Wendys reacts to wage hikes: Self serve kiosks; Price spikes; Firing employees; DANG IT!!

There are about 3.5 million people making minimum wage.

Less than a million will lose their job while the 2-3 million who are still employed are making more? I guess that is capitalism. Nobody said its pretty.

What has never been explained was that if the McDonalds down the street is raising it’s wage to $15.00 and the Burger King down the street is raising it’s wage to $15.00, they are both facing the same increase in cost. Prices will rise to cover it and maintain the profit margin for the business owner. Happens all the time.

Celebrating the 400-750 thousand people losing their jobs is a sickness though.

Now see, you just showed how you are not thinking. What will happen to those already making 15 bucks an hr? Well their wages will have to rise, yes! When they get a raise, what about those making 20? Guess they go up to!
Not necessarily. But I’m sure you’ll insist that they will and I’ll ask for your proof, you’ll put some anecdote up there and I’ll simply shrug. I saved us both 30 minutes.

And at the end of the day, nothing forces the pay of people to go up if the FMW is increased other than those making below that amount. That is the law. Everything else is speculation.

So who gets hurt for the most part? People on fixed incomes, and the poor. Congratulations, and as prices rise to compensate for the higher wages, I sure hope you have COLA in your contract!

I’m sure Bucs will celebrate every firing. Capitalism is a nasty thing sometimes. I’ve been on the losing end before. I’ve been on the winning end before. As has most people.

Wrong idiot.

You can't have the fry cook making the same as the manager. I know you all want communism but it fails.

It's called compression and it will destroy morale and effectiveness of your business if there isn't a nice pay incentive to rise above the bottom rank into management. Otherwise....why do it?? Why take on more responsibility???

If the managers make $15 and the staff makes $8 an hour....and "Fight for 15" wins....then the manager will get bumped to 18-20 an hour at least. You have to.

But hey....what do I know....I'm sure the managers who work long 65 hour weeks will be just fine making the same wage their burger flipper does.

The irrationality of $15 an hour for burger flippers would cause irrational circumstances on a temporary basis. The notion that if you raise the FMW $3.00 everyone up the chain gets a $3.00 raise is nonsense though.

You don’t “have to” bump anyone up. That is a fallacy.

By law no. But you must be a retard if you think you can pay the burger flipper the same as the manager and everything will be fine.

Yeah, without that manager, they may screw up orders and have a dirty dining room.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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Anyone that had taken a high school economic class, math or with a lick of common sense should have seen that coming.

Can't raise wages in a poor economy, companies don't have the money, just going to make prices raise and make it harder to pay for basic goods. Widen the gap between low income and high income, more people on social services the country can't afford.
Small businesses can't expand, and many will go out of business.

A ten percent increase might have been absorbed, but double the wages? Insane

I agree, 15 is way too much to pay basic fast food workers.

Celebrating firings is just plain sick regardless of your politics.

No celebrations, just expectation. Places like McD and starbucks have stared going to automation. Put your order on a touch screen, scan your card and out it comes.

People will preorder food and have the driving time or walking time calculated so the food comes out as it is ready to be picked up or sit down in side.

Grocery stores have cut employees, so have many small businesses.

Some employees have even asked for fewer hours so they don't loose services like food stands or state medical.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.
There is no doubt high minimum wages will mean fewer jobs.

No problem though, this just means more people in the unemployment lines looking for government handouts. In other words more Dimocrats being born.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.

Yes, in fact what will happen, a high minimum wage will hurt people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 dollars an hour. Inflation caused by these ridiculously high minimum wages will hit them unless they receive equally large wage raises, and if that's the case, we'll be just right back where we were before.
The left are simply economically stupid.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.

Cost of living isn't out of control.

The idea of what these young leftist think THEIR lifestyle should be is.

They want a 1000 square foot apartment on a corner of a downtown San Francisco building in the most desired part of town...the newest iphone...wifi...cable...a nice car...money for grad school...money to eat all organic meals...money to go to the bar and movies and plays and European vacations..................all on a minimum wage.

