Were 4 Americans sacrificed at Benghazi so Obama could fake having defeated Al Qaeda?

Originally written May 2013

Finally, after puttering around with stories and videos and lies after the attacks, Congress is beginning to get at the real scandal in Benghazi.

What happened after the attacks, and who lied to whom and how, is less important than why security there was left to deteriorate for months, even while attacks were going on, bombs were blowing 12-foot holes in the consulate walls, and Amb. Stevens was pleading for months for more security.

That summer, Obama was crowing over "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!". He was desperately trying to fool American voters into thinking he had defeated Al Qaeda and they were "on the run". And the increasing attacks by Al Qaeda were not fitting into the glossy image he was trying to project.

Sending MORE security into areas like Benghazi, Cairo etc. would have done even more harm to his story... so he simply didn't do it. Instead he reduced security, pulled out American agents, and in some cases substituted Libyan personnel for the American security troops. He was hoping this would look good to American voters who weren't paying much attention.

By the first week in September 2012, there were exactly three American security personnel at the consulate in Benghazi. The gate guards and patrols had been replaced by Libyans... and they were unarmed, with nothing but whistles and batons. And so, when the major attack came on Sept. 11, 2012, the people in the consulate didn't have much chance.

Basically, the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, were sacrificed so that Obama could get more votes three weeks later in the November, 2012 election.

And that is the real scandal of Benghazi. Obama hopes fervently that people will keep complaining about Susan Rice and lies about a video afterward... because then they aren't complaining about what killed Amb. Stevens and three other Americans: Months of fatal, flagrant neglect of consulate security for the purpose of gaining votes.


CBS News - Breaking News, U.S., World, Business, Entertainment & Video

The Obama administration -- and the State Department in particular -- has been accused by Republican lawmakers and some former U.S. officials who worked in Libya of ignoring warning signs and even rejecting pleas for increased security around American offices in the country ahead of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, which left U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

The House Oversight Committee will begin questioning three senior State Department staff on Capitol Hill Wednesday over claims that dozens of U.S. security personnel were removed from Libya in the six months leading up to the attack, in spite of alleged requests to increase personnel levels from American officials on the ground.

According to one of the key witnesses expected to testify before the committee this week, even Ambassador Stevens himself had repeatedly requested more security personnel, but was turned down.

Lt. Col. Andy Wood, the former head of a U.S. Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya, has told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson that he and many other senior staff at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, "felt we needed more, not less" security personnel in the country, but were told "to do with less.

For what reasons, I don't know."

This begins to get at the real scandal in Benghazi.
Nope.......Obama and Hillary are a couple of liberal morons who have their heads in the clouds, feel they're the smartest person in the room, and are literally tyrants.

They're also, not serious.

They don't take their jobs seriously......and when it blows up in their faces......they lie and stonewall, and use the media to attack anyone who wants to find out the truth.
Al Qaeda is still alive and kicking. Victory requires their destruction.

Therefore, no
Hillary didn't follow the law regarding security for our embassies. I guess she is saying that since it was a temporary facility that the people weren't entitled to any security. That explains the fact that more security was refused and some security personnel were removed just prior to the attack.

Hillary seems to think that it was someone else's problem. She needs to read the law again because she was responsible for the safety of those people unless she signed a waiver, which I believe would have made the host country responsible. The law simply states that our personnel are to be protected and does not exclude those in a temporary facility.

Hillary Clinton Admits She Broke U.S. Law in Benghazi
I think that 4 Americans tragically died in Benghazi- probably due to some fundamental mistakes that were made regarding security and intelligence.

The far right wants to use their deaths to attack liberals- what a contrast to the 1983 Beirut bombings where over 200 American servicemen died.

No Democrats were claiming that those 200 Americans were 'sacrificed' so Reagan could pretend we were protecting Lebanon.

Instead- both parties rallied together and attempted to find out what happened- and what we could learn from the mistakes that led to the deaths of Americans.

Fast forward to Benghazi- and from the very beginning the Republican narrative was of blame- rather than of finding the cause, and addressing the errors that were made.
That takes care of the obligatory "Let's try to change the subject to Republicans" non-response.

Back to the subject:
In 2012 during the summer runup to the Presidential election, Obama was crowing over "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!". He was desperately trying to fool American voters into thinking he had defeated Al Qaeda and they were "on the run". And the increasing attacks by Al Qaeda were not fitting into the glossy image he was trying to project.

Sending MORE security into areas like Benghazi, Cairo etc. would have done even more harm to his story... so he simply didn't do it. Instead he reduced security, pulled out American agents, and in some cases substituted Libyan personnel for the American security troops.

Obama hopes fervently that people will keep complaining about Susan Rice and lies about a video afterward... because then they aren't complaining about what killed Amb. Stevens and three other Americans: Months of fatal, flagrant neglect of consulate security for the purpose of gaining votes.
Wow, that is some real FICTIONAL story writing little acorn....!

Did Alqaeda attack Benghazi? Yes or No?
An al Qaeda like group attacked them.

Why? Hillary doesn't seem to know or care. It's not her job.........but she's taking full responsibility......by running for President.

