Were a Centrist 3rd party to form, would you support it?

Were a Centrist 3rd party to form, would you support it?

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A Centrist borrows elements from both the Left and the Right and blends them into a comprehensive whole.

A Centrist is not married to one ideology and exists in the Real World, beyond the realm of polar opposites.

As usual, The Truth (including Political Truth [functionality]) lies somewhere in the Middle - a.k.a. the Center.

So, in other words, a person who abides by no moral conviction, who has not adopted nor understands philosophy, and whose compass is broken. This "real world" of which you speak is definitely real. And that we have a large portion of our society ignorant and apathetic to such principles, for the sake of 'not being extreme' is dangerous on the face of it. The 'can't make up their mind' crowd are the folks easily swayed by populism. Dangerous!

"Comprehensive whole??" Mule fritters! To assert that the "truth lies in the middle" is to ignore the historical and inevitable danger of modern liberalism/Statism/fascism/socialism/etc...

Liberalism takes things away from my family. Conservatism takes nothing away from my family. Our social contract, our Constitution, is about the most "compromise" I'm willing to accept.
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

Sounds like fun. What do they do at repug parties? Swap wives and tell lies?
A Centrist borrows elements from both the Left and the Right and blends them into a comprehensive whole.

A Centrist is not married to one ideology and exists in the Real World, beyond the realm of polar opposites.

As usual, The Truth (including Political Truth [functionality]) lies somewhere in the Middle - a.k.a. the Center.

More slogans. . . .

A Centrist borrows elements from both the Left and the Right and blends them into a comprehensive whole.

A Centrist is not married to one ideology and exists in the Real World, beyond the realm of polar opposites.

As usual, The Truth (including Political Truth [functionality]) lies somewhere in the Middle - a.k.a. the Center.

So, in other words, a person who abides by no moral conviction, who has not adopted nor understands philosophy, and whose compass is broken...
Whatever in the world leads you to believe that a Centrist is a person with no moral conviction, or is a person lacking in the understanding or practice or philosophy, or who lacks a compass?

A Centrist is merely someone who believes that the Left has some worthwhile answers and who also believes that the RIght has some worthwhile answers - to different kinds of problems, anyway.

There is nothing immoral nor intellectually nor philosophically lacking in taking some pages from both play-books.

...This real world' of which you speak is definitely real. And that we have a large portion of our society ignorant and apathetic to such principles...
Thus has it always been.

...for the sake of 'not being extreme' is dangerous on the face of it. The 'can't make up their mind' crowd are the folks easily swayed by populism. Dangerous!...
Most folks are far too busy earning their bread and enjoying their families and living their lives to bother with extremism.

Being a Centrist does not mean that one cannot make up one's mind.

Being a Centrist means that you adopt some of the ideology of both Left and Right, and usually requires far more thought and mind-making-up than is usually accorded to your average partisan lemming.

..."Comprehensive whole??" Mule fritters! To assert that the "truth lies in the middle" is to ignore the historical and inevitable danger of modern liberalism/Statism/fascism/socialism/etc...
Spoken like a true partisan hack.

There is no point in conducting an exchange with someone who is blind and deaf to his own side's faults and who is also blind and deaf to his adversary's strong points.

...Liberalism takes things away from my family. Conservatism takes nothing away from my family...
There is no point in conducting an exchange with someone who is blind and deaf to his own side's faults and who is also blind and deaf to his adversary's strong points.

...Our social contract, our Constitution, is about the most "compromise" I'm willing to accept.
There is no point in conducting an exchange in a political context with someone who is blind and deaf to the need for compromise.

There are very few absolutes in politics.

An inability to find a middle ground and to compromise is a formula for deadlock which any living, breathing Republic will quickly bulldoze over in order to function in the Real World.
You don't need a centrist party when both major parties are to the right off where previous presidents have been.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics and that campaigns be run with a higher standard for honesty and accuracy.

How about we demand that journalists ask follow up questions and stop the dopey effort to appear "right down the middle".

