mean you have to join them.

It gives conservative a whole new light doesnt it?

They like to conserve what used to be instead of being willing to move forward with new information.

This is why they hate education and call educated people elitists. Its why they hate science and try to rewrite history all day long. They are desperate to not change what they believe no matter what the evidence says.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story
I cant believe the opposition I meet when trying to get out the court documented reality that the republican party cheats in elections.

I truely thought that by telling them they would force their party to stop the cheating BUT NO!

They defend the cheating and pretend that all the court procedings mean nothing or even say the dems do it too. Then they fail to produce any evidence that the dems do it too.

I cant believe how closed minded some Americans are to the facts.

Truth. Show'em the birth certificate, it takes 0.001 seconds for them to claim it's a fake. Show'em the newspaper announcement, the conspiracy grows larger. A lot like the truthers actually. Too much emotional investment to let a few facts get in the way.
The only way to deal with it is to keep to the facts yourself.

Because some are emotion driven doesnt mean you have to join them.

It gives conservative a whole new light doesnt it?

They like to conserve what used to be instead of being willing to move forward with new information.

This is why they hate education and call educated people elitists. Its why they hate science and try to rewrite history all day long. They are desperate to not change what they believe no matter what the evidence says.

lololol. You are THE PRIME example of what this article is talking about.

I've never seen a more partisan brainwashed liberal lunkhead than YOU.

And I would bet 90% of the people on this board would agree.
I cant believe the opposition I meet when trying to get out the court documented reality that the republican party cheats in elections.

I truely thought that by telling them they would force their party to stop the cheating BUT NO!

They defend the cheating and pretend that all the court procedings mean nothing or even say the dems do it too. Then they fail to produce any evidence that the dems do it too.

I cant believe how closed minded some Americans are to the facts.

I produced evidence, you ignored it.
No you gave ONE case where a couple of kids slashed tires.

Now where is the memos from the top telling people that keeping 60 to 80 thousand voters(black voters) should be pushed off the roles to win an election?

Where is the testimony from the company who they hired telling the court that the party was warned that the list they asked for would kick legal voters off the rolls and the response was to make the list even more egregeous?
Now you will have to face that YOU are who the article is talking about.

I have opinions based on facts , you ignore facts to retain your failed ideas.
I cant believe the opposition I meet when trying to get out the court documented reality that the republican party cheats in elections.

I truely thought that by telling them they would force their party to stop the cheating BUT NO!

They defend the cheating and pretend that all the court procedings mean nothing or even say the dems do it too. Then they fail to produce any evidence that the dems do it too.

I cant believe how closed minded some Americans are to the facts.

Read this and ignore it and prove that you are a partisan braindead hack

One of the most recent well-publicized voter fraud cases occurred in the Washington State governor’s race in November 2004 in which Democrat Christine Gregoire allegedly defeated Republican Dino Rossi by 129 votes after weeks of vote counting. The Washington State Superior Court found that 1,400 felons voted illegally, along with illegal votes cast by 53 dead people, two non-citizens and 27 double votes. Since Washington State does not have party voter registration, there was no way of proving exactly how they voted, so the judge ruled there was not enough proof to void the election.

In one of the few cases in which an election was overturned because of voter fraud, the Tennessee State Senate voided the results of a September 2005 special state senate election in which Democrat Ophelia Ford was initially elected over Republican Terry Roland by 13 votes. The results were thrown out on a 26-to-six bi-partisan vote after allegations of election wrongdoing that included voting by felons and nonresidents of the district as well as three ballots cast by dead voters in one polling place according to the Knoxville News."

The Stunning Reality of Voter Fraud - HUMAN EVENTS
No you gave ONE case where a couple of kids slashed tires.

Now where is the memos from the top telling people that keeping 60 to 80 thousand voters(black voters) should be pushed off the roles to win an election?

Where is the testimony from the company who they hired telling the court that the party was warned that the list they asked for would kick legal voters off the rolls and the response was to make the list even more egregeous?

So. It was voter surpression by John Kerry campaign workers that was prosecuted and proven in a court of law.
The Truth About Fraud

Two New Reports:

•An analysis of more than 250 claims of fraud in the Supreme Court's photo ID case
◦Finding not one proven case of a fraudulent vote that the challenged law could prevent
◦Exposing false assertions that photo ID is required for common activities

•The Truth About Voter Fraud, examining inflated claims of voter fraud nationwide
◦Debunking claims of double voting, dead voters, and more

See more about the link between voter fraud and restrictive ID rules here and here.
Heres your problem folks, none of that whcih you claimed is orchstrated by the democratic party.

All the studies on this type of fraud show it is next to non exsistant.

What I have shown you repeatedly with court documents is the republican party leadership is involved in keeping legal voters from voting.
Felons aren't legal voters.

People who don't live at the address they are registered aren't legal voters

Dead people aren't legal voters.

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