Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

I never said anything about translating. Why you bring it up is your own issue. As to the rest, your claims are based in some misunderstandings (and some outright errors). When you are ready to learn, maybe you will ask a good question.

No, as defined by YOU. And you don't know the law. I love the whole "claim to be" language because it comes from a place of arrogance, insisting that you know people's identity better than they do.

It is usually incompletely translated. The text very clearly says that the difference in the new version is in the transmission, not the content. The text explicitly says that the content is the same. So if you want to claim that there is a "new" covenant which is at all different in what it includes, then you are in the wrong.

I don't think you are interested in learning because you have had your mind made up by the mistakes and frauds fed to you. But someday, when you are ready, just ask.
The New Covenant, as Paul Harvey used to say is, 'the rest of the story'.
What part of scriptures do you fail to believe? "There is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile.....bond nor free....male nor female......all are one in Christ Jesus." -- Gal. 3:28
All are one in Christ, the Abrahamic promise of salvation, which was realized through the Jews in the person of Jesus Christ. The other Abrahamic promise is material, called the birthright, and was passed onto the descendants of Joseph, who along with other tribal descendants are enjoying it to this day. :bowdown:
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The present-day State of Israel is the remnant of the house of Judah, and is fulfilling prophecy concerning it to the letter. Meanwhile the descendants of the house of Israel have formed the NT church, have blessed the entire world with their wealth and generosity, and have helped win both world wars. They (we) are the people chosen, and most favored, by God. :bowdown:
Show me fulfilled prophecy and document it by the Old Testament Text. If its "to the letter"...........SHOW ME THE LETTERS. The nation calling itself Israel.......in not in possession of the Promised Land in any respect........there is no restoration of any Temple because Israel is not in possession of the land. God fulfilled His promise to give Israel the land He had promised......that is historical, not futuristic. I will show you what you cannot..........book, chapter and verse that presents THE TRUTH, not opinion.

The land promise was fulfilled when God brought Israel out of captivity and gave them the land of "Canaan" in the day's of Joshua. God remembered His promise to father Abraham (Ex. 6:4-8). God told the Israelites to enter and take possession of the Land (Deut. 1:6-8). "Joshua took possession of the whole land....according to ALL THAT GOD HAD SPOKEN TO MOSSES....." -- Joshua 11:23. The land promise was accomplished in its entirety, "Thus the Lord gave to Israel ALL THE LAND THAT HE SWORE TO GIVE TO THEIR FATHERS (ancestors)....He gave them rest on all sides from their enemies, not one of their enemies withstood them.......the Lord had given all their enemies into their hands......NOT ONE WORD OF ALL THE GOOD PROMISES THAT THE LORD HAD MADE TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL HAD FAILED:

REAL SLOW: ALL CAME TO PASS". -- Joshua 21:43-45.

The United Nations fulfilled nothing in 1947.....2000 years after Israel lost its nation because it disobeyed God's Law and the Prophets....as declared by Jer.31:31-34. There is a new covenant, God is no longer a husband only to one nation Israel.......Jesus Christ is the husband of His church/kingdom of God (Eph. 5:25-27, 2 Cor. 11:2, Rev. 21:2, given to Him by the Father (Matt. 16, 28:18-20)....His Bride includes ALL NATIONS upon the earth........not just the Jews (Gal. 3:28-29) The Law was given "expressly" to only ONE NATION........Biblical Israel (Deut. 4:7-8)

The middle wall that separated the Jews from the rest of the world was torn down (the OLD LAW/Mosaic Covenant) by Jesus Christ's fulfillment or prophecy. Jesus made the 2.....Jews and Gentile into one nation by "......breaking down the barrier of the dividing wall ...... by abolishing it in the flesh (meaning the New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant not a physical covenant)....." -- Eph. 2:11-19 Just as prophesied by Jer. 31......the kingdom of God is found within the believer...not written on stone. (Luke 17:21)

The land was promised FOREVER? Indeed.......with conditions detailed by God.......Israel, would possess the land forever.......as long as it continued to obey the LAW and the PROPHETS. What would happen if Israel did not live up to its part of the Mosaic Covenant? God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). There is not a more egregious sin than killing the Only Begotten Son of the God of creation. God allowed the land to be taken from Israel in 70 AD.

