Wells Fargo didn't just steal millions from it's customers with crooked overdraft fees....


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Wells Fargo didn't just steal millions from its customers with crooked overdraft fees, didn't just create 2,000,000 fraudulent accounts and threaten to blackball employees who tried to stop the frauds; didn't just defraud broke mortgage borrowers by the bushel-load -- they also defrauded 800,000 customers with car loans, forcing 274,000 of them into deliquency and "wrongfully repossessing" (that is, stealing) 25,000 of their cars.

Wells Fargo also defrauded 800,000 car loan customers and stole 25,000 cars

Oh imagine that a huge bank ripping off it customers, why that must be a conspiracy . They would never do such evil things to the people they love and care about why they're just like the Government there to help you.
You won't see this in the MSM very much if at all, why who sponsors and donates to these huge news Channels why it wouldn't be Wells fargo, the brain deads of society can't connect those dots.
Wells Fargo didn't just steal millions from its customers with crooked overdraft fees, didn't just create 2,000,000 fraudulent accounts and threaten to blackball employees who tried to stop the frauds; didn't just defraud broke mortgage borrowers by the bushel-load -- they also defrauded 800,000 customers with car loans, forcing 274,000 of them into deliquency and "wrongfully repossessing" (that is, stealing) 25,000 of their cars.

Wells Fargo also defrauded 800,000 car loan customers and stole 25,000 cars

Oh imagine that a huge bank ripping off it customers, why that must be a conspiracy . They would never do such evil things to the people they love and care about why they're just like the Government there to help you.
You won't see this in the MSM very much if at all, why who sponsors and donates to these huge news Channels why it wouldn't be Wells fargo, the brain deads of society can't connect those dots.
Oh it's far worse then just these reported scandals and I'm shocked the Justice Dept hasn't stepped in and arrested some people who are comitting these class c felonys (grand larceny) by declining to send people their money even after claiming the check was in the mail (false promises) from cashed out accts from fixed income portfolio holdings and claiming to others their holding accts went to a bank they can't track down.
They are telling their customers that the money went to a wrong bank and is not locatable as if that was true or the customers problem, this witholding of money seems suspicious of a larger issue not being reported as in a mass exit of assests they don't have the liquidity to provide so they are stalling, lying, false promising people, especially older retirees who require the funds for nursing home fees which they risk getting kicked out of.
Another result of Wells Fargo's criminal
acts is that home buyers loans have been cancelled due to Condo associations not having the funds showing up for the required reserves. Thus the new homebuyer loses the property loan and property owner loses property value. They are hurting more then just their customers. I hear of civil suits but what about criminal charges? This is a huge burden on those already struggling due to smaller incomes due to lower rates,they don't need their principle they use to draw income held up by these crooks.

Another thing they were doing with the identity theft to open accts, they would take your credit card info to be co-access to safe deposit boxes and using that info to comit the new accounts fraud and other unscrupulous acts like credit solicitations which in essence missuse of the credit card info other then stated identification to get to the box, can be deemed violation of privacy act and credit card fraud.

SO the news has yet to even crack the surface of how bad things were and still are and itcs rammifications stretching further then imagined and assumed thst victims were just depositers.
I have to retract most of my comments, the Bank is just guilty of stupidity in losing track of which bank money got transfered to when the consumer I advocated for asked them where the checks were upon selling fixed income instruments held in Brokerage acct there. Wells Fargo also failed notifying it's confused customer that was the customers own bank directly sent to not the residence of the consumer. The bank it was transfered to ended up being responsible for portions of the mistake not accounting all the funds received. 2 Banks making errors or confusing the consumer, but in the end the consumer got their funds cashed out.
The other incident with Wells Fargo might have similarly been a confusion of where funds were placed but in a different manner, that was community based business account and details are not fully disclosed to me to figure out why money was in the wrong bank.
SO only the credit card id for safe deposit boxes was problematic and the false claims of "checks in the mail" which is wrong at so many levels.

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