Well with all the crazyness going on I would like to remind everyone it is Christmas time!!!!!!!

I truly hope you all are surrounded by family and loved ones all month.
Super spreader!
I know it's a political site but can we leave Christmas alone. I care for my fellow man. You may not believe it but I truly want good things for all men and women. Please try and capture Christmas spirit on this post. Let's show a little love for our neighbors at least here! Yall just spread love in this post and I swear I will be on best behavior on every thread till Christmas is over. No calling people idiots nor cussing best behavior! One safe place to just be an American nothing else.
We really are all one. So many people turning out to feed and clothe the less fortunate. Put aside our own heartaches and worries to give to others to help.

My neighborhood becomes one big family as they helped those in need during the many tornadoes we had here last year. And now during the shut down.
God bless you Maryanne. Wonderful work you are doing! Thank you for posting. I am very sorry to hear of your tornadoes I truly hope your area and your lives return to normal soon. Would love some of your friends involved to post on here I am desperately trying to create some unity here and the more that join the better! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

No, I am not doing nearly as much as I used to. Many others deserve the credit, not me.. My family has always been involved in neighborhood projects, Volunteer Fire Department, school. As times changed so did my volunteering. School, Church, Poll Worker, wherever there was a need.

But I have never done one teeny bit as much as the dedicated workers. So do not give me credit.

The tornadoes cut a 20 mile swath, took out whole neighborhoods. I was spared. Went a half mile from me. I watched able bodied Church members go out every day to help. That is what our Country is all about, not what we see on TV.
Ya, I do not do as much as use to either. Of course I spend most my time on water not a great deal of charity can happen out there. I am home for a month and will do a little but most of my time will be spent with family. My crew and I take care of each other out there that is the best we can do. Every once in a while we give a boat a tow but it does not happen often. Merry Christmas and keep up the good work even if it is just a little!

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