Well well look what we have hear

Orwell was trying to warn us about Trump.

He was warning us about both of you

"1984" warning was against totalitarianism, and political repression. "Animal Farm" was Orwell's warning against communism - All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've read the books. Describes you to a tee.
Well you misread Orwell then. His concern was liberalism being coopted by communism. What you're bitching about is a supposedly liberal censorship of conservatism. That's not what's happening, but that was Eagle's OP.

It "could" happen. But what twitter did was to tell the Federalist to remove Federalist content urging people to get infected, and infect others with Corvid. It's not clear what google did, but it appears they told Federalist to remove racist comments to a Federalist posting. And the zero hedge was the same thing, although zero hedge may have created the racist posting themselves … they have track record for that.
Liberals don't believe in censorship.
Communists and fascists do.
The problem here is the left isn't liberal anymore. They call themselves progressives which is another word for communists. Social Democrats are also communists.
This isn’t censorship.
If that's the case then I'm the King of Luxembourg. Feel free to kiss my ring.
How'd you guess?

Have you been peeking?

used to be back in the 1960s the left started the free speech movement. How things do change in the 21st century it seems.
Well, well, another Op-Ed mistaken for facts.
thank god you and the left would never use an opinion piece as facts.

THANK GOD. think of the mess that would be.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Do you know what deplatforming is?

Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion. Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism. It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming. The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.
No one is attacking their free speech.
NBC seems to be.

NBC does not have the ability to attack free speech.
No....they just get their buds in Google to do it.
Google isn’t stopping any speech.
They're using alorythms to prevent searches....thus stifling free expression. Been doing this for years.
That doesn’t stifle expression. We have right to free speech. We don’t have a right to an audience.
Huh, that's what we said about commie Kaepernick but people think his RIGHTS were infringed. Even though he was never put into any gulag I am aware of.

Ahhhh, but a negro multi millionaire cultural marxist should be able to express his commie views. You know, just as anyone is allowed to the N WORRRRD at work, right?

On top of being ignorant about everything, you are hypocritical about everything, but hollywood agrees with you. So, that is all that matters.

No one is attacking their free speech.
NBC seems to be.

NBC does not have the ability to attack free speech.
No....they just get their buds in Google to do it.
Google isn’t stopping any speech.
They're using alorythms to prevent searches....thus stifling free expression. Been doing this for years.
That doesn’t stifle expression. We have right to free speech. We don’t have a right to an audience.
Google lied to Congress and said that their search engine isn't conducting censorship....which helps the left mislead people that use their service.
Is this America or is it Cuba?
Apparently they want another Cuba.
To think they claimed Russia was influencing the election, but Google, Twitter, and Fakebook put Russia to shame.
what are you going to do? Arrest them for not being supportive enough of Teump?

Because that’s exactly the third world corruption I’d expect from this administration.
They received immunity from lawsuits as long as they agreed not to edit material or practice censorship. That would reclassify them as publishers like the New York Times. Since they have practiced censorship and edited their content according to their political ideology, they aren't a public domain anymore. They are publishers which opens them up to lawsuits.
The topic your brought up really doesn’t have much to do with the topic of the thread, which is about Google Adsense.
It has everything to do with it. Google is trying to attack web sites they don't agree with politically. They think they can get away with shutting down the revenue source of their political enemies. Sort of the way Obama used the IRS to harass conservative fundraising. It all amounts to a thugocracy run by leftists in social media. It's harassment and actionable in court.
Which has nothing to do with section 230. Section 230 says a website can not be held accountable for material posted on their website by other users. That’s not the issue here. The issue is whether Google has a right to refuse to let The Federalist participate in their advertiser program.

What grounds makes this actionable in court?
There is a dollar amount evolved. The site can prove damages.
So? If your boss fires you for being drunk on the job, you can prove financial damages too.

That doesn’t make them liable for those damages.
Google doesn't have the right to dictate content to The Federalist. So your example is moot. Showing up to work drunk is one thing. Publishing free expression is something else.
Google isn’t dictating content. They have the right to chose not to work with some people.
They also have the right to be sued accordingly
On what grounds?
Absolutely insane. If Google doesn’t want to anything to do with The Federalist, that’s literally the opposite of harassment.
How do you figure.
Clearly Google is harassing them at the behest of NBC.
Attempting to part ways with someone isn’t harassment.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Do you know what deplatforming is?

Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion. Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism. It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming. The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.
Little problem here. The Federalist is it’s own website. They don’t publish on Google’s platform.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Yep, not attacking...eliminating, dumbass.
How? Who is preventing anyone from speaking here?

Alrighty then, you want to play stupid.

The answer is no one is preventing them from speaking. Google just doesn’t necessarily want to facilitate their speech. The Federalist depends on Google ads for a revenue source. They don’t want to be cut off from that service. Problem is that The Federalist doesn’t have a right to that service.