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

No there isn't, and it's a dead giveaway that somebody's reading their script over the shoulder of Lush Rimjob, who makes that malaprop all the time as he is apparently incapable of understanding the distinction between a noun and an adjective.
Only two things belong in the middle of the road, yellow stripes and dead armadillos.
and only one thing resides and belongs on the shoulders .....those who cant get along with anyone with a different view and whose mantra is...."if you dont agree with us and dont like what we like....fuck you".......
Only two things belong in the middle of the road, yellow stripes and dead armadillos.
and only one thing resides and belongs on the shoulders .....those who cant get along with anyone with a different view and whose mantra is...."if you dont agree with us and dont like what we like....fuck you".......

The irony of that statement just flies right over your head, doesn't it?

The ultimate essence of the centrist's supposedly non-existent ideology is precisely the same as that of the leftist yahoo: intellectual, moral, cultural and political relativism.

Two diametrically opposed ideas can be true at the same time, in the same way, within the same frame of reference. Now, of course, that's utter claptrap as no one can explain how such a thing could possibly be so. But there you have it: the gumball irrationalism of the unexamined life.

Duhhhhhhhhh. We'll just mix a little bit of Lefty with a little bit of Righty, a little bit of false with a little bit of true.

And what's that spell?

You don't need a centrist party when both major parties are to the right off where previous presidents have been.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics and that campaigns be run with a higher standard for honesty and accuracy.

How about we demand that journalists ask follow up questions and stop the dopey effort to appear "right down the middle".

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

No there isn't, and it's a dead giveaway that somebody's reading their script over the shoulder of Lush Rimjob, who makes that malaprop all the time as he is apparently incapable of understanding the distinction between a noun and an adjective.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does

Getting money out of politics (I assume this means get individual and corporate donations out of campaigns) will get the government out of the economy? Please explain further.
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I have more respect for Bernie Sanders than I do for John Boehner. Conversely I have more respect for Ted Cruz than I do for Joe Lieberman.

I don't think much of two-faced political piggies. I admire people who speak their mind plainly and succinctly, and don't give a fiddler's fuck which way the winds of public opinion fly. I'm tired of voting for phonies and I'm done voting for them.

A centrist is a bullshit feel-good concept. There is no benchmark for such a silly idea. Is a centrist pro-choice and pro-gun, or anti-abortion and anti-gun?


Exactly. It sounds too much like many politicians are. The country has become far too divided for that to be doable.
You don't need a centrist party when both major parties are to the right off where previous presidents have been.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics and that campaigns be run with a higher standard for honesty and accuracy.

How about we demand that journalists ask follow up questions and stop the dopey effort to appear "right down the middle".

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

No there isn't, and it's a dead giveaway that somebody's reading their script over the shoulder of Lush Rimjob, who makes that malaprop all the time as he is apparently incapable of understanding the distinction between a noun and an adjective.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does

Getting money out of politics (I assume this means get individual and corporate donations out of campaigns) will get the government out of the economy? Please explain further.

That uh, wasn't supposed to be a post :redface: I had started posting something somewhere, I forget where, and changed my mind. When you do that your words stick in the box and show up in your next post unpredictably. It's a bad software design. Until you replied here I wasn't even aware that had gone up. No comment there, sorry.
Only two things belong in the middle of the road, yellow stripes and dead armadillos.
and only one thing resides and belongs on the shoulders .....those who cant get along with anyone with a different view and whose mantra is...."if you dont agree with us and dont like what we like....fuck you".......

The irony of that statement just flies right over your head, doesn't it?

The ultimate essence of the centrist's supposedly non-existent ideology is precisely the same as that of the leftist yahoo: intellectual, moral, cultural and political relativism.

Two diametrically opposed ideas can be true at the same time, in the same way, within the same frame of reference. Now, of course, that's utter claptrap as no one can explain how such a thing could possibly be so. But there you have it: the gumball irrationalism of the unexamined life.

Duhhhhhhhhh. We'll just mix a little bit of Lefty with a little bit of Righty, a little bit of false with a little bit of true.

And what's that spell?


i guess you must be one of them shoulder dwellers.....you people have a hard time comprehending how someone can possibly not be either all left or all right on their views....gives you a fucking headache thinking about it,doesnt it?....
You don't need a centrist party when both major parties are to the right off where previous presidents have been.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics and that campaigns be run with a higher standard for honesty and accuracy.

