Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Learn by experience appears in Strong's dictionary. Taken as a whole it seems that those characteristics have been anthropomorphized into a 'snake'.
Oh...you are relying onn Strong's for meanings. Sad.

5172 provides no etymology, use or explanation for that guess.
Learn by experience appears in Strong's dictionary. Taken as a whole it seems that those characteristics have been anthropomorphized into a 'snake'.
Even funnier, if one looks at the list here H5172 - nāḥaš - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv)
and looks for the supposed instance of using the word to mean that, it actually comes up as ZERO occurences.

It is actually "learned by experience" which the KJV has for some inexplicable reason for Gen 30:27, when it means "by divination".

There is no textual or etymological support for the KJV's translation here.
Jews have problems amongst those people who developed a religion
that they hope and even DEMAND would supplant Judaism.
Hindus and Taoists don't persecute jews---. In the course of human
history ----this type of thing is not uncommon----Sunnis in Pakistan
murder Shiites RANDOMLY
Suradie disagrees-----??? well----I made only two points---
1) persons of a religion that seeks to supplant Judaism persecute jews,
to wit, Islam and Christianity
2) Sunnis in Pakistan kill Shiites
I wonder with which point she disagrees
Another example of those who wish to supplant---Iranian shiites
persecute ZOROASTRIANS. Zoroastrians and Jews get along well in
HINDU INDIA ---to wit the erstwhile Bombay---now MUMBAI. They
got to that Port city by boat as refugees from GUESS WHO
Oh...you are relying onn Strong's for meanings. Sad.

5172 provides no etymology, use or explanation for that guess.
Strong has confused lots of christian "scholars". Hint.-----it ain't no way to imagine
you learned hebrew-----uhm ----dear, gentiles
Even funnier, if one looks at the list here H5172 - nāḥaš - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv)
and looks for the supposed instance of using the word to mean that, it actually comes up as ZERO occurences.

It is actually "learned by experience" which the KJV has for some inexplicable reason for Gen 30:27, when it means "by divination".

There is no textual or etymological support for the KJV's translation here.
Then we go to the narrative. Eve rejected revelation and chose to learn by experience.
I think Christians in general just ignore Jews. I've had several Jewish tenants over the years. We get along just fine.
I am a jew----as were my parents and grandparents----ALL PAID RENT---generally on
the first of the month. In the world of landlord and tenancy-----regularity in paying
rent is not entirely the norm
Strong has confused lots of christian "scholars". Hint.-----it ain't no way to imagine
you learned hebrew-----uhm ----dear, gentiles
It actually appears (and yes, this will sound strange) that for the KJV to have translated as "learned by experience" the KJV translators misunderstood the Ramban and/or the Tur Ha'Aroch on that verse, taking the word "niseiti" (nisayon) which means "tested" and assuming it means empirical testing instead of divination-testing.
Then we go to the narrative. Eve rejected revelation and chose to learn by experience.
No, Eve rejected one version of events as foretold by God and favored another one as mis-presented by the snake. Strange how Strong's doesn't have it as a verb in that part of Genesis. I guess it is a useful resource when it supports your idea...
I am a jew----as were my parents and grandparents----ALL PAID RENT---generally on
the first of the month. In the world of landlord and tenancy-----regularity in paying
rent is not entirely the norm
Tenants that are a pain in the ass also pay rent on the 1st of the month.;)
No, Eve rejected one version of events as foretold by God and favored another one as mis-presented by the snake. Strange how Strong's doesn't have it as a verb in that part of Genesis. I guess it is a useful resource when it supports your idea...
The serpent turned her head, but she made the final decision.
It actually appears (and yes, this will sound strange) that for the KJV to have translated as "learned by experience" the KJV translators misunderstood the Ramban and/or the Tur Ha'Aroch on that verse, taking the word "niseiti" (nisayon) which means "tested" and assuming it means empirical testing instead of divination-testing.
oh gee----"niseiti" what is the shoresh?
It actually appears (and yes, this will sound strange) that for the KJV to have translated as "learned by experience" the KJV translators misunderstood the Ramban and/or the Tur Ha'Aroch on that verse, taking the word "niseiti" (nisayon) which means "tested" and assuming it means empirical testing instead of divination-testing.
The KJV has some errors but was translated from the Hebrew for the Christian people of Britian and Europe. I believe it was inspired by God for that purpose. The import of that translation on civilization is so profound that Jewish scholarship on the matter is insignificant.
The KJV has some errors but was translated from the Hebrew for the Christian people of Britian and Europe. I believe it was inspired by God for that purpose. The import of that translation is so profound that Jewish scholarship on the matter is insignificant.
You believe it was inspired so that would explain all the errors...Christian "scholarship" is not useful when understanding Judaic texts.

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