This isn’t a matter of free speech. The Federalist always has the right to speak as they wish. The issue is that the Federalist is demanding the right to a revenue stream.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Do you know what deplatforming is?

Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion. Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism. It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming. The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.
Little problem here. The Federalist is it’s own website. They don’t publish on Google’s platform.
have you ever tried to publish a website? on google or otherwise?

you won't get ANYWHERE on the internet w/o google analytics and them doing ANYTHING to keep you from being seen.

hit google and look for "the federalist" and you're saying google can just never show it.

you really don't want to live in the world you are advocating. esp when obama ran around saying whatever people build today only get there from the people before them building it.

kinda a contradiction isnt it? but that's no surprise. the lefts logic runs into itself all the time. it's only out for instant gratification and can never see the road ahead that takes them.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Do you know what deplatforming is?

Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion. Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism. It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming. The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.
Little problem here. The Federalist is it’s own website. They don’t publish on Google’s platform.
have you ever tried to publish a website? on google or otherwise?

you won't get ANYWHERE on the internet w/o google analytics and them doing ANYTHING to keep you from being seen.

hit google and look for "the federalist" and you're saying google can just never show it.

you really don't want to live in the world you are advocating. esp when obama ran around saying whatever people build today only get there from the people before them building it.

kinda a contradiction isnt it? but that's no surprise. the lefts logic runs into itself all the time. it's only out for instant gratification and can never see the road ahead that takes them.
I’m sure it’s challenging to run a website without the products that Google has created by their own effort and funding. However, that fact does not give anyone a right to those products.

The right to free speech does not equal the right to an audience. It definitely does not give you the right to someone else’s services to promote and fund that speech.
Orwell was trying to warn us about Trump.

He was warning us about both of you

"1984" warning was against totalitarianism, and political repression. "Animal Farm" was Orwell's warning against communism - All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've read the books. Describes you to a tee.
Well you misread Orwell then. His concern was liberalism being coopted by communism. What you're bitching about is a supposedly liberal censorship of conservatism. That's not what's happening, but that was Eagle's OP.

It "could" happen. But what twitter did was to tell the Federalist to remove Federalist content urging people to get infected, and infect others with Corvid. It's not clear what google did, but it appears they told Federalist to remove racist comments to a Federalist posting. And the zero hedge was the same thing, although zero hedge may have created the racist posting themselves … they have track record for that.
Liberals don't believe in censorship.
Communists and fascists do.
The problem here is the left isn't liberal anymore. They call themselves progressives which is another word for communists. Social Democrats are also communists.

To you, everyone who isn't a right wing radical is a "communist". RINO's are communists. Democrats are communists. Leftists are communists. COMMIES EVERYWHERE.


Robert Gates said that the Republican Party, and America in general, are failing because they spent 40 years fighting communism, and having won the Cold War, they don't know how to stop fighting it.

He also said that America is being really badly governed at the moment, and that is why your Covid19. There is a total lack of leadership on the Republican side. Republicans haven't legislated since Mitch McConnell became Senate Majority Leader. McConnell's only interest is appointing conservative judges.

3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, leaving Americans weaker, sicker, and poorer than before the crash.

And you're here natterging about communists night and day.
No one is attacking their free speech.

Yep, not attacking...eliminating, dumbass.
How? Who is preventing anyone from speaking here?

Alrighty then, you want to play stupid.

The answer is no one is preventing them from speaking. Google just doesn’t necessarily want to facilitate their speech. The Federalist depends on Google ads for a revenue source. They don’t want to be cut off from that service. Problem is that The Federalist doesn’t have a right to that service.

This isn’t a matter of free speech. The Federalist always has the right to speak as they wish. The issue is that the Federalist is demanding the right to a revenue stream.
no it's not about free speech but we are now into encroaching on someones right to conduct business online. to say google has the power to decide who can sell what is bullshit. to deny they have that "power" is bigger bullshit.

google amazon and the rest get massive tax breaks so yes, we are paying for their ability to put all this together and they should NOT be able to use that power to silence people they don't like.

it's not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be.
Orwell was trying to warn us about Trump.

He was warning us about both of you

"1984" warning was against totalitarianism, and political repression. "Animal Farm" was Orwell's warning against communism - All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've read the books. Describes you to a tee.
Well you misread Orwell then. His concern was liberalism being coopted by communism. What you're bitching about is a supposedly liberal censorship of conservatism. That's not what's happening, but that was Eagle's OP.

It "could" happen. But what twitter did was to tell the Federalist to remove Federalist content urging people to get infected, and infect others with Corvid. It's not clear what google did, but it appears they told Federalist to remove racist comments to a Federalist posting. And the zero hedge was the same thing, although zero hedge may have created the racist posting themselves … they have track record for that.
Liberals don't believe in censorship.
Communists and fascists do.
The problem here is the left isn't liberal anymore. They call themselves progressives which is another word for communists. Social Democrats are also communists.