How about we demand that journalists ask follow up questions and stop the dopey effort to appear "right down the middle".

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

No there isn't, and it's a dead giveaway that somebody's reading their script over the shoulder of Lush Rimjob, who makes that malaprop all the time as he is apparently incapable of understanding the distinction between a noun and an adjective.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does

Getting money out of politics (I assume this means get individual and corporate donations out of campaigns) will get the government out of the economy? Please explain further.

That uh, wasn't supposed to be a post :redface: I had started posting something somewhere, I forget where, and changed my mind. When you do that your words stick in the box and show up in your next post unpredictably. It's a bad software design. Until you replied here I wasn't even aware that had gone up. No comment there, sorry.
you apparently have to erase everything if you are not going to post it.....i had that happen the other day....it does suck for a "superior" software...
It would really depend on the agenda of the "centrist." If the person is intent on doing the best he or she can for the country, without the pressure of lobbyist and outside influences, I would support that. But if the "centrist" is more intent on compromising under all circumstances to get a deal, then their agenda is not in the best interest of the Country.

I feel one of the great dangers for the country is defined in either of the extremes of the two major parties.
You don't need a centrist party when both major parties are to the right off where previous presidents have been.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics and that campaigns be run with a higher standard for honesty and accuracy.

How about we demand that journalists ask follow up questions and stop the dopey effort to appear "right down the middle".

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does
If it had a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference in federal legislation, and if it fit into my personal philosophy of what a third voice in federal politics should broadcast, then I'd work my ass off for a third party. Oh wait a minute...I already did that. We were called...we were called...oh yea! We were called the Reform Party. Sorry about that, but you know how ephemeral the memory can be when it comes to third party history in this country.

Get in the habit of using Word or one of its free clones to compose your posts. Then when you're sure you're done, copy and paste to the forum. I too have had delete problems here and I've noticed a couple of other glitches besides. The software needs some debugging.

"As for a third party, we tried that, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal (roughly)

I thought the Democrat Party was The Peoples Party.

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

Sure there is. I even went to some with my bleeding heart libtard wife. They get falling-down drunk and snort a lot of coke at democrat parties.

No there isn't, and it's a dead giveaway that somebody's reading their script over the shoulder of Lush Rimjob, who makes that malaprop all the time as he is apparently incapable of understanding the distinction between a noun and an adjective.

How about we just demand that the money be taken out of politics

The only way to get money out of politics is to get the government out of the economy.

That uh, does

Getting money out of politics (I assume this means get individual and corporate donations out of campaigns) will get the government out of the economy? Please explain further.

That uh, wasn't supposed to be a post :redface: I had started posting something somewhere, I forget where, and changed my mind. When you do that your words stick in the box and show up in your next post unpredictably. It's a bad software design. Until you replied here I wasn't even aware that had gone up. No comment there, sorry.
you apparently have to erase everything if you are not going to post it.....i had that happen the other day....it does suck for a "superior" software...
Hard enough to herd the cats that pretty much agree. The Centrist Party would be more like herding stray electrons.
Only two things belong in the middle of the road, yellow stripes and dead armadillos.
and only one thing resides and belongs on the shoulders .....those who cant get along with anyone with a different view and whose mantra is...."if you dont agree with us and dont like what we like....fuck you".......

The irony of that statement just flies right over your head, doesn't it?

The ultimate essence of the centrist's supposedly non-existent ideology is precisely the same as that of the leftist yahoo: intellectual, moral, cultural and political relativism.

Two diametrically opposed ideas can be true at the same time, in the same way, within the same frame of reference. Now, of course, that's utter claptrap as no one can explain how such a thing could possibly be so. But there you have it: the gumball irrationalism of the unexamined life.

Duhhhhhhhhh. We'll just mix a little bit of Lefty with a little bit of Righty, a little bit of false with a little bit of true.

And what's that spell?


i guess you must be one of them shoulder dwellers.....you people have a hard time comprehending how someone can possibly not be either all left or all right on their views....gives you a fucking headache thinking about it,doesnt it?....

Right. That's it. You got me all figured out. LOL! Here, have a gumball: Were a Centrist 3rd party to form would you support it Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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