Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Actually burning is the proper way to dispose of an old, worn out Koran.

Palestine has always been a province of Syria. Don't you wonder about all those other sons of Abraham?
ROFLMAO----"palestine has ALWAYS been a province of Syria" always? So you
agree that the "noble Kharahan" is a pile of dog feces. "worry about the "other" sons
Abraham"??? ---not particularly. Gee---the FAMILY of the DUTCH EAST INDIA TRADING
Company spits in the face of the policies thereof.
adam and eve never married and eve actually could talk to snakes
The "enchanter" wasn't figuratively turned into a snake until the conversation was over and the damage was done.

So the Lord God said to the serpent (the enchanter, whisperer), “Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life."
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And, you have their word on it.
I just looked at the map comparing the two. Google it for yourself. What is interesting is that the land formerly possessed by the tribe of Manasseh is not part of modern Israel. It was by far the largest area of ancient Israel. Might be some meaning there.
The "enchanter" wasn't figuratively turned into a snake until the conversation was over and the damage was done.
Snake cults were very popular from Arabia to Mesopotamia to Egypt. Maybe it was just dueling religions. There's snake references in the exodus story.
Modern day Israel has nothing to do with ancient Jews. Judaism is long gone. God’s presence left the temple and there is a reason He never returned. As was touched on in post #145, God’s covenant with Jews is over, it expired with the death of Jesus and the New Covenant being made.

Jesus said the temple would be destroyed and a new one rebuilt in 3 days. His risen body is the new temple, that place where God intersects with the human world. Jew and Gentile have been commanded to take Holy Communion, which is the body of Christ. When we take Holy Communion we become a part of the body of Christ, the Church. The new temple is not made of brick, but of the people who commune with Jesus.

I’m sure the Jews that rejected Jesus realized their mistake a hundred years after the fact. When their temple was destroyed and God never sent a new prophet or had them rebuild a stone temple. So they had to attempt to remake their religion and came up with the Talmud. This “Judaism 2.0” has been lost ever since. They do everything they can to discredit Jesus as the Christ. They are pretty much anti-Christs now. It is pretty clear they won’t come around until the Second Coming of Christ, then many will be converted to believing in Christ.
Mostly true, however the Judaism of today is the same Judaism that Jesus condemned. Even with the Herodian temple and the Levitical priesthood intact the Jews looked for a 'messiah' that would restore the glory of physical Israel, as they still do today.
Snake cults were very popular from Arabia to Mesopotamia to Egypt. Maybe it was just dueling religions. There's snake references in the exodus story.
A 'gilded' serpent is part of many beliefs, especially among primitive peoples.
Stood for fertility, wisdom and rebirth. I suppose because the snake sheds its skin.
One iteration has the writhing of a giant serpent casting up the mountains (I believe there's some truth to that. Lucifer's rebellion destroyed a pristine earth).

In the Hebrew the root word for serpent also means to learn by experience (as opposed to learning by revelation).
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Rose, the New Testament/Covenant isn't going to go away because Jews don't accept it.
Neither is Shariah law going away because it legalizes the rape and murder
of christians and jews. Jews have a long history of GETTING USED TO BOTH
and have managed to survive to a reasonable extent
One iteration has the writhing, but not sure of the spellingof a giant serpent casting up the mountains (I believe there's some truth to that).

In the Hebrew the root word for serpent also means to learn by experience (as opposed to learning by revelation).
I'm thinking ourobouro, but not sure of the spelling. It's found worldwide.
yes----so true. There are "elements" in the world which have
shoehorned into the words of "prophets" ----dire predictions
in reference to jews that they have shoehorned as justifications
for their own greed and bloodthirst
Regardless of the who and how Jews are fated by God to be scattered and persecuted. Read it for yourself in your own scriptures.
Everyone treated the Jews badly, as was prophecied.
Everyone? I have friends who did very well in INDIA after fleeing
the arab onslaught in Iraq----several centuries ago. Some people
fled the regime of the catholic baptized boy---ADOLF HITLER to
Japan. Lots of Catholics in both Germany and Poland were doing
CHRIST's work which is why I have virtually no cousins
Regardless of the who and how Jews are fated by God to be scattered and persecuted. Read it for yourself in your own scriptures.
I read it-----but I actually had very little idea what it meant when I read it as a child---
I did study hebrew in my midteens and got a much better idea as to what it REALLY
says. My sunday school education?-----even as a kid I knew it to be idiotic----but I did
not appreciate just HOW MUCH. "FATED BY GOD"-----someone forgot to explain
CHOICE to you-----CHOSE is a very important word in the book you call "genesis"
I read it-----but I actually had very little idea what it meant when I read it as a child---
I did study hebrew in my midteens and got a much better idea as to what it REALLY
says. My sunday school education?-----even as a kid I knew it to be idiotic----but I did
not appreciate just HOW MUCH. "FATED BY GOD"-----someone forgot to explain
CHOICE to you-----CHOSE is a very important word in the book you call "genesis"
How many years did you go to Sunday school?

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