Hope & Change has been replaced by......I made a mistake. Trust me....It won't happen again.....and if it does.....it's not my fault....and those evil bastards in the GOP only want to attack me with politically motivated witch-hunts.
An al Qaeda like group attacked them.
After months of the Obama administration reducing security at the compound before a major election, even as attacks increased.

Why? Hillary doesn't seem to know or care.
Like the liberals on this board, her sole concern then and now, is to deflect people from looking onto the question of WHY.
An al Qaeda like group attacked them.
After months of the Obama administration reducing security at the compound before a major election, even as attacks increased.
Why? Hillary doesn't seem to know or care.
Like the liberals on this board, her sole concern then and now, is to deflect people from looking onto the question of WHY.
Notice how the liberals are avoiding this thread like the plague.

Lots of crowing about how their stalling and "loss" of emails prevented normal Americans from finding out anything.

And about unimportant things like who lied after the attack, who made a video etc.

But they don't dare look into why security was reduced month after month before the attack, despite hundreds of messages begging for more guards and reinforcements... and before a major election... as Obama bragged that the terrorists were decimated and "on the run".
Four Americans were murdered, and 4,500 were killed in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. All the product of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the creation of states under the mandates post WW I, as well as the West's lust for oil.
So according to this conspiracy theory, Obama reduced the security in Benghazi, to make it easier for al Qaeda to kill Americans there, because if al Qaeda killed Americans in Benghazi it would prove that Obama had defeated al Qaeda.
As usual, when the desperate leftist fanatics can't refute what a conservative said, they pretend he "said" something else instead.

Why do you say Obama reduced security "to make it easier for al Qaeda to kill Americans"?

Nobody else in the thread has told such a silly fib. Only you. Don't you ever wonder why the only way you can make your agenda look good, is to lie?

You have a REPUBLICAN saying that the Administration ignore the June 6th attack. Facts say otherwise. Ambassador Stevens believed that the Libyans would protect him because he was considered a friend of the Libyan people, and he declined extra security that day.

All American Middle Eastern embassies and outposts were put on high alert for the 10th anniversary of 9-11, and yet you clowns continue to try to find some evidence of conspiracy. The more information that comes out about Benghazi, the more desperate and partisan you appear. Even the Republican lead investigations can find no evidence of a coverup, lies or failure on the part of the administration to act.

Talk about beating a dead horse.

Why have the explanations and excuses by the administration changed so many times?

They haven't. You lost. Get over it.
So according to this conspiracy theory, Obama reduced the security in Benghazi, to make it easier for al Qaeda to kill Americans there, because if al Qaeda killed Americans in Benghazi it would prove that Obama had defeated al Qaeda.
As usual, when the desperate leftist fanatics can't refute what a conservative said, they pretend he "said" something else instead.

Why do you say Obama reduced security "to make it easier for al Qaeda to kill Americans"?

Nobody else in the thread has told such a silly fib. Only you. Don't you ever wonder why the only way you can make your agenda look good, is to lie?

You have a REPUBLICAN saying that the Administration ignore the June 6th attack. Facts say otherwise. Ambassador Stevens believed that the Libyans would protect him because he was considered a friend of the Libyan people, and he declined extra security that day.

All American Middle Eastern embassies and outposts were put on high alert for the 10th anniversary of 9-11, and yet you clowns continue to try to find some evidence of conspiracy. The more information that comes out about Benghazi, the more desperate and partisan you appear. Even the Republican lead investigations can find no evidence of a coverup, lies or failure on the part of the administration to act.

Talk about beating a dead horse.

Why have the explanations and excuses by the administration changed so many times?

They haven't. You lost. Get over it.

amazing how after almost 7 years the loons still don't understand why they lost and why normal people don't hate the president and his administration the way they do.
HRC failed to negotiate with Poseidon and Zeus, and in recent years they have decided to punish the world with massive storms, feet of snow, warming the glaciers and even today sending a massive storm heading to Mexico and flooding the State of Texas.

We calling for a Congressional investigation and the UN Security Council to refer her failure to protect our earth to the International Court of Justice at The Hague, to determine why The SOS created the mess now facing ten of millions of innocent citizens in the US, Mexico and around the world.

This post brought to you by our sponsors, the Republican Caucus in the H. and the Club for Growth.
So, why was the security at the Benghazi compound progressively reduced month after month, even as attacks became worse and more frequent, and they sent message after message asking for MORE security and guards?
So, why was the security at the Benghazi compound progressively reduced month after month, even as attacks became worse and more frequent, and they sent message after message asking for MORE security and guards?
None of that is true. And Stevens himself turned down more security, twice.
little acorn
They had not made a decision on having a consulate or not having a Consulate in Benghazi and were trying to determine such....

you do know Ambassador Steven's home base was not in benghazi....don't you?
Stevens asked for security in 600 separate emails. All ignored.
LINK....on the 600 requests....

it's utter bull crud....

Stevens was ambassador there for only 90 days before he was killed...

he would have had to send 7 emails requesting such a day, every day of the week, including weekends and holidays...

so, just another lie told to you by your lie masters that you chose to believe as far as I can tell, since ALL of the right wingers are now all walking lockstep and using this 600 request number, blindly, over and over again....even though he was Ambassador there for only 3 months....

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