Sorry. But your 20s and 30s even...you may have to live in the undesirable part of town...drive a shit car....NOT go to grad school for a Diversity Studies degree....and live on a tight budget. Maybe even with roommates.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.

Yes, in fact what will happen, a high minimum wage will hurt people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 dollars an hour. Inflation caused by these ridiculously high minimum wages will hit them unless they receive equally large wage raises, and if that's the case, we'll be just right back where we were before.
The left are simply economically stupid.

Yep. The left has gone full retard.

It's called salary compression and the left had probably never once heard of it....much less considered it.

Put a Lid on Salary Compression Before It Boils Over
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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How DARE they pay a living wage!
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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How DARE they pay a living wage!

They're living on what they make now.

They think a minimum wage job should fund a middle class lifestyle. It doesnt. And shouldnt.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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How DARE they pay a living wage!

They're living on what they make now.

They think a minimum wage job should fund a middle class lifestyle. It doesnt. And shouldnt.

Actually, no, they don't.

But minimum wage has lagged far behind the cost of living. A living wage is not "a middle class life style".
more jobs, less unemployment, more competition for workers, higher profits of companies, more expansion, higher wages.

You don't force a pay raise during a weak economy, especially in small business

Soon some fast food prices will double, or more will close.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

They're living on what they make now.

They think a minimum wage job should fund a middle class lifestyle. It doesnt. And shouldnt.

Actually, no, they don't.

But minimum wage has lagged far behind the cost of living. A living wage is not "a middle class life style".

No one is dying from making $8 an hour. If 3 millennials making $8 an hour....decide to room together....their collective income is over $50k a year. If they leave the cool hipster urban area......and get a modest apartment in the burb....they can live just fine for now until they work their way up to better lives down the road.

May not be able to get the newest iphone or that new hybrid car. May not get to go to Paris for vacation. May not get to enroll in grad school yet.

But live on it? Yeah. They'll be fine.

After college I lived with 3 other people....in a 2 bedroom apt. We bought used bunk beds. Had a blast for 2 years. Ramen noodles and cheap booze. No cable. We went to the local bar and pitched in for nachos and pitcher of beer and watched ball games on their TV.

But....eventually....we got better jobs and went our separate ways.

So can Fight for 15ers.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !
The bizarre desire of the right to celebrate people losing their jobs rears its ugly head again.

I'm not celebrating people losing their jobs. I'm celebrating liberalism once again being proven a failure.

We told yall min wage hikes would result in this.

Being right is fun.
Liberalism is the cause for folks to get a raise to live better, you are an idiot....I bet you think it was liberalism that put pneumatic chiselers and drills in the ore mines over 100 years ago...I am glad you no longer carry a gun and a badge, you are pathetic..
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.
These pessimistic posters also wanted unions gone also, which was the main support for a middle class.....I really laugh hard when they say workers can negotiate pay and benefits alone with potential employers...
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

They're living on what they make now.

They think a minimum wage job should fund a middle class lifestyle. It doesnt. And shouldnt.

Actually, no, they don't.

But minimum wage has lagged far behind the cost of living. A living wage is not "a middle class life style".

No one is dying from making $8 an hour. If 3 millennials making $8 an hour....decide to room together....their collective income is over $50k a year. If they leave the cool hipster urban area......and get a modest apartment in the burb....they can live just fine for now until they work their way up to better lives down the road.

May not be able to get the newest iphone or that new hybrid car. May not get to go to Paris for vacation. May not get to enroll in grad school yet.

But live on it? Yeah. They'll be fine.

After college I lived with 3 other people....in a 2 bedroom apt. We bought used bunk beds. Had a blast for 2 years. Ramen noodles and cheap booze. No cable. We went to the local bar and pitched in for nachos and pitcher of beer and watched ball games on their TV.

But....eventually....we got better jobs and went our separate ways.

So can Fight for 15ers.

It's not that easy. Why do you assume they want to live in the "cool hipster urban" area?

If you can't afford a car, then you have to live where there is public transportation. The further out you live, in the suburbs the more expensive transportation costs can be even if you own a car. I know this. I lived at one time in the suburbs of DC - when it came time to finding independent housing, it was a serious issue. Any place I could AFFORD was over an hours commute or in a very bad inner city neighborhood. I wasn't minimum wage, but I was a secretary so it wasn't a huge paycheck. Before I had a car, I took buses and walked a lot. I ended up moving to WV, where I earned less, but the cost of living was so much better. I didn't have kids or family obligations to hold me anywhere.

I think it's a mistake to think people just want to live in the "cool hipster urban" areas...sometimes there aren't alot of choices. I'm not saying minimum wage needs to be huge, but a person should be able to live on it and it hasn't kept pace with the cost of living nor have the jobs that have come back been able to fill the need for a living wage.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.

Now THAT you are right about. The Clintons disastrous NAFTA deal sent huge numbers of those jobs away. Which Trump points out and intends to correct. Illegal immigration has flooded the market with cheap labor....meaning the low wage worker is catching it on 2 fronts: Better jobs leaving....cheaper labor is coming in.

I assume you'll vote for Trump....who wants to correct both fronts. Right???

No. You stick with the invisible prison of liberalism.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

They're living on what they make now.

They think a minimum wage job should fund a middle class lifestyle. It doesnt. And shouldnt.

Actually, no, they don't.

But minimum wage has lagged far behind the cost of living. A living wage is not "a middle class life style".

No one is dying from making $8 an hour. If 3 millennials making $8 an hour....decide to room together....their collective income is over $50k a year. If they leave the cool hipster urban area......and get a modest apartment in the burb....they can live just fine for now until they work their way up to better lives down the road.

May not be able to get the newest iphone or that new hybrid car. May not get to go to Paris for vacation. May not get to enroll in grad school yet.

But live on it? Yeah. They'll be fine.

After college I lived with 3 other people....in a 2 bedroom apt. We bought used bunk beds. Had a blast for 2 years. Ramen noodles and cheap booze. No cable. We went to the local bar and pitched in for nachos and pitcher of beer and watched ball games on their TV.

But....eventually....we got better jobs and went our separate ways.

So can Fight for 15ers.

It's not that easy. Why do you assume they want to live in the "cool hipster urban" area?

If you can't afford a car, then you have to live where there is public transportation. The further out you live, in the suburbs the more expensive transportation costs can be even if you own a car. I know this. I lived at one time in the suburbs of DC - when it came time to finding independent housing, it was a serious issue. Any place I could AFFORD was over an hours commute or in a very bad inner city neighborhood. I wasn't minimum wage, but I was a secretary so it wasn't a huge paycheck. Before I had a car, I took buses and walked a lot. I ended up moving to WV, where I earned less, but the cost of living was so much better. I didn't have kids or family obligations to hold me anywhere.

I think it's a mistake to think people just want to live in the "cool hipster urban" areas...sometimes there aren't alot of choices. I'm not saying minimum wage needs to be huge, but a person should be able to live on it and it hasn't kept pace with the cost of living nor have the jobs that have come back been able to fill the need for a living wage.
I disliked living in the urban and suburbs, too many humans wanting to tell you what to do...Rural is the whey to go..
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.

Now THAT you are right about. The Clintons disastrous NAFTA deal sent huge numbers of those jobs away. Which Trump points out and intends to correct. Illegal immigration has flooded the market with cheap labor....meaning the low wage worker is catching it on 2 fronts: Better jobs leaving....cheaper labor is coming in.

I assume you'll vote for Trump....who wants to correct both fronts. Right???

No. You stick with the invisible prison of liberalism.
The NAFTA deal was pushed by Reagan and Bush sr....(It is no surprise you can only see out of one eye, cause the other is blind..)Who also pushed for China as a most favored nation for trading purposes....

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