There is only ONE promise left unfulfilled........the promise to make the seed of Abraham into a great nation whose numbers would be like the stars in the sky -- Genesis 15:5 (That is being fulfilled every day......a star is added every time someone is baptized INTO CHRIST, and they become joint heirs to the remaining promise made to Abraham (Gal. 3:28-29)

Being linked by ancestry to Abraham means nothing to God........if you disobey the Law and the Prophets. "And think not to say within yourselves.....We have Abraham to our father....for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." -- Matt. 3:9

Is there hope for the Jew? Of course, as long as they do not remain Blind to Jesus Christ. "And if they (the Jew) also shall be saved, IF THEY ABIDE NOT STILL IN UNBELIEF.........." -- Romans 11:23.........God can graft them in again.......easy. As there is only one method to approach the Father (God), "I am the way, the truth and the life.....no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6
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Show me fulfilled prophecy and document it by the Old Testament Text. If its "to the letter"...........SHOW ME THE LETTERS. The nation calling itself Israel.......in not in possession of the Promised Land in any respect........there is no restoration of any Temple because Israel is not in possession of the land. God fulfilled His promise to give Israel the land He had promised......that is historical, not futuristic. I will show you what you cannot..........book, chapter and verse that presents THE TRUTH, not opinion.

The land promise was fulfilled when God brought Israel out of captivity and gave them the land of "Canaan" in the day's of Joshua. God remembered His promise to father Abraham (Ex. 6:4-8). God told the Israelites to enter and take possession of the Land (Deut. 1:6-8). "Joshua took possession of the whole land....according to ALL THAT GOD HAD SPOKEN TO MOSSES....." -- Joshua 11:23. The land promise was accomplished in its entirety, "Thus the Lord gave to Israel ALL THE LAND THAT HE SWORE TO GIVE TO THEIR FATHERS (ancestors)....He gave them rest on all sides from their enemies, not one of their enemies withstood them.......the Lord had given all their enemies into their hands......NOT ONE WORD OF ALL THE GOOD PROMISES THAT THE LORD HAD MADE TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL HAD FAILED:

REAL SLOW: ALL CAME TO PASS". -- Joshua 21:43-45.

The United Nations fulfilled nothing in 1947.....2000 years after Israel lost its nation because it disobeyed God's Law and the Prophets....as declared by Jer.31:31-34. There is a new covenant, God is no longer a husband only to one nation Israel.......Jesus Christ is the husband of His church/kingdom of God (Eph. 5:25-27, 2 Cor. 11:2, Rev. 21:2, given to Him by the Father (Matt. 16, 28:18-20)....His Bride includes ALL NATIONS upon the earth........not just the Jews (Gal. 3:28-29) The Law was given "expressly" to only ONE NATION........Biblical Israel (Deut. 4:7-8)

The middle wall that separated the Jews from the rest of the world was torn down (the OLD LAW/Mosaic Covenant) by Jesus Christ's fulfillment or prophecy. Jesus made the 2.....Jews and Gentile into one nation by "......breaking down the barrier of the dividing wall ...... by abolishing it in the flesh (meaning the New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant not a physical covenant)....." -- Eph. 2:11-19 Just as prophesied by Jer. 31......the kingdom of God is found within the believer...not written on stone. (Luke 17:21)

The land was promised FOREVER? Indeed.......with conditions detailed by God.......Israel, would possess the land forever.......as long as it continued to obey the LAW and the PROPHETS. What would happen if Israel did not live up to its part of the Mosaic Covenant? God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). There is not a more egregious sin than killing the Only Begotten Son of the God of creation. God allowed the land to be taken from Israel in 70 AD.

