Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Mr Nutz----be careful. The linking of utterly unassociated
issues indicates a serious malady. The descriptive term for the
phenomenon is LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS---it is typically
I thought we were talking about loose interpretations of scripture. I just mentioned a Jewish example.
Hardworking and Jews don't often appear in the same sentence. Jews generally eschew physical labor.
PHYSICAL LABOR was, traditionally, associated with Farming in christian
societies. where under the filth of Canon law---Jews could not own land or
ride horses. The same filth got into Shariah. Jews were, thus, limited to
being artisans and peddlers. These lines of word were viewed as not quite
work and with suspicion by the illiterate masses. Jews were also accountants
since they could both read and write and do simple arithmetic----another
rarity amongst christians and muslims
PHYSICAL LABOR was, traditionally, associated with Farming in christian
societies. where under the filth of Canon law---Jews could not own land or
ride horses. The same filth got into Shariah. Jews were, thus, limited to
being artisans and peddlers. These lines of word were viewed as not quite
work and with suspicion by the illiterate masses. Jews were also accountants
since they could both read and write and do simple arithmetic----another
rarity amongst christians and muslims
Sounds like the Jews were...cursed.
The topic is interpretation of scripture isn't it?
It is not clear to me what you call SCRIPTURE. There were
rituals associated with various holidays that were not described
in Leviticus----that show up in Jewish literature. I don't know
from where that particular once per year and no longer
extant ritual developed. How did jelly beans----delivered faithfully
by a bunny on Easter Morn get into the NT? There is nary a
Matzoh ball in the Talmud
Sounds like the Jews were...cursed.
There were many times that the existence of christianity and islam were
like PLAGUES for jews----but similar episodes happened to zoroastrians,
christians overcome by muslim invaders, and even between Protestants
and Catholics OLIVER CROMWELL could be described as a CURSE on
the Catholic Church
It is not clear to me what you call SCRIPTURE. There were
rituals associated with various holidays that were not described
in Leviticus----that show up in Jewish literature. I don't know
from where that particular once per year and no longer
extant ritual developed. How did jelly beans----delivered faithfully
by a bunny on Easter Morn get into the NT? There is nary a
Matzoh ball in the Talmud
Many such festivities have no scriptural basis.
Scripture remains unchanged.
You continue to use the word "scripture" without really defining it.
Some people here claim that the TALMUD is a "scriptural writing"
For muslims, of course, the KORAN CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN.
You continue to use the word "scripture" without really defining it.
Some people here claim that the TALMUD is a "scriptural writing"
For muslims, of course, the KORAN CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN.
I mean Jewish and Christian holy books.

Were Adam & Eve Jewish?​

Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?

so obviously they were not jewish as judaism is a closed society a&e would not be a part of or a religion for them to join - hereditary idolatry.

a&e were heavenly instructed by their choice of self determination, control of their own lives the religion of antiquity - triumph of good vs evil - to accomplish for judgement if their goal was for remission to paradise.
Hardworking and Jews don't often appear in the same sentence. Jews generally eschew physical labor.
Says who?

post wwI germany ...
Right-wing extremist, nationalist, and antisemitic groups believed that this ‘stab in the back’ was the work of an international Jewish conspiracy.

... partly the rise in power in germany was - the jews stayed home and enriched themselves - at the expense of german youth who fought in wwI.

your best friends, maga - history repeats itself ... who they support for their own tangential purposes.

- there was a reason for a short while the jews supported - liberals ... never more be as it may.

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