Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

And you change meanings to suit your antisemitic beliefs.
The curses written against the Jews still fit like a glove today. What say you about that? Statements of fact aren't 'hatred' just as criticism of blacks isn't racism.
This is really silly, Satan??

No, simply a confused young man in somewhat too late puberty stage crisis,
of whom Rome adopted a trend. The original "chiristians" were Jewish folk who believed a prevalent rumor at the time, about someone and anyone of their thousands brothers and sisters and children they saw were crucified outside the city walls during siege.

Christianity is a Jewish rumor,
blown out by Rome, and somewhat partially corrected by Josephus.

Eventually, do most people in the west think that a man can be a god?
Do Arabs still worship the moon and bury their newborn daughters in the sand?

surada with what do you disagree?
Legend has it that after the Fall God separated Adam and Eve for 130 years so Adam shacked up with Lilith and she gave birth to demons.

After 130 years Adam and Eve were reunited and God forgave them.

Are you believing that?
Hmmm. Makes on wonder where the idea for this began

I can never unsee this.
So you‘re Christian. Does it really say in the Christian Bible that Gd has cursed the Jews?

If so, I am getting more and more disgusted. I never realized until this forum just how hateful so many Christians are toward Jews.

No, most Christians support Israel.
As per the directive of שלמה המלך
חֲכַ֣ם בְּ֭נִי וְשַׂמַּ֣ח לִבִּ֑י וְאָשִׁ֖יבָה חֹרְפִ֣י דָבָֽר
I am overjoyed to be able to fulfill this and tell you that you are "backing up" your faith with your man-made texts. I have the word of God.
Yeah........only JEWS can translate accurately. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: No pride going on here folks.........You are still to disprove that Biblical Israel was destroyed from the earth in 70 AD. God respects your pride so much that Israel as described in the Old Testament has not existed on earth for over 2000 years. You have no Royal Priesthood, no burnt offerings to the high priest......no Tribal ID, no King appointed by the God of creation........why? That's simple also..........the majority of the individuals that claim they are special because they are JEWS........have not been to any temple service since the days of Moses.

I respect Orthodox Judaism..........even though I disagree with the doctrine they promote blindly. However there is only a handful of Jews that practice Judaism as defined by the God of Creation. Of the 15 million people who claim to be Jews......less than 10% follow the LAW and the Prophets as defined by God.

Prove the text found in Jer. 31:31-34 has been mistranslated.

You are no longer "husbanded by the God of Creation".........because you have consistently broken the Law and the Prophets.

"Behold the days are coming, declares the Lord (God), when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Not like the covenant I made with their fathers (ancestors) on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, MY COVENANT THEY BROKE, THOUGH I WAS THEIR HUSBAND.........." -- Jer. 31
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Right. The Jews are Israel.
The Jews are but one of the descendants of the twelve tribes. Although Israel is no longer a unified nation their descendants are still hanging around and fulfilling prophecy. Also, the house of Israel that Jesus was sent to actually represents the descendants of ancient Israel better than the Jews do. Study Romans 9.
The Jews are but one of the twelve tribes. Although Israel is no longer a unified nation their descendants are still hanging around and fulfilling prophecy. Also, the house of Israel that Jesus was sent to actually represents the descendants of ancient Israel better than the Jews do. Study Romans 9.
What prophecy has been fulfilled over the past 2100 years? :dunno: And present the ancestral tribal lineage that has existed over that same time period. Document these prophecies and connect them to the Text of the Holy Bible. The Nation calling itself Israel exists because of a political edict from the United Nations. There is no TEMPLE, NO LAND OF PROMISE, NO ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, NO KING APPOINTED BY GOD.

What part of scriptures do you fail to believe? "There is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile.....bond nor free....male nor female......all are one in Christ Jesus." -- Gal. 3:28
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Yeah........only JEWS can translate accurately. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: No pride going on here folks.........You are still to disprove that Biblical Israel was destroyed from the earth in 70 AD. God respects your pride so much that Israel as described in the Old Testament has not existed on earth for over 2000 years. You have no Royal Priesthood, no burnt offerings to the high priest......no Tribal ID, no King appointed by the God of creation........why? That's simple also..........the majority of the individuals that claim they are special because they are JEWS........have not been to any temple service since the days of Moses.
I never said anything about translating. Why you bring it up is your own issue. As to the rest, your claims are based in some misunderstandings (and some outright errors). When you are ready to learn, maybe you will ask a good question.
I respect Orthodox Judaism..........even though I disagree with the doctrine they promote blindly. However there is only a handful of Jews that practice Judaism as defined by the God of Creation. Of the 15 million people who claim to be Jews......less than 10% follow the LAW and the Prophets as defined by God.
No, as defined by YOU. And you don't know the law. I love the whole "claim to be" language because it comes from a place of arrogance, insisting that you know people's identity better than they do.
Prove the text found in Jer. 31:31-34 has been mistranslated.
It is usually incompletely translated. The text very clearly says that the difference in the new version is in the transmission, not the content. The text explicitly says that the content is the same. So if you want to claim that there is a "new" covenant which is at all different in what it includes, then you are in the wrong.

I don't think you are interested in learning because you have had your mind made up by the mistakes and frauds fed to you. But someday, when you are ready, just ask.
What prophecy has been fulfilled over the past 2100 years? :dunno: And present the ancestral tribal lineage that has existed over that same time period. Document these prophecies and connect them to the Text of the Holy Bible. The Nation calling itself Israel exists because of political edict from the United Nations. There is no TEMPLE, NO LAND OF PROMISE, NO ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, NO KING APPOINTED BY GOD.
The present-day State of Israel is the remnant of the house of Judah, and is fulfilling prophecy concerning it to the letter. Meanwhile the descendants of the house of Israel have formed the NT church, have blessed the entire world with their wealth and generosity, and have helped win both world wars. They (we) are the people chosen, and most favored, by God. :bowdown:

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