There is only ONE promise left unfulfilled........the promise to make the seed of Abraham into a great nation whose numbers would be like the stars in the sky -- Genesis 15:5 (That is being fulfilled every day......a star is added every time someone is baptized INTO CHRIST, and they become joint heirs to the remaining promise made to Abraham (Gal. 3:28-29)

Being linked by ancestry to Abraham means nothing to God........if you disobey the Law and the Prophets. "And think not to say within yourselves.....We have Abraham to our father....for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." -- Matt. 3:9

Is there hope for the Jew? Of course, as long as they do not remain Blind to Jesus Christ. "And if they (the Jew) also shall be saved, IF THEY ABIDE NOT STILL IN UNBELIEF.........." -- Romans 11:23.........God can graft them in again.......easy. As there is only one method to approach the Father (God), "I am the way, the truth and the life.....no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6
God promised, by birthright inheritance, that Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, would become a (great) company of nations, and a (single) great nation. Could this be realized without extensive land providing abundant wealth? Aren't great lands implicit in these promises? The promised land of Canaan could never accommodate the birthright promises, therefore it was intended for a different purpose.

The birthright promises were never fulfilled in ancient Israel.
. The nation calling itself Israel.......in not in possession of the Promised Land in any respect........there is no restoration of any Temple because Israel is not in possession of the land.
The State of Israel is in possession of the choicest parts of what was the promised land, about half the original land by area.

The United Nations fulfilled nothing in 1947.....2000 years after Israel lost its nation because it disobeyed God's Law and the Prophets....as declared by Jer.31:31-34.
The U.N. aided in the partial fulfillment of Ezekiel 5: 1-5.
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For one, the persecution of the Jews.
yes----so true. There are "elements" in the world which have
shoehorned into the words of "prophets" ----dire predictions
in reference to jews that they have shoehorned as justifications
for their own greed and bloodthirst
The U.N. aided in the partial fulfillment of Ezekiel 5: 1-5.
Modern day Israel has nothing to do with ancient Jews. Judaism is long gone. God’s presence left the temple and there is a reason He never returned. As was touched on in post #145, God’s covenant with Jews is over, it expired with the death of Jesus and the New Covenant being made.

Jesus said the temple would be destroyed and a new one rebuilt in 3 days. His risen body is the new temple, that place where God intersects with the human world. Jew and Gentile have been commanded to take Holy Communion, which is the body of Christ. When we take Holy Communion we become a part of the body of Christ, the Church. The new temple is not made of brick, but of the people who commune with Jesus.

I’m sure the Jews that rejected Jesus realized their mistake a hundred years after the fact. When their temple was destroyed and God never sent a new prophet or had them rebuild a stone temple. So they had to attempt to remake their religion and came up with the Talmud. This “Judaism 2.0” has been lost ever since. They do everything they can to discredit Jesus as the Christ. They are pretty much anti-Christs now. It is pretty clear they won’t come around until the Second Coming of Christ, then many will be converted to believing in Christ.
Anyone can claim anything and attribute it to God.
True-----somehow lots of jerks claim that the burning of a simple
printed copy of the kharahan is a SERIOUS WORLD WIDE ATROCITY
AGAINST MANKIND----yet the same people deny the words therein---
which names the land that THEY LATELY decided to call "Palestine" as
the place where the JEWS SHOULD LIVE. Is the denial of the veracity
of the "holy book" itself ---NOT AN ATROCITY?
True-----somehow lots of jerks claim that the burning of a simple
printed copy of the kharahan is a SERIOUS WORLD WIDE ATROCITY
AGAINST MANKIND----yet the same people deny the words therein---
which names the land that THEY LATELY decided to call "Palestine" as
the place where the JEWS SHOULD LIVE. Is the denial of the veracity
of the "holy book" itself ---NOT AN ATROCITY?
Actually burning is the proper way to dispose of an old, worn out Koran.

Palestine has always been a province of Syria. Don't you wonder about all those other sons of Abraham?

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