To you, everyone who isn't a right wing radical is a "communist". RINO's are communists. Democrats are communists. Leftists are communists. COMMIES EVERYWHERE.


Robert Gates said that the Republican Party, and America in general, are failing because they spent 40 years fighting communism, and having won the Cold War, they don't know how to stop fighting it.

He also said that America is being really badly governed at the moment, and that is why your Covid19. There is a total lack of leadership on the Republican side. Republicans haven't legislated since Mitch McConnell became Senate Majority Leader. McConnell's only interest is appointing conservative judges.

3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, leaving Americans weaker, sicker, and poorer than before the crash.

And you're here natterging about communists night and day.
and to you - everyone who doesn't hate trump like you is what?

pot kettle shit.
The shadowy foreign group has a Twitter?
It seems certain people or groups have a problem with conservatives expressing opinions.

" It seems certain people or groups have a problem with conservatives expressing opinions. "

says the certain group of people who tell liberal athletes to "shut up and play"
and wants to completely DESTROY/SILENCE the MSM....

basically you are saying "the left wants to silence us so we must silence the left!"
No one is attacking their free speech.

Do you know what deplatforming is?

Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion. Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism. It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming. The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.
Little problem here. The Federalist is it’s own website. They don’t publish on Google’s platform.
have you ever tried to publish a website? on google or otherwise?

you won't get ANYWHERE on the internet w/o google analytics and them doing ANYTHING to keep you from being seen.

hit google and look for "the federalist" and you're saying google can just never show it.

you really don't want to live in the world you are advocating. esp when obama ran around saying whatever people build today only get there from the people before them building it.

kinda a contradiction isnt it? but that's no surprise. the lefts logic runs into itself all the time. it's only out for instant gratification and can never see the road ahead that takes them.
I’m sure it’s challenging to run a website without the products that Google has created by their own effort and funding. However, that fact does not give anyone a right to those products.

The right to free speech does not equal the right to an audience. It definitely does not give you the right to someone else’s services to promote and fund that speech.
You have the right to them if you paid for them.
Orwell was trying to warn us about Trump.

He was warning us about both of you

"1984" warning was against totalitarianism, and political repression. "Animal Farm" was Orwell's warning against communism - All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've read the books. Describes you to a tee.
Well you misread Orwell then. His concern was liberalism being coopted by communism. What you're bitching about is a supposedly liberal censorship of conservatism. That's not what's happening, but that was Eagle's OP.

It "could" happen. But what twitter did was to tell the Federalist to remove Federalist content urging people to get infected, and infect others with Corvid. It's not clear what google did, but it appears they told Federalist to remove racist comments to a Federalist posting. And the zero hedge was the same thing, although zero hedge may have created the racist posting themselves … they have track record for that.
Liberals don't believe in censorship.
Communists and fascists do.
The problem here is the left isn't liberal anymore. They call themselves progressives which is another word for communists. Social Democrats are also communists.

To you, everyone who isn't a right wing radical is a "communist". RINO's are communists. Democrats are communists. Leftists are communists. COMMIES EVERYWHERE.


Robert Gates said that the Republican Party, and America in general, are failing because they spent 40 years fighting communism, and having won the Cold War, they don't know how to stop fighting it.

He also said that America is being really badly governed at the moment, and that is why your Covid19. There is a total lack of leadership on the Republican side. Republicans haven't legislated since Mitch McConnell became Senate Majority Leader. McConnell's only interest is appointing conservative judges.

3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, leaving Americans weaker, sicker, and poorer than before the crash.

And you're here natterging about communists night and day.
They still run China and North Korea. McConnell legislates, he just does not ask how with Pelosi says jump. And to a number of left wingers conservatives are Nazis or KKK members, neither of which is true.
No one is attacking their free speech.
Wrong. Someone is.

It's just not government doing it.

At the same time, government was not discriminating against black folks looking for a hotel or a restaurant.

Do you see your own hypocrisy?

The implication that Google Adsense is integral to freedom of speech is beyond loony.
The implication that a cake shop is integral to freedom of contract/equality/marriage is also beyond loony.

Again, your hypocrisy is showing.

The shadowy foreign group has a Twitter?
It seems certain people or groups have a problem with conservatives expressing opinions.

" It seems certain people or groups have a problem with conservatives expressing opinions. "

says the certain group of people who tell liberal athletes to "shut up and play"
and wants to completely DESTROY/SILENCE the MSM....

basically you are saying "the left wants to silence us so we must silence the left!"
Well you have a problem with BLM saying racist stuff. So why get mad when others get mad when the Federalist (allegedly) posted racist commentary.?

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