Wendys reacts to wage hikes: Self serve kiosks; Price spikes; Firing employees; DANG IT!!

Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.

Now THAT you are right about. The Clintons disastrous NAFTA deal sent huge numbers of those jobs away. Which Trump points out and intends to correct. Illegal immigration has flooded the market with cheap labor....meaning the low wage worker is catching it on 2 fronts: Better jobs leaving....cheaper labor is coming in.

I assume you'll vote for Trump....who wants to correct both fronts. Right???

No. You stick with the invisible prison of liberalism.
The NAFTA deal was pushed by Reagan and Bush sr....It is no surprise you can only see out of one eye, cause the other is blind..

Clinton signed it. And America has been downhill since. Millions of jobs left America.

Hillary supports it. Trump doesnt.

Vote accordingly.
The bizarre desire of the right to celebrate people losing their jobs rears its ugly head again.

Actually it's the delight not at people losing their jobs, that sucks. The delight is the squirming you dipshits will be going through as your idiotic ideas are shown to be...well, idiotic.
Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

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This fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy.

Shut up Clayton


I'm not celebrating people losing their jobs. I'm celebrating liberalism once again being proven a failure.

We told yall min wage hikes would result in this.

Being right is fun.

Sure you are. It’s your only goal. You know this. You have to shade the truth to get there but nobody would go through such efforts to “get there” unless their goal was to smear someone.

In fact, you lied in the OP.

You said this:
But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

First, the technology will be made available to all franchisees according to YOUR source. That means that they may or may not get them. Bear faced lie.

‘They’re firing a bunch of employees” is not supported by the source in any way shape or form.

Further, the raise in wages has not taken place yet.

It’s a classic case of right wing blowhards looking for something to post and of course, lying through their teeth.

The only reason to post this nonsense is to celebrate people losing their jobs and to satisfy some bizarre need you have to try to be correct for once.

You are not illiterate; even you know the Obama administrations CBO projects that a wage hike would cost 400,000 to 750,000 minimum wage earners their jobs. That is significant when you realize that less than 2 million people are paid minimum wage.

As far as I am concerned, you are HEARTLESS! Your ideology is over riding your compassion.

Let me explain something------------->winning a Presidential election doesn't make all your ideas, or any of your ideas correct, it just makes them popular. A President who has EVER been elected to these United States, has not yet been inaugurated that at least in one quarter, he enjoyed 3% growth...............until this one named BARACK, HUSSEIN, OBAMA! He still has 9 months-) Lets see if he gets one quarter, or goes down in history as the worst President as far as economics, EVER!

So keep floating those lefty ideas. Popular? I am sure for the ignorant, they are. But destructive? Absolutely. But what do you care, you are an elitist.

There are about 3.5 million people making minimum wage.

Less than a million will lose their job while the 2-3 million who are still employed are making more? I guess that is capitalism. Nobody said its pretty.

What has never been explained was that if the McDonalds down the street is raising it’s wage to $15.00 and the Burger King down the street is raising it’s wage to $15.00, they are both facing the same increase in cost. Prices will rise to cover it and maintain the profit margin for the business owner. Happens all the time.

Celebrating the 400-750 thousand people losing their jobs is a sickness though.
Or at those prices people will go to other restaurants where you can get more and better food. Can feed three at the Chinese place for $8......that might feed one at the fast food joint

They would have to raise their price too…all things being equal.
Family business......dont have to raise em at all......
Just some casual research will show that raising minimum wage doesn't hurt employment. But people like the OP would rather spread lies that do actual research.
But...I hated having to interact with mostly Fight for 15 idiot leftists at the counter. Usually very dumb, rude and always fucked up my order.

Now...it's easier! Yay!

That's right, Cleetus, now you can fuck up your own order and get robbed on the way out by a kid who can't get a decent job.

You just aren't very bright, are you?

Okay, so what will be the end result if the Fast Food Industry replaces everyone with robots. Well, we'll have a whole generation of young people who really won't have that entry-level work experience. they'll probably be more inclined to demand more government programs to support themselves through school.

So your argument is actually- wait for it - MORE socialism while big corporations laugh all the way to the bank.

Again... you "conservatives" just aren't all that bright, are you?
Actually it's the delight not at people losing their jobs, that sucks. The delight is the squirming you dipshits will be going through as your idiotic ideas are shown to be...well, idiotic.

No, guy, idiotic is screwing over working people on wages, watching them depend on government to make ends meet, and then wonder why you end up with more and more government.

So what makes more sense - paying a worker a sub-living wage, and then watching them apply for SNAP, Section 8, Medicaid and an ObamaPhone (actually, a Reagan phone), or paying them a living wage with decent health benefits.

Which one of those people is more likely to support MORE government, and which one is likely to support LESS government?

You see, this is where you guys just aren't very smart.
Technology leaping ahead at breakneck speeds. Low end transient employees demanding very respectable wages. What could go wrong?
15 an hour ain't squat you fucken dumshit
It's good money around here. Your puss filled brain won't change it.
Yeah, way back in the early 1980's, 15 an hour was considered pretty good. But that's going on nearly 40 years ago dumass.
That's $2,400 a month. It isn't high income but it's pretty good money, especially for brain dead work. Your putrid puss filled skull changes nothing in reality.
America would be so much better off if workers made less.

"Please Mr. Employer, I want to do better so please pay me less!"
Technology leaping ahead at breakneck speeds. Low end transient employees demanding very respectable wages. What could go wrong?
15 an hour ain't squat you fucken dumshit
It's good money around here. Your puss filled brain won't change it.
Yeah, way back in the early 1980's, 15 an hour was considered pretty good. But that's going on nearly 40 years ago dumass.
That's $2,400 a month. It isn't high income but it's pretty good money, especially for brain dead work. Your putrid puss filled skull changes nothing in reality.

Well, maybe someday you can rise to that same "brain dead" level so you can find out for yourself just how hard it is to live on 15 an hour
Crying about a pay raise at a fast food restaurant is like asking for a better cabin on the Titanic. It's still getting you no where and the real issue isn't addressed.
In this scenario of automation, at least these chains are no longer subsidized by public funding (welfare to underpaid employees).
According to the 'left' and 'right' dualism, this should please everyone.
Instead, it pleases no one.
We have to find another model for human value and use of